Shelf/Recent Purchases Thread

Post your shelves, recent purchases/hauls, and news about new comics.

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New list of things out next week:

Redid my shelf slightly

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how does one read Tank Girl on purpose


Started buying new issues. Saga was good but Paper Girls is losing steam.




Behind the now broken R&M box is One Piece 3 in 1s for the first arc.


which series is the one down of your 20th century boys book?

>I totally dont wish to neck myself so bad right now after taking a look at my life, I swear-the manga.jpg
waiting hopefully for some here to post a pic with this bad boys in their shelves

How's Shade? Own a 90s one shot from the same main crew.
Seen Wonton in Youtube videos before but had no idea what the title was. Thanks.
Why do you only have the last lotr part
Pluto. Only got that one 20th volume since it was $1.

Read the fan translation when I was like 14/15 but looks nice.

Could do my DVDs if anybody wants.

>nam-like flashback
whatchu talking about, its just a comfy story about average everyday kid with its family and him dealing with the world .... right?

>no meme trilogy

also, your edition of v is shit

Shade is crazy, I love Bachalo's art and Milligan is one of my favorite writers
the Changing Girl is also my favorite current ongoing besides New Super-Man and Gwenpool
also read the first two parts from school library, got last one as a gift from an ex

I own the punpun books as well.
Nice spine design with the sloping volume number and the punpun drawing.

forgot pic

I read half of it from the library and I'm aware of that. It was cheap on BookDepo (first copy of it has crap on the spine).
This is the one-shot I was talking about. $3 from a used book store.

I also own Pug Davis but I have it in my comic box to not damage it.

I think Milligan is secretly the best Vertigo writer
he has so much uncollected work its not funny though

It's on my manga shelf. They kind of fucked up by making 6's spine black though. The Punpun is still there but you can't really see it.

What happened to girl on the shore? Nice taste for the most part. Haven't read Bakuman yet but Platinum End is good if you enjoyed Death Note. Viz releases the volumes slow though.

Bought it since I like Gorrilaz good enough. Didn't know about the oni until I had like 3 of them.

I'm going to Melbourne any recs? My lcs only has Batman N52 and Saga volumes more or less.

>CS Lewis
not even a christfag but he's got some very interesting stuff. My favorite is Letters Screwtape Letters where a demon writes advice to another demon on how to temp man

She hung herself and pun pun lived normally after

What I find most interesting about Lewis is that he was an atheist until he was converted by Tolkein.

manga/non-Marvel stuff

Marvel stuff

Any help on frames? I want this print, but it's 12x23 and I can't find any frames that are anywhere close to that. I'm fine with some white space, but the closest I can find is 22x28, which is more than a bit of white space.

>He actually buys comics
Christ what are you, a cuck?
Save your money loser, haha

>he doesn't have disposable income
what are you, poor?

Anyone grabbing anything this Winsday?

I found out that Monstress Vol2 came out and Zodiac StarForce has a new comic coming out so I'm gonna try to grab the first Zodiac trade and then the newest issue.
Also gonna give a glance at that $10 Grimm Tales of Terror that's coming out. Idk if it's an oversized floppie or a nicely priced trade.

>He spends money on things he can read online
What are you mentally disabled, haha.

>He doesn't buy comics
Check out Welfare Joe over here. Bet he spends his income on a nice home and healthy food, the faggot.

>reading digital over physical
absolutely disgusting

>Wasting money on physical
Absolutely disgusting, haha

bump from page 10

today's batch. sorry for potato quality.

meant to compliment you. so, "I like your taste."

you too

>astonishing, NXM, bendis daredevil, ult spidey
nostalgia/10. those were some of the first comics I ever followed month to month

Does EVERY collector have a copy of watchmen?

I see it dozens of times, every thread

It's one of the most popular comics ever published, and it has literally never gone out of print. It also has tremendous re-read value.
>Batman Eternal
Tynion may have improved since then, but I will never read another Batbook with his name on it.

I don't and haven't even read it yet, but it's fairly important to comics for a large number of reasons. I'm hesitant to say this without having read it myself yet, but it's one of those things like a lot of people don't feel you're a comic fan if you haven't read Watchmen, just like you can't really call yourself a film buff if you haven't seen Citizen Kane and you're not really into science fiction if you haven't read 2001. That sort of thing.

Trying again

I bought batman eternal vol.1 yesterday and I'm having buyer's remorse pls send help

On the bright side lois & clark and superman vol. 1 was great

i never thought he was THIS bad, i found tec somewhat chill but man this was really terrible

what's your opinion on IKEA shelves? is it worth it?

It's the most selling graphic novel in history if I remember right.
It's always available pretty much everywhere, and think it overrated or not your type it's worth owning no matter how ya look at it.

If ya got the receipt return it.
If ya can't either sell it for pennies at a used book store or write it off as ya donate it to local library (unless you're a fellow poorfag doing standard deduction).

I'd buy it from ya if I can trust ya enough to mail and trust me to send to you in mail cash.

does it even get good in vol 2 or 3?? if not I'll have to just return it and swap with another book, I'm saving for doom patrol

Personally I felt it had a strong start and slowly decrease, so if ya don't care for it at the beginning it might get worse for you.
I'd say check
readcomiconline dot to
And give it a lil bit of online reading before purchasing more.

yeah it was my fault I guess, I read the first few issues first on readcomic, art was really solid (fabok was great) in the first issues and the build up was good. But it just kept degrading on a page by page basis

I haven't read it either yet. One of these days I'll grab it from the library

Kane, 2001, or Watch?

stuff by Cooke and Clowes and Millar and Gillen and Ennis and Jeff Parker

Different user, but my brother doesn't like Clowes. Then again, we have very different tastes. Can you sell me on Clowes?

anyone got that feel when you dont know what to buy?

Today's haul. Got The Extremists for 3 bucks at my local bookstore after trading in some issues and some Animal Man back issues I needed from my LCS.

>Pop Vinyls
kill yourself

watchmen, haven't seen Kane either though

I also just ordered the last Hanselmann minis.

I'm getting to that point. My wishlists are actually dwindling which I thought would never happen.

Did you see that Retrofit is going to release another Yokoyama work this year? Also, how did you like My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness? The art appeals to me, but I'm not that intrigued by the story.




Damn that's enough Indy stuff to give Austin Texas a collective boner.


u should contnue alita

He should just wait until they start releasing the deluxe editions later this year.

I'm a pleb as far as trades are concerned

batman stuff

Marvel stuff

star wars stuff

My start. About two years of more serious collecting. Before that i only bought one a year or so. Except for my little dip into heavy metal


I think they've got the while GL/GA run collected in paperback for only like $30 or less.
Prolly easier to get that and abandon your Vol2 than to get the matching older vol1.

maybe, it was $5, like most of that shelf,(a lot of it was less actually), kek.

Search 12x23 frame on amazon and you'll find some. Most are under 30, some are around 20 it looks like. I've got a few posters that are weird sizes, but it's impossible to find frames in stores for them, I feel the struggle.

Just want to thank OP or whoever templated these posts for compiling those links to retailers I've never heard of, because I just discovered is doing various discounted Peanuts and I am very happy.

My dream is to be able to give all of Portland a boner.

The Extremist is so fucking good.

Okay you're like the 10th person I've seen with that Day of the Flying Dead comic.
How much is it cause DAMMIT I want it. And who is the publisher so I know who to search through if LCS can't get it.

Made Wytches? It has a somewhat Swamp Thing-y feel to it at times and is pretty cool on its own too

I gave mine away.

I use IKEA shelves (Ekby Hemnes, maybe) along with wall mounted rails from another Swedish company and I think that's a pretty nifty solution if you want something that's a little more airy than a regular shelf. It's a sturdy enough solution in most regards, though I have to use bookends to keep everything in place.

I'm also kind of in love with the Kallax/Expedit shelf but it's pretty bulky and not really a perfect fit for comic books.

Yeah I already preordered the Yokoyama book from Retrofit's kickstarter. So happy it's actually getting released since picturebox folded.

My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness is pretty alright. She's weird and neurotic enough to make autobio work and there's a lot there that resonated with me.

Nah, I'll read just about anything from Crumb to Kirby and beyond; on top of that I really, really dig Marvel from about 66-92-, which means, that even if I didn't have broad tastes, I would never run out of stuff to buy.

Most recents:

You sure all those people weren't just me? It's Day of the Flying Head (not Dead) by Shintaro Kago. Publisher is Hollow Press from the UK. I bought it off of Other Books LA for $10.

Retrofit is a pretty great publisher. I think they're working with Holmberg on the Yokoyama book. I'm really glad he got enough attention from the Picturebox books to let him work with all the publishers he's working with now.
Is My Lesbian Experience more "lol I'm so quirky" or does it treat the author's hangups with more seriousness than that.

>Is My Lesbian Experience more "lol I'm so quirky" or does it treat the author's hangups with more seriousness than that.

More serious. Like realizing you're sexually attracted to your mom and pulling your own hair out.


he put personalized messages on several extras.

this one is personalized WITH MY NAME!

personalized message on this as well

and this!

this was a separate item for sale and he threw it in!


it did not attach the image. this is just a print...




and that's all she wrote folks.

this was a totally awesome art buy that blew into an epic art buy! lol now if only i got my fanboy chog i'd be set.

soon my collection will be complete again