Xeno Babes

Let's have a Sup Forums related xeno/alien girl thread







Never Forgetti

I'm too lazy to crop it but top left corner

an old perennial favorite





A chrysalis eater is an oddly specific diet even for an alien



Damnit. I gotta know.



>all these humanoids
They're just different colors.

>most alien women are basically humans with rainbow skin color
It shouldn't bother me, but it does.

Her pussy consist on around 50 small holes of the size of a spaghetti, the whole thing looks like a spaghetti strainer.
Males have 50 spaghetti like tentacles with 5 small soft hook on each tip, that are only exposed during intercourse.



But of course.

I don't want anything super fucking weird, but at the same time why not be a little creative?

>but at the same time why not be a little creative?

What do you have in mind?
There is a point at which character is so distant from human physique that it takes a veteran furfag to be able to fap to such a creature.







Three tits. Thats awesome

Deja Thoris anybody?

source isH???

three titties? WOW!

Who is that ayy lmao?


best girl, ever.

There's gotta be a hole somewhere. They're just not trying hard enough.

Yeah it seems pretty uncreative if you ask me.




Look outside of Sup Forums for your /xeno/


I always thought Sheeva was hot!


Whoa... she even has the road signed

watched too much star trek is my guess. They had a reason, budget. Artists don't really have a reason

Thank you Total Recall for making this a thing

I'm no expert, but don't you need to have, like, all of your head covered in space?

To prevent all your fluids from boiling off?

Not when you have SPACE MAGIC.




Like the mouth of a leatherback turtle

All the colors of the rainbow.


>thread this far in without one mention of Mira Nova
Don't lose your touch now Sup Forums


According to the creator its like a geoduck. There's a whole on one end but its shape pretty much discourages them outright. They break up, she later gets a gf, and they get back together in a threesome where they figure it out. They keep the gf cause all three realize this is the best sex they ever had.



Isn't this a porn comic?
It's funny that this alien race does only exist in this comic.
I thought someone made a r34 about some vidyagame alien race or sonething like that, but no.
I like how they look like.

>This entire thread.

Yeah Incase's goat aliens are pretty good designs.

Yes, yes this joke was already made. Then again it mirrors the originality of those designs so you get a pass.

I wish they were a non-porn Sup Forums related alien race.
Incase is a nice artist and I like his/her dwarf like elves and his/her fem Goblins.

This is the diversity I want!


Don't know if that's Sup Forums related.

>tfw your alien bug waifu is retconned out of existence because the comic series she appeared in was that bad

Forerunner was a hottie as well.

So I assume this thread is waifu only and there will be no designs that attempt to look actually alien posted?

I'm going to have to buy tech jacket at some point, she looks cute, someone needs to draw lewds of her.


You don't really boil. It's not nor cold out in space, just a void.

What really happens is you kind of bloat, get blind from a lot of particles, and heat leaves your body. This of course is presuming you aren't doing something with force fields like in the cover shown.

I mean if they're babes it's cool I guess.

No, looks like it's waifus and whiny assholes.


That is just wrong. Heat loss is the least of your concerns in space, you don't get blind from particles you get blind because, as the previous user said, your eyes or rather the water in them is boiling off, not from heat but from the low pressure. It just turns into gas which is what boiling is if you didn't know, and your lungs get violently emptied, so you exhale blood and all your oxygen left while your ribs are likely broken from the emptying. That assuming no forcefield or preparation of course, a trained human can survive very shortly in a near vacuum with some health cost.
I wasn't whining, it was a genuine question. I have no interest in a colored waifu thread but I'm a sucker for unusual designs so if nobody plans of posting any then have fun.

I love traps.

Puazi a best

In what dimension is this a trap?

That guy's reaction in the last panel slays me every time.




Officer Resting Bitch Face of Earth's Exo-Containment Unit.

Enough creatures use a chrysalis that it's not like they'd have a shortage. Also they probably can still eat other things.

This will always be the best version of Gamora.

In case is a guy.

>I have no interest in a colored waifu thread but I'm a sucker for unusual designs so if nobody plans of posting any then have fun.
Maybe next time you could consider actually contributing images that you like to the thread, rather than your needless criticisms.


>tfw no Apokolypis wife

I miss this book. Why did Marvel cancel it?

>tfw half of the good looma art is smut

it's a double edged sword

In Spider-Man & Human Torch, Peter and Johnny had a house party and Pete made out with an alien chick.

That costume or specifically techno possessed Gamora?