Post yfw this happens in season 3

>post yfw this happens in season 3


Lol look at those weak ass beta punches

Roland!, your show is shit

>Beating an old man
Is that supposed to be his "badass moment"? Rick and Morty comics are trash.


differenbt websiter diwff3erent websitewr4 fikdifferenet ewe bsite3r diggerent webseite diffgerennt werbseite disfferent sebseite!



so this is what those diversity hires do? the comic?
im ok with that as long as they dont touch the tv show



No one cares what you think.

Are people still butt hurt about April Fools? Because I didn't see this amount of complaining before.

It would be so satisfying to watch Rick get blown the fuck out physically/intellectually by this point in the show. They''ve established that he's an egotistical sociopath who's willing to throw almost anybody under the bus to ensure his own prosperity. He always comes out on top and is almost never fazed by what occurs around him. Just once I'd like to see someone shatter his bubble of superiority and just lay him flat.

And, no, the episode where he gets dumped by Unity doesn't count.

No, it's his "I'm complete garbage and gonna fuck Summer!" momment, which leads Rick to hide her in a pocket dimension to stop the oncomming rape. Comics Rick is actually a half decent person more often than not.

What do you guys prefer in cartoons?

When camera up close to character the background blurs?

Or if even in up close shots theres no blur on the bg?

if you want them to undermine Jerrys entire character sure, but to me this seems like projecting.

So I guess he's from one of the "Never met Beth" universes, and so he actually tasted power and success.

Maybe not to this degree, but I would like to see an episode where Jerry finally snaps under the pressure of Rick's constant belittlement and straight up decks him.

He wouldn't do that though. It is not his nature.

>Beating up an old man
>Being proud of it

when the camera closes up on a character and the background doesnt lose focus but does loose detail, like less line weight, subdued/muted colors. Kinda like how scooby doo used to do with old cels

Probably this

I mean its if anything MORE distracting when they blur it

Did someone say reddit?

I think people like Rick's character more than Jerry's for the same reason that people like Batman more than Superman. Batman has it all: money, women, all the best toys. He's a genius martial artist with impossible good looks and a badass outfit. His only floor is that he's so much smarter than everyone else that he borders on being autistic. He's an idealised version of a human being who people can project their power fantasies onto. He's what everybody wishes they were.

Superman is a different matter entirely. Despite his vast power and abilities, Superman goes to work like the rest of us. He pines after the girl of his dreams like the rest of us. He visits his mum and dad for the holidays like the rest of us. He's not an edgy loner who's always one step ahead of every situation, nor is he the smartest, coolest guy in any room he steps into. Superman is very much just an Average Joe who happens to be able to lift cars over his head and people hate the shit out of him for it. Why? Because they want to use fiction as a means of escaping from the concerns of their everyday lives. They don't want to be Superman, working a day at the office and talking down suicide jumpers: they want to be Batman having sex with Catwoman and punching Joker in the dick.

Though many would purport that they like Batman entirely because he's realistic, they don't truly want to watch the adventures of an entirely realistic character. They want the character to be real in the sense that they could imagine achieving his feats of greatness in a perfect world and everything else can be as fantastical and grand as needs be.

Characters like Rick or Batman who allow people to glorify themselves will always be better received than characters like Jerry or Superman who force them to accept their flaws and responsibilities.

holy shit is this from a different website


pickle reddit

but you do user
you do enough to reply
thankk you for caring user

>Jerry, a straight, white male
>"This has to be the work of SJW"

>t. casuals that don't watch the show


what do you mean "another website"?

A Jerry with balls?
What universe is this

Great post.

No problem, user! And always remember, no matter how bad things get, you'll always have your Sup Forumsmrades there! In both spirit and anonymity!


i love you tumblr

And I love you, reddit!

>Prefer Superman over Batman
>Like Rick much better than Jerry
>Like both because they are go getters who achieve their intended goals, where batman and jerry are just terrible at getting shit done.

Reddit the show

The original one where he nutted up and saved what was left of his family following a mutant apocalypse?

Jerry is bisexual, tho. He was in love with sleepy garry.

The comic art style is so bad. Quoting an user from a previous R&M thread: they all look like Saitama with wigs.

Rick may look 70 but the fucker is pretty good with hand to hand combat.

He's a Jerry from a universe where he never met Beth and became the head of a successful PR firm. He and the world's Jerry got swapped.

He's also a complete asshole. He entertained the though of fucking Summer even after learning she's his daughter.

This will be the first father figure that rick ever had.

That actually makes sense, seeing as Beth is a leech. Or that's at least how I see it after I watched the show, Jerry became spineless because of Beth seeing how she always threatens with divorce and emotionally abuses Jerry so either Jerry was a bit of a spineless worm or not at all prior meeting Beth and turned full beta after marriage.

He is from Doofus Rick universe.

Jerry was like sixteen when he and Beth got married. If he had a spine before she had a decade and a half to grind it out of him.

Why would anyone hate Superman? I prefer both Rick and Batman myself when it comes to their respective dichotomies but there's nothing wrong with Superman. He's an idealist who doesn't just punch thugs at night in a bat costume, he gets in whether you're a jumper or a misguided thug or just someone having a really bad day and he tries to help you. Instead of fighting evil, he's fighting the harshness of the world itself. He fights to make humanity better.

It's admirable, to be frank.

h-hes fast!

Yeah, I prefer this too.

Reminder that Tyson is smarter than Rick and also has a better show

>Jerry growing balls

He is destined to be shat on.

I think you misunderstand, there's always the "if that was me" factor.

If you were Superman you'd be super strong, but you'd have to fight other strong people. You have ways to be successful, but they require thought or exertion.

With Batman, people see that he already has the money and the toys and they think he's cooler and smarter for it, because if that were them they could live like a king and have the moral superiority by default as well.

People see Rick and they see a guy who's as smart as they think they are compared to other people and has the cool toys, so they want to be him.

Dont agree but it has its moments like when elisabeth gets dumped into a lava vat and the guy is like "just stop thrashing, you do not want to be saved at this point"

>reddit and memey
fucking kys

shit tier fan fiction crap

What if my plan was to get punched in the face? Who's laughing now?!

He, because you are a guy who likes being punched in the face

Of course. The only Jerry that actually can stand up to Rick also has to be a worse human being.

So par for the course for Rick and Morty then?

worths to live by

If the Futurama pilot aired today then they would call it a reddit show.

Also there is no "reddit"

that's not even the real jerry of our dimension you cunts

>He's also a complete asshole. He entertained the though of fucking Summer even after learning she's his daughter.
Ooooooooh so THAT's the context of that one page posted in the last RM comic storytime thread.

But what if there was fast-acting venom on my face that I'm immune to and now you're poisoned and dying?

Punch harder till you get brain damage and end up as a vegetable on life support we both dying one way or another

But you can't. It has taken you by surprise, and that test jab was the only punch you could throw. Now you're squirming on the floor and only imagining punching harder in your pre-death fever dream.

It was a hologram.

its true though
Jerry actually has a pretty good track record of winning

Why, I do believe it's me!

>Who's laughing now?!

>They think they've been fighting this entire time
Fools, this was all a simulation. Now, it is time for me to press the button that will delete your minds.

Post the previous page

Didnt fucked earth jerry grew balls?

Evidence of an Anti-Trump, Jewish conspiracy.



I haven't read the comic, but I've seen a few panels here and there and I'm pretty sure this Jerry was ready to fuck his own daughter.

It may not even be pride so much as being a sociopath and fucking up anyone that crosses him.

Rick needs to be beaten nearly to death only for them to allow him to live to teach him a lesson for me to even think of watching this show again desu

I never said I disliked the show.

Then your plan is complete, so you don't have a plan anymore.

Checkmate atheists.

Fucking finally!!!

Only because the world ended and Rick was out of his life when the earth got fucked.

spoiler] is it out?[/spoiler]

Where is this from?

I don't know but Rick had it coming

I forgot it's summer.

>Jerry finally ascends from being a pathetic cuck and proceeds to beat cynical reddit man

You know this will never happen with Dan Harmon in charge of anything

this sounds like something from a Mike Tyson Mysteries script


>mfw someone posted my edit

If that ever happens (Rick and Jerry fight) it would wind up becoming a battle for supremacy. I can't imagine that not ending with Jerry losing due to the pecking order or worse.

Proud of your handy work, devil?

>Sup Forums adores show during series 1
>Sticky the thread when series 2 premieres
>Suddenly show is internet popular
>It's no longer niche
>Now it's bad

This place is trash.

I still like it.

I just don't make a point to post about it at every opportunity.