Is the cost of my pull list reasonable for somebody in college making minimum wage?
How much do you spend on comics?
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only you can decide if its reasonable. Some people don't mind spending a shiton on their hobbies.
I honestly only buy trades, new and old, but probably somewhere between $60-$80 a month. That's new in-store/online and discounted/pre-owned online. Yours is honestly pretty reasonable.
I buy around 5 omnis a year. 1 of those tends to be more expensive than the others like a Hickman FF or Morrison Doom Patrol.
If the average omni is 60 bucks, I spend 240 on 4 plus lets say 100-300 for the more expensive one, putting my omni costs at around 350-550.
Then I buy trades of what I may be following. This year Ive bought GA Rebirth 1 and 2, Aquaman 1 and Superman 1, which is around 60 bucks? So yeah, I spend over 400 bucks in comics a year.
What else do you buy?
>Spending all that money on floppies you're gonna end up throwing away or not able to put on proper bookstands
Waste of 600 dollars.
I'm just getting into comics so I don't really have answer to that. I'll be keeping up with Saga, but they do 6 month breaks so the cost wasn't really enough to factor in.
I'm looking for good indie ongoings to buy, and I'll probably end up buying (on sale) completed series throughout the year.
You're in college. There's better ways to spend that money. Just pirate the comics you want and make up for it when you get a real job.
All digital I don't have the space for hundreds of comics.
I have never spent a single cent on comics.
I pirate the shit out of trades and new single issues but i'll buy omnis and used/OOP trades whenever i see a good price.
Only started reading and collecting around about 2013, estimate my collection to be worth at least a few thousand now.
>Minimum wage
>Spend $600~ on digital media that has no real value, displayability or collector's worth
There's a better use for your money at this stage.
Not much because I mostly look at digital now
I don't know I really wanna support the industry and not be a leech
I'm staring down the barrel of 7 comics, a trade and a manga this week.Probably gonna be 60 bucks.
Most weeks it's like 3 or 4 floppies.
Still less than what some people spend on smoking and drinking.
>spending 612 a year on comics when you could buy something good
I spent about as much as you when I was in college. It depends on your lifestyle. I probably could have handled the financial load myself (had a job where I had 400 euros a month and lived at home), but I had a long-distance relationship so my parents had to help me out with that.
It's about making choices, I guess. This is your hobby and it presumably makes you happy. If you can spend it now, you don't seem to have many other expenses. Your life may change very rapidly if you fall in love or someone falls ill etc. so just enjoy the money you can spend now. I mean, saving up with that little income wouldn't really amount to much.
Not him, but aside from the big two, you should buy everything you like (after reading a pirated version before). Otherwise, your hobby will perish.
And I know the big two keep the market afloat. Every once in a while, I buy an omnibus or a trade from them that I really like. But floppies of new big two titles I just ignore entirely (well, I do like the YA stuff and get some of that).
Comics aren't good?
Assuming you're the poorest of poorfags buying comics and your pull list is reasonable/average, there's a maximum of 1 million comic book readers left (this also assumes that all shipped books sell to consumers).
If you represent the lower 25% of buyers, and the average is more like twice what you buy, then there's something under 600,000 readers.
Assuming 25% buy like you do, 65% average twice as much, ad 10% average four times as much, there's only 550,000 readers.
Assuming 25% like you, 50% buying twice as much, 10% four times as much, 3% buying eight times as much (equal to half the output of the Big 2 each month) and a relatively reasonable 12% wastage/unsold copies, there's fewer than 490,000 readers left.
Assuming just 25 folks who buy everything in the top 300 every month, there are 90,000 fewer sales to other consumers annually, or 833 fewer people like yourself.
Minimum wage is set federally at $7.25, and assuming college doesn't permit you to pull a full 40-hour week, that leaves you with between $181.25 (for a 25-hour week) and $290 (if you're insane and do 40 hours anyway). Even on your $8 assumption (which only holds in the 29 states/D.C., which have minimum wages set higher than the federal minimum), whether 6.375 hours is worth the time depends on your opinion, which cannot be determined by anybody but you yourself.
However, in general and assuming a college working week around 18 hours at most (leaving time for study, attendance and socializing) during which you are required to work at your job (instead of being left alone in an office with nothing to do), spending 30% of your income on comic books seems extravagant. This makes it extremely unlikely that your pull list or your habit of buying comics is normal for people in your position.
I'm picking up most of the DC line, with the exception of some of the more complex/hard to understand/adult ones.
My pull list costs me maybe $20-35 a month (quarterlies and stuff I'm still on the fence with).
Buuut usually when I go in I see some trade a want, or they got a clearance section that ends up with me going "well I gotta grab THAT for $5", or just flat out having money burn a hole making me go "why not I'm supporting my LCS".
So besides my pull list I prolly spend around $40-60 a week.
I used to spend more than that on beer. Doesn't you college get graphic novels for the library? Mine did. You could probably just 'trade wait' on a few of those.
Sites like this have story-times, if you aren't willing to pirate (or like me, read story times and still buy stuff).