Marvel won
Sony's just trying and failing to take credit for it
once Venom bombs the rights will go fully back
Won what?
...doesn't work that way. Sony keeps the Spider-Man rights regardless of film output.
You're thinking of the Fantastic Four bullshit.
Marvel made the film, Marvel takes from the returns. We all know this, wherever we stand in the retarded company wars.
The only thing Sony really contributed was money and the IP.
Is there a division of Sony outside of Playstation that isn't struggling?
Disney ought to just purchase their movie division and be done with it.
Yes. I know.
I was refuting 's statement that rights could "fully go back" in the event that future side-projects bomb.
>Marvel steps in
>They make a good movie
Well duh. The problem with DCEU Snyder movies and other terrible comic book movies (like ASM) is that they are made by these people who don't even care much about comics or the characters. They just look at a superhero and go "how can I make crazy set pieces with this guy?" or "what can the character do to appeal to a wider audience?". All of them chasing a big paycheck.
Say what you will about marvel studios, but they at least really try to get their heroes right, including good casting and making them heroic.
6 of Sony's top 10 grossing films are Marvel properties, and #1-4 are Men in Black and Spider-Man movies.
Skyfall in 2012 was the last big hit they had that wasn't a Marvel IP.
I thought that there was some legal clause that preventing Sony from selling the Spider-man rights.
As in, if the movie division goes under, the rights immediately revert back to Marvel. They don't even need to spend money, just wait it out. It's not like Sony can survive with the profits of Spider-man alone.
And they just lost the Bond license.
This is why they are pulling that stupid "Spider-man universe that is MCU but not really" crap. They are out of franchises.
They would ask for like 800 trillion dollars
they wanted 5 billion for Spider-Man
>Marvel Studios won’t pay Sony Pictures for the rights to put Spider-Man in “Captain America: Civil War,” the “Avengers” franchise or its other superhero films, as part of its new partnership with the studio, according to sources with knowledge of the deal. At the same time, Marvel won’t receive a cut of the box office for any of Sony’s films that feature Spider-Man. Sony won’t receive a percentage of the revenue Disney makes from Marvel’s films that have Spider-Man, either.
Sony's movie division will keep churning out shit like Angry Birds, Sausage Party and Emoji movie and stagger on forever. They can always shit out another Bond movie, the only meaningful franchise they control aside from Spidey.
>And they just lost the Bond license.
Sounds like they don't own anything except Spider-Man and Ghostbusters
How the hell does that work?
Marvel clearly spent money making the movie, it seems insane to not get part of the returns. Or did Sony literally pay for the entire production and Marvel made it?
Then again Spider-Man sells like triple the toys of the other largest superheroes, so I guess they're just letting movie hype spike that up.
Well, no wonders they made the Marvel deal. It sounds like Sony got the better end of the deal with Spidey, but when you think about all their other death franchises, Sony is hanging by a thread.
Their movie division pretty much depends solely on Marvel doing good shit and them getting money for it. Hopefully this means they don't go ahead with their stupid spin-offs
So, like, how does this pan out?
Marvel obviously made the film, they're credited as making it alongside Sony. So does this count as a Spider-Man appearance in a Marvel movie?
And they wanted to do a franchise of Ghostbusters as well, not just with the all female cast but I think they also wanted to do something that follows up on the original 80's films continuity, and then potential crossovers or spinoffs also. So more or less the same kind of garbage ideas they had for Spider-Man
these people are jackasses
Sony is like the producer/distrubutor of Homecoming, so they make the big money off of Homecoming
Marvel had to offer to make Homecoming in order to get permission to use Spider-Man in THEIR movies like Civil War and Avengers
Just reading a couple of their leaked email reveal so.
They wanted Spidey to listen to electronic dance music to appeal to young people. They literally now shit about the character other than it sells tickets like hot cakes.
Why are Marvelfags so mad over other company having the rights over the only popular hero Marvel has?
That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works, you can't just buy a company there are rules.
>Their movie division pretty much depends solely on Marvel doing good shit and them getting money for it. Hopefully this means they don't go ahead with their stupid spin-offs
Unfortunately they definitely seem dumb enough to try
They'll have their own MCU tier franchise or they'll burn everyone else's to the ground, damnit.
Because Sony is fucking shit
>Marvel clearly spent money making the movie, it seems insane to not get part of the returns. Or did Sony literally pay for the entire production and Marvel made it?
The latter.
>Their movie division pretty much depends solely on Marvel doing good shit and them getting money for it. Hopefully this means they don't go ahead with their stupid spin-offs
>Unfortunately they definitely seem dumb enough to try
The senior staff needed to make something they can take credit for, or they would not be able to justify their own salaries. Homecoming benefit the shareholders, but it wouldn't save the job of Amy Pascal or Tom Rothman. These guys literally have been losing money year after year,
But they make fanboys like you shit blood, how can they be bad?
>Is there a division of Sony outside of Playstation that isn't struggling?
Sony Music thanks to Fate/Grand Order.
That interview with Fiege and Pascal was cringe as fuck.
You can pin point every moment where Fiege was like "What the fuck is this crazy bitch talking about?" And " I can't believe the broad is trying to put me in a spot."
Fuck Amy Pascal.
Sony had nothing to do with the movie besides money, so no, no they did not. Nice try though. Off to Sup Forums or post another fucking thread of the same shit as you have been doing for days.
>the only popular hero Marvel has?
Remember, you're living in a world where the Guardians of the Galaxy make more money than Wonder Woman and Iron Man can outgross Batman AND Superman.
What I'm trying to say here, basically, is stay mad fanboy.
I don't care at all about comic book movies, but I really hope this movie (or the new Planet of the Apes) have really strong staying power at the box office, because I do not want to live in a world where the fucking Emoji movie opens at #1.
It boggles my mind that someone like Amy Pascal who stepped down from Sony for all the ridiculous shit she said in her emails like Obama liking black movies or thinking they could make billions with a sinister six movie is still allowed to continue producing movies like nothing happened. I'm still going to watch the new spider-man movie because I'm a disney/marvelfag.
But why aren't people buying more tickets? This is supposed to have a $200M opening weekend.
Hmm ... So Feige could hypothetically butt-rape Pascal by making shit Spider-Man movies and good Hawkman movies featuring Spider-Man?
Hawkeye. I'm embarass.
It's supposed to open around 100-120. I don't think any Spidey film has ever opened above 150-165
>implying sony won't keep rebooting spider-man every few years to keep the rights