DC BTFO again..
DC BTFO again
This year is truly a great year for cape shit.
Reviews counted: 87
Reviews counted: 314
Try harder next time, faggot.
what else is new
>before movie release
Wonder Woman was 96%
It's not fair! We even went so far as to pander feminism!
>implying Spider-Man's rating won't grow by the time it's released.
Cry more.
1% difference
Wow, sure showed us
>don't know how RT and critics in general works
lel dumb nigger
It's funny because DC finally got one decent movie (even though I'd argue it was pretty mediocre) and the next Marvel film that came out surpasses it.
>still saying lel
>not saying zozzle.
no they didn't
they ripped off based Captain America and made a piece of shut
the only reason it got "praise" was because MUH WIMMYNZ it's litterally just as god awful as all the other pieces of shot from DC
and it got surpassed a week later by a poster and teaser for Black Panther
>it's a Sup Forums company wars shitter episode
E - DC
that was easy
It's funny bacause a few critics even mentioned the MCU formula vibe
Dear Joe Quesada,
It's time to stop posting.
>they ripped off based Captain America
agreed. Cap 1 was far superior.
The actual reviews are better too.
Most of the WW reviews actual sound pretty mixed, I'm somewhat surprised a lot of them count as 'fresh', seeing as they mostly complain about how the film collapses in its final act and has a slow beginning.
I wasn't really hyped for Homecoming, but the way reviewers are describing it makes it sound pretty dope.
And it was better than Captain America.
>the only reason it got "praise" was because MUH WIMMYNZ
Sorry that's not how it works, it got a +90 at audience
>Sup Forums spilling is slime into Sup Forums
About the only thing Cap 1 is superior to is a kick in the balls. That movie sucked. Same with Thor.
...It was about the same level.
WW had a better middle but an atrociously bad third act, to the point where the film might have actually been better if you just removed it all entirely.
>they ripped off based Captain America
first avenger was OK
Thor 1 was a motherfucking disaster
>hating based Thor
kill yourself.
You're thinking of thor 2, pleb.
>>unironically saying "based"
probably just kill yourself now desu
Thor 2 at least was good looking, Thor 1 fight against the Destroyer so bad it was hilarious.
user.. Just don't. Thor was a damn good move.
Zack Snyder is a shitmaster and he tainted the DC brand
>unironically trying to use t b h
You should also kill yourself after that guy kills himself.
Thor is awesome but the movies were god awful. I can never understand why people would praise a film with that many dutch angles.
Although he did do a fantastic job with Batman outside of having him kill people and robot voice. For once Batman looks like Batman
>literally banning men from seeing it
>not biased
fuck off with your console war bullshit
>good looking
so what? Thor 1 had a better story and had more passion
How can it be a war when it was over before it even started.
I can only think to keep the emphasis on Thor being basically a fish out of water I suppose, dunno that it's a good way to do it but it was also an early Marvel movie I suppose so they probably were less concerned with sticking to any formula yet.
DC should just stick to their dying comics they've already lost everything else
>WW just stomped cpt A,Thor,Iron Man,Hulk,dr strange and ant man
>omfg DC lost
Marvelfags everybody, the same fags that spend their money in a bootleg company that shameless ripped of most DC characters,super teams and events.
OP still thinks DC and Marvel are competitors.
>stop posting what I don't like
Oh sweetie, there's a place you can go instead!
Who fucking cares about either movie or company. Do you guys ever get out from your cum stained bedsheets and realize how shit your lives are. I'm a uberchad who loves fucking real women and watching football. I've shucked more pussy than marvel has shitty movies. Just kill yourselves.
Hey I just checked Metacritic which actually uses review scores and not just a Facebook like or dislike.
Wonder Woman - 7.5/10
Spider-Man: Homecoming - 7.3/10
and then there is this fag who thinks Aquaman came first
in what regard? One aggregator? anyone with common sense including causalfans know those films are much better than WW.
>>Spider-Man said a joke and I clapped!
Spider-Man fans are retards that want to laugh every time he's on screen.
>trusting reviews
>not trusting marvel
It is pretty obvious that Marvel was saving their bribe money to boost the Spiderman ratings, istead of sabotaging Wonder Woman
> trusting SJWs
kill yourself
>Marvel was saving their bribe money to boost the Spiderman ratings
Don't forget to put on your tinfoil hat.
Fucking this. /thread after this point, any other post is shilling and fuckery.
You all should know that once companies started to use rotten tomatoes scores as selling points for their movies that the site had been compromised. Miscegenation between critic and company is ALWAYS a red flag.
And no, fanboys, this isn't me shitting on DC and justifying Marvel, or vice versa, this is me telling you that they're both snakes that make shitty movies and that capeshit is, you guessed it, shit.
If Peter isn't black, then I can trust them enough.
>This year is truly a great year for cape shit.
but Marvel movies have been consistently good regardless of the reviews. I'd say the ratings are very accurate.
WW was "okay"
I don't get why people are going nuts over it
the action was dogshit and at times Gadot's face looked cofused.
Am I so out of touch with people?
people liked it for Steve Trevor not WW
>piece of shut
>not choosing Warner Bros to get rid of both DC and most of the once-great franchises DC has tainted with its faggotry
Good job Sony! You only had to niggerwash 5 or 6 iconic characters to get that and the movie will still lose 5-10% of that score once its released, but that's still more than that GotG2 piece of shit ever got
>7.6 vs 7.5
Basically the same
HAHAHAHA, still asshurt.
>thinking situations are similar at all
One was a beloved childhood franchise essentially being raped and the other was muh strong independent womyn finally being adapted on the big screen
>deadline says this flick is tracking to have a 90-110M opening weekend
>wonder woman had a 103M opening weekend
Leave them be, don't even mention WW being about to outgross Deadpool in the US. Let them cope with the BTFO
That smaller cake is clearly superior. That big cake has way too much frosting, taking focus away from the actual cake itself.
>people watch Marvel and or DC movies
why. Tell me why.
>implying this was not the same attitude taken up for WW against GotG just a month ago
Cry harder, faggot
>that one snydercucks false flagger that pretends to be a marvel fan and always say "shot and shut"
This is the sad state of Sup Forums.
The most hilarious part is that people fall for this OBVIOUS bait.
>WW had a better middle but an atrociously bad third act, to the point where the film might have actually been better if you just removed it all entirely.
That's a problem with ALL the DC movies.
But before the premiere Wonder Woman literally had 96% fresh with about the same amount of reviews.