No threads. No talk. Little to no storylines. Nothing. Nobody cares. Was he just a normie fad that will go away as soon as RDJ leaves? And will that be for the better?
Is the Iron Man "fame" a meme?
Wasn't Demon in a Bottle kinda popular prior to Iron Man 1?
On the opposite side of the spectrum, Whorely Quip gets to be the leader of the Skwad, a Justice League member, fuck they'll probably make her an official Batfamily member with cave access soon!
Figure on her being the leader of the Skwad in the sequel, and she'll probably get Tim as a trophy husbando in the comics, or they'll reform (one of) the Jokers so she gets a puddin that loves her (like the film).
I already liked him before. He was a MvC/Marvel Superheroes character and had a cartoon i occasionally watched as a kid. It's probably their fault the modular armour is one of my favorites despite how poorly XTREME it usually looked in the actual comics
Is it a fad just because a spin-off piece of media popularized the character? Was Reeves' Superman a fad? Batman TAS?
Come on now, Joker already showed affection to her before, be it in cartoons or comics. If anything her character is suffering for the opposite reason in comics because they keep ignoring her history with him for the sake of pretending she's more interesting as a wacky adventurer with her own cast of freaks or as the SS leader (yes, it has already happened in the recent issue)
IM was a cult-fave prior to the MCU, but it seems nobody likes him these days.
I liked him well before the MCU as well, but with all the changes and whatnot, it seems all of his old fans have been driven away by the normies, who are not even buying the books.
If anything, "little to no storylines" is a meme.
There are some great, long Iron Man runs, just because there's not a bunch of OGNs whose names people regurgitate doesn't mean there isn't anything good to read.
Hulk, Thor and Cap are the same way but no one complains about them. Each of them have like four or five good runs each but they're REALLY good and REALLY long so it's OK.
There's no talk or storytimes of "ironman" because marvel is currently trying to use that character to push their shitty agenda
Well technically there was but do you really expect "omg what a fucking shithead little girl this is, does she really expect a nice old lady to be mean to her just so she could shout we wuz ironmahn and shieett" discussions to last very long?
Which IM runs are even as good as Simonson's Thor, PAD's Hulk or Brubaker's Captain America?
>"normies, reeee reeee" -Sup Forums
The Knauf/Ellis run from 2005-2008 can stand next to Brubaker's Cap IMHO. Busiek's 90s run was a great re-introduction. The O'Neil run from 160-200 was the one that brought in Stane and told his story/the rise and fall of Tony. The Micheline one is considered the "classic". Byrne has also written some stuff, and the Fraction run was more MCU-in-tone, but it was well written.
Really, IM had good runs and stories. People are just too jaded from the MCU stuff and either hate him because of the newfound fame, or they don't want to go back to those stories because they featured a more serious, center-to-right leaning Capitalist Tony, and that just doesn't jive with their "uwu, smol Pepper-ony and St-ony".
partially this
iron man has always been "comic popular" and surface level awareness due to the 90s cartoons, his cameos in other marvel cartoons during the (spidey/xmen) and of course the capcom games
when ellis and granov updated him, it was a perfect jump on point and then tony got huge in civil war, then the movies happened after that and it was one long momentum chain
I don't believe I've ever even heard a single person ever say Tony Stark was their favorite superhero.
If I'm being honest, I'd rather go back to when he was a B-List character with a medium fan base, good stories and an interesting personality instead of this recent caricature. I'm curious to see what will happen when RDJ hangs the jet boots.
Well, you've met one now. Although I'm sure there are tons of "Omgeee, I love my smol Tony yeh" Tumblrites.
Writers these cays have no fucking clue what to do with him. They constantly switch between "RDJ-lie" and "Total monster".
RDJ-lite fails, because no modern marvel writer can match what wasn't really script, but just the actor's natural charm and charisma.
Total monster fails, because while they treat Tony as the one guy that is always ok with doing shady shit, there comes a point where there's no reason why does around him should trust such a snively backstabbing asshole any longer.
Like , I was a fan (of the cartoon, anyway) before RDJ.
Ment to link to
He's mine.
So... I am your first? (blush)
Civil War ruined him for comic fans. MCU fans only really like RDJ.
There are people on this taiwanese tiling forum that were in elementary school when the first Iron Man movie came out, so naturally since it's a character that's still popular they rebel against their childhood because they're too cool for it now.
But Iron Man pre-MCU was never popular.
>I was in highschool theres no way. . .
>do the math
holy fuck time is a trip