
No, gentlemen, it's time you get serious. This is not the best Dc movie. Stop lying.

It's a 6.5 film with some good little moments, very few, and a pretty cute actress, but for the most, it's also terribly unimaginative and boring. The whole part of the amazons was bland and Steve's companions quite useless.

The point is: i still think that MOS IS the best DC movie. Leaving aside the Man of Murder meme, the direction was far better. People have destroyed it just because "not muh Superman" but as a movie, it deserved more credit.

So Superman committing literal genocide on his own race and culture is considered a legitimate interpretation of Superman?

>Snyderfags are turning on Wonder Woman because it was financially successful and popular

Oh boy. OH BOY. This is going to be so much fucking fun.


Man of Steel was utter trash. Pa Kent was a sociopath. Washed out colors. Superman was a 30 something dick head before he actually nutted up.

Kryptonians have no culture, just what they stole from the Thanagarians and Rannians. Kryptonian genocide is a myth perpetuated by Kryptonian supremacists.

You must be so mad that it's still printing money

I literally wrote:
>Leaving aside the Man of Murder meme, the direction was far better.

I wanted to talk about the movie's value, the direction and aesthetic qualities, like Krypton part, but of course people immediately join just to write "Not muh Superman, Fucking psychopathic" again. Yes, Mos Superman is a sociopath, but that was not the point.
My fault. I forgot that the schools are closed now.

What do you care? Stop looking for attention/validation of your tastes. You are what's wrong with this board

Pretty trash is still trash.

DC_Cinematic is desperately trying to credit Zack Snyder with WW's success because he has a shared story credit.

Better for them. How much has it reached so far?

700 something.

Snyderfags are getting desperate now that Patty Jenkins and Geoff Johns' hopeful & heroic vision is getting so much praise and likely will replace everyhing Snyder built so far.

A reminder that Marvel supports shariah law

I agree that Wonder Woman is, at best, a 6.5.
I also agree it's the best DCEU movie. That's how low the bar is.
The fact that Jenkins managed to get a better performance out of a talentless fashion model than Snyder did accomplished actors like Michael Shannon, Amy Adams, and Kevin Costner is fucking embarrassing.


This is %100 unrelated to the topic at hand. Take that companywars shit to elsewhere.

go back to Saudi Arabia, Ahmed

Snyder is out of play since his daughter committed suicide. I believe, he really don't care about all of this, right now.

>I wanted to talk about the movie's value, the direction and aesthetic qualities

No you don't, because then people will shit on the editing and the pacing and the screenplay and you'll argue that they're all part of the NOT MUH brigade too regardless of context.

That script was rushed out and it shows. The first half is a garbage jumble of sub-Malick stylised flashbacks that don't connect to any of the modern-day sequences, the Codex MacGuffin is narratively useless, Clark's characterisation is "intentionally" underwritten as though that's an excuse against bad writing, the Krypton crap at the beginning is worthless, etc.

713. It just made over 4 mil on it's 5th Monday. To put that in perspective Civil Wars 5th Monday was $837,255

It's superhero iconography. Man of Steel was worse than Wonder Woman because people left MoS feeling confused about Superman. People left WW thinking of her as heroic.

That's why BvS was reviled. Snydly got a wide head from the critics finding his take on Supes interesting, so he tried to go wider and lost the general moviegoing public.

No, you do not want anyone trying that again with the DCCU. The course correction after a critical flop like BvS is a wanky peanut gallery pleaser like Suicide Squad.

There are a lot of Superman interpretations , like Man of Iron, Nazi Superman, hero of the Germany.
The concept is adaptable in a lot of ways.

Really? Because given what a self-absorbed douche he is, I would completely believe that he was willing to use his daughter's death as an excuse to skeedaddle after he saw a prescreening of WW and realized he had been BTFO by grrl pwr.

All that shit is cute "What if's" from other worlds. If normal Superman was a Nazi it would piss off everybody and you fucking know it

A lot of stories are What if, Red Son, Kingdom come, Secret Identity, All Star Superman.

And Nazi Superman was a hero too. It was specified that it has saved the world a lot of times against cosmic threats.

I know you're a neet without friends, and without any social relationship, but please don't making comments so stupid . I hope you will get a wife and a baby one day, so you'll realize..

I forced myself to watch it because I didn't want to fall asleep during it like my friend had, it was alright but really not groundbreaking and the twist was stupid and unnecessary. Honestly I wouldn't pay to watch it, best wait for Netflix or Hulu. I was just watching it cause I get to watch free movies all day at the theaters.

Thank you for sharing your opinion.

It was lifted straight up from a comic; From the legendary Superman creator John Byrne.

>the Codex MacGuffin is narratively useless,
It's actually worse than that. It actively counteracts all the natural birth/choice narrative shit that's all over the rest of the movie.

Why don't you go back to Buzzfeed, Xer.

No it wasn't.
The Zod that gets killed in the Byrne comic is from another dimension entirely. That's why the kryptonite kills him and his cronies but Superman doesn't even flinch when he's the one holding it.
But then I think I'm talking to one of those guys that swears up and down that Batman totally kills dudes in TDKR because Snyder said so.

>Killing sentient beings is okay if they're from a different universe
Everything Byrne fags try to defend it, it doesn't sound any less retarded.

This movie causes so much butthurt it's hilarious.

An okey movie at best, but for DC fans this is already a miracle.

Well, it's better than every MCU film post Iron Man, so there's that.

Was talking to a girl at a party who was saying that Deadpool and Wonder Woman changed the superhero game (I mentioned Logan and she included that too) when Guardians of the Galaxy did not. I asked her what Wonder Woman did different when she just pointed out that it's like Captain America and Thor. She succeeded her point, though not to Deadpool being similar. (Which I was saying it played the origins and the finale too straight)

MCUcks are getting desperate.

>make a better movie than winter soldier
>said movie makes more money than winter soldier
Why are you triggered again?

Didn't say it was okay.
Just said it wasn't Clark killing the remnants of his species or genociding his race and culture.
Because a big point about Byrne was that Clark was an earthling in every way but genetics.

>make a better movie than winter soldier

Give me a break, nobody outside of the hardcore DC fans is going to try and argue this.

>I mentioned Logan and she included that too

Who's more insufferable - Batman fans or Sniktbub fans?

I put MOS just beneath. I agree with you on Wonder Woman, there were some good moments and some bad/cringe moments. But MOS is also boring with its never-ending fight scenes and annoying with Lois finding everything and being everywhere for no reason.

But WW is a better representation of a hero, someone who saves/helps people because he genuinely wants to. Superman, even in MoS, seems like he's helping people because he has to but he would rather be somewhere else.

Because the butthurt about Wonder Woman is coming from Snyderfags that are angry their conspiracy theories and kino memes have irrevocably been proven to be bullshit.

Look at OP, even. It's not even about saying how shit Marvel is or trying to force a console war anymore, just more butthurt about how nobody liked Man of Steel's shitty deconstruction.

Those retards saying that WW is just like TFA because of the war setting and having characters named Steve are snyderfags too?

Never said I was a Sniktbub fan, but I'll admit that Logan was damn good.

I personally didn't have any problem with the ending and killing Zod, the motherfucker was intentionally aiming his eyebeams at a nearby family, people who where not a threat to him just to get reaction out off Supes. So basically Suicide by Cop situation.

What I didn't like was the beginning Kryptonian scenes. Pa Kent character assasination from moral man to a coward who would have let busload of children to drown to save his own son and the overall tone of the film was god damn depressing as fuck.

>Mos Superman is a sociopath
No he is fucking not.
Being pragmatic & focused in the heat of battle for billions of lives does not equal not having emotions.

>to save his own son
No that was never what it was about.
He specifically stated immediately after the "maybe" line that the revelation of Clark existing would change the world, implying that it would not be a positive change and that humans would react badly & murderously to it. On each other.

>So Superman committing literal genocide on his own race and culture is considered a legitimate interpretation of Superman?
Yes because there is nothing whatsoever morally wrong with it when doing so is the only way to save 7-8 billion LIVING human lives.

In all ways but physical I am an earthling

You didn't put that in perspective because CW did not have summer days and it did not have 4th of july

>Pa Kent was a sociopath
No he cared about the world enough to have some fucking priorities and not be blindly spontaneous.
>Washed out colors
This is not a technical flaw in anyway shape or form, you not liking it is your personal taste and nothing else.
>Superman was a 30 something dick head before he actually nutted up.
Because he is mature enough to know bringing the revelation of aliens to the world is too big of something to just jump into without reflection & consideration.