ITT: Animated Atrocities

ITT: Animated Atrocities

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fuck off enterfag


That is actually pretty good. At least it's not mean spirited


fuck off moralfag

you realize this episode was directly targeted at the cancerous fanbase right?

That doesn't make it good by default.

want to know what is an atrocity?
Mr Enter

well there you have it


Grrrrr I just hate how this episode portrays x so out of character. Grrrrr this episode's morals are WRONG for kids. Grrrrr this episode is not funny.

Yeah, but it was less of a critique and more of a "haha how quirky, we poke fun at our fans" kind of situation. The biggest issue with this episode, much like the worst episodes of SU, is that it once again takes a situation where Stevie Wonder is right for being angry and expressing it towards the perpetrator, but paints him in the wrong, at least in his mind. Ronaldo was being a dick the whole episode, but then acts like he's the victim when he and Stevie have their falling out. The situation is resolved with him barely acknowledging any wrongdoing on his part, leaving Stevie with no adequate lesson learned and once again shying away from the constant issue of proper confrontation. This is incredibly similar to pretty much every Sadie episode that involves Lars or her mom, except those episodes at least offer some reason to empathize with her, as little as there may be. Ronaldo is just a fucking ass in this one and basically gets away with it.

We're not helping you make a new episode

I'm on your side, Mr. Enter.



Okay, seriously, what the fuck is with that car?


This show has great episodes, ok episodes, and episodes so fucking awful that makes you question if the good episodes are really worth it.


What's so bad about it? No, you can't use the buzzword.

Summer is here, I can tell because this wasn't the first reply

It tries too hard to be funny and i don't like the characters

I forgot about that show and I hate you for reminding me about it.

Then my job here is done.

you post made me remember the game

unforgivable ...

wait i'm confused. i thought the premise was that kids and adults switched places or something, but the kids who are supposed to act like adults are still goofy and i guess design goofy things like that fucking atrocious car design? but the adults in the back also look like they're being goofy and irresponsible talking on their phones and shit. how do infants and the elderly factor into this? is it like a benjamin button thing for them? i am so confused.

Believe it or not, season 2 was actually better.

Well that summarizes what the vision for the show was

Too bad Cartoon Network never bothered to even air it


Don't think too deeply into it or else you'll give yourself a brain hemorrhage. Already did it to myself.

every time I see screenshots of this I can never even begin to imagine what it would look like animated

Prove it.

I liked that episode honestly. It's no Beavis and Butthead but it had some good jokes.

Take a screencap and show us you aren't.

Some body FUNNY should review his reviews and his AMAZING ART!

I saw one but the guy sounded just like Mr enter,but it wasn't on purpose.


Why doesn't anyone mention he ripped the premise of this off a failed pilot he reviewed


i think you've mixed up island adventure with sadie's song friend

In all seriousness, MrEnter and RebelTaxi are actually good cartoon critics, unlike Saberspark and PhantomStrider.

Mr enter is a fucking liar who cant edit for shit and hates anyrhing to do with sex because hes "a sexual".He has a norrow poont of view and if you don't follow his moral code you are wrong and living your life wrong. He attacks others art and sites his own as a good reference.He posted writers names and said things like "they suck and should not have jobs" and then his fans sent hate mail to those writters!

I watched over a 100 of his so called reviews,
He can fucking die in a ditch!

Why did you watch so many reviews if you don't like him?

This was years ago and I had no idea what was really going on at first. Just odd ramblings that soon form a image of who this person really is, a asshole.

Plus he loves to review what ever pan pizza did a week before.

which writers, might i ask? i have a friend who used Mr. Enter as a beta reader for their story.

He said atrocities not crimes against animation.

Because nobody cared about it because it sucked ass, or should i say it was atrocious

I can't remember the names but it shows up a lot in his older sponge bob and MLP reviews.

He is a autistic do not trust his imput,he only see's things his way and sees nothing wrong with it.He also sees sex as something gross and can't stand it at all.

This was a sin.

...Well, shattering a person into still-alive and conscious parts that will keep looking for the rest of them forever, or taking a bunch of pieces belonging to different people and forcibly fusing them into one living entity certainly count as atrocities.

That was cringy, not atrocious.

Kind of like real life.

That show is actually full of atrocities.

...Wait, you idiots are not actually using the term for 'Episodes of a cartoon show that I don't like' instead of 'Grotesque crimes against humanity and nature', are you?


what was wrong with it?

Same here, I used to just watch him as background noise because Pan Pizza didn't upload frequently and pieguyrulz was just a boring aspie, the more I watched the more and more I became annoyed with his opinions, smug sense of self intellect, nitpicking, and double standards about shows. I stopped watching him and a lot of other people in the "ranting community" if anyone remembers that trend that was happening on youtube.

Rick is a terrible person, a shitty Mary Sue, and everyone who's 'nominally' on his side bends over backwards to accommodate him and his fits of madness.

Rick is not funny.

Their game thing isn't hooked up to the tv

I think mr autist himself mentioned it. Or at least didn't try to hide it. Also, no one gave a shit about the pilot.

honestly ripping off the plot of something that failed a concept isn't the worst thing you could do. i think hollywood should take this approach with movie remakes honestly, trying to make old shitty movies into actually good ones. i mean the premise for this was garbage, so i don't know why he took it of all things, but it's better than stealing from something already quality.

Chicken Little

Sup Forums

That shit is all okay. It's the political aspect I have a problem with.

what the fuck is up with that car,it looks like it was made by someone auti-
oh wait,it is


I think he paid for it because he can't fucking draw even though he brags about it all the time.

He posted this a few weeks ago.

Also what is up with cartoon reviewers always saying shit like "well when I get my cartoon made" but most of them have dropped out of collage or never went at all.

>he's erased shit to make it cleaner
>hasn't cleaned the whole thing so the erasure just goddamn stands out

I'm going to fucking flip right now my dudes

>He is a autistic


He also said some like "I will never watch clarence because of what the creator did and HE CAN SEE IN THE CARTOON!"

He never watched it but he saw undertones of sexual assault?!

That's a great Linkara parody.

Oh just watch the episode and then you'll see.

Fuck most this article is straight up real facts about him.

>Fuck most this article

Most retarded premise I've seen in years

this episode caused the controversial tumblrgeddon

I still don't get it, is it because Kitty and Emma were your favorite contestants?

Thank god I'm not the only one who dispizes this episode.

Yes they were! And i was rooting for them to win.


i also have to agree

i never watched mr enter stuff outside of like a few mins of autism

but when i was younger plebs tried telling me that movies like conan and last action hero were bad

fucking nostalgia critic

I remember it so you don't have to make your own opinions!



i was baiting, that's objectively the best episode in the series kek

This, and the one about SpongeBob's new pet, and Squidward's toenail

Can't wait until ED is sued and finally forced to shut down. Or net neutrality is gutted, whichever is first.

There are people on Sup Forums that are against NN?

Ignore him, /m/ loathes net neutrality and we're getting refugees.

How bad has that board gotten?

Very fucking bad, space rats infected everyone

Fun Fact: This episode made Enter throw up.

I still don't even begin to understand how somebody looked at this and said "yeah, this looks ok"


No it didn't, he just put in a vomitting sound effect (don't ask me why he had one on standby), he's too insecure to show any physical disgust.

>finally forced to shut down.

Didn't that already happen?
I'm surprised it came back from the dead and is still kicking. The old version of the website was truly monstrous though. I felt like a sinner going there....yes it was worse than Sup Forums.

No, he admits it literally made him throw up he first time he watched it. The face freeze episode also gave him nightmares.