So... when is Marvel going to apologize for this?

So... when is Marvel going to apologize for this?

Real world:
>“Someone in the car looked over and said, ‘Gee, look at that, it’s a mugging,’ ” Trump said. “I said to my driver to stop the car because it was brutal-looking.”[…]
>“The guy with the bat looked at me, and I said, “Look, you’ve gotta stop this. Put down the bat,”‘ Trump said. “I guess he recognized me because he said, ‘Mr. Trump, I didn’t do anything wrong.’ I said, ‘How could you not do anything wrong when you’re whacking a guy with a bat?’ Then he ran away.”
>Trump said the incident occurred at 8 p.m. as he, [Marla] Maples and another couple were heading toward the Lincoln Tunnel on their way to the Meadowlands in New Jersey for a Paula Abdul concert.
>Kathleen Romeo, a 16-year-old student at St. Michael’s Academy in Manhattan, said cries of “There’s Trump!” went through the crowd of onlookers when the erstwhile deal maker emerged from his limousine in front of a Smiler’s deli.
>“A lot of people were surprised that he got out to see what was happening,” Romeo said, adding that the bat-wielder ran off just before Trump actually appeared, and that Trump, “just looked around and went back into his limo.”

Marvel universe:
>Donald Trump's limousine blocked the way of an ambulance responding to an emergency. Luke Cage lifted the vehicle out of the way and carelessly put it back on the street, prompting Trump to threaten Cage with a lawsuit. Cage violently told Trump to get back to his car, scaring him and causing him to quickly jump back into his vehicle and roll back up the car's window.

>witness gave conflicting reports that Trump did not get out of the limo until the attacker was gone and got back into his limo without saying a word
Yeah, that sounds more like the truth

SO after the thread was pruned and the debate all day about how no one wants Sup Forums shit in Sup Forums your dumb shit posting faggot ass posts it again. You are fucking cancer. Go KYS faggot.

You already made this thread and it hit bump limit.
There's no need for another one.
Don't be that guy, user.

They don't need to apologize.
You do tho, so apologize OP.

That means it was a good topic.

>I posted it again!

No, that means it was a topic that many people have an opinion about.
That doesn't make it good.

You're more than welcome to post comic related things that nobody has any opinions about. Nobody's stopping you.

Way to get pissy, Hamerican.
Keep wasting board space on the same thing over and over, nobody's stopping you until the mods do.

Way to project, I guess. You're the only one getting pissy.

Well yes, repetitive idiocy is a pet peeve of mine.


So are you mad at the topic, or are you mad Marvel's increasingly insane far-left repetitive idiotic pandering?

No. Plenty people are faggot. Hence the two posts discussing fucking idiotic Sup Forums shit being on the boards all day today. Nice try with the whole playing innocent shit. Fucking moron. The only people embracing this shit are fucking Sup Forums and Sup Forums cause it lets them spread their ignorant spin doctoring. Now, go KYS.


Or are you too shit-eating retarded to remember how last time everyone here reminded you of the kind of treasonous pedophile Nazi rapist you held up as your personal vision of an impotent and bald Jesus?

You really need to cope with how those are you actual family values and come to terms with how suicide and going to Hell sooner rather than later is the only way your life can ever be made less of a failure.
You are walking diseased bitch shit (yeah, I'm talking about your dog's whore of a mother) and nothing you post in these sad little silent screams for personal validation will change that.

Both, but it's more being annoyed than mad.
What I'm most annoyed about it repeating the thread.
It seems silly to me.
You already made it, it hit bump limit.
Why not just let it go?

Nobody even mentioned Sup Forums or Sup Forums.

Copy and paste threads are considered spam.

dam u mad nigga

Are you okay?

They did most of the last one.

I'm pretty sure Sup Forums doesn't care about comics, and Sup Forums only cares about the shittiest of ctrl+alt+del and Dobson.

Do people just not remember thst trump was a joke from the 80s to 2016? Are they undersge or do they just have amnesia

>pol/ doesn't care about comics
They don't but that stop them from bitching about them.

No, spamming would be creating multiple of the same thread, like what people used to do with Steven Universe.

No one cared who he was until he put on the mask.

24 replies, 9 people posting. Sameposting faggots trying to make this thread seem relevant. KEK Fucking Sup Forumstards pushing their shit. So sad.
Then you have this faggot trying to play spin doctor as if Sup Forums doesnt go into other boards all the time to spread their propaganda and butthurt. KEKEKEKEKEKEKEK

Sup Forums bitches about everything.
If everything Sup Forums bitched about became a bannable offense, Sup Forums would be empty.

Yes, it's called having a conversation. It involves people exchanging messages back and forth, not making one shitpost before jumping ship.

If you want to autistically screech about Sup Forums, the proper board to do that is /qa/.