Name a female character more unlikeable than the cartoon version of Candy Kong

Name a female character more unlikeable than the cartoon version of Candy Kong.

someone brought the movie to school for the last day of 5th. no one liked the movie or him


Sally Acorn.

I can't but to be fair Diddy Kong isn't much better. Plus he ruins every song he's in (picture related).

Now I have around the world stuck in my head.

>Iz ThEre sOMetHing yOu shOuld Tell me Big buDDDy

specifically in smash



Peggy Hill.

Fuck you, she's perfect.

Who is M P?

what's it like being on your level of degeneracy? serious question, im curious what it's like to be as far gone as you are

Don't mind if i cut in.

Tough call although Cindy and Nebby from Jimmy Neutron kind of suck.


America Chavez.


Hello Jared

Carol Danvers post 2010

What is this style supposed to be, anyway?

I nominate a tie between all of the female cast of Teen Titans Go.

Not Sup Forums tho

What's unlikeable about Starfire?