So, now that the dust has settled can we say that he is objectively /ourguy/?

So, now that the dust has settled can we say that he is objectively /ourguy/?

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isn't he that alt right nazi that captain america punched?

>Hated by tumblr
>Wrote one of our favourite books (Superior Foes)

How is he not?

Lieber carried it and brought in most of the jokes using Sup Forums's input.

Sup Forums crying little bitch baby tears about tumblr will never stop amusing me.

He wrote an amazing Cap run that led up to a dogshit event.

I've never seen anything drop in quality so fast.

It's his event.

Yes, hence I'm wondering why he dropped the ball so hard.

I know Lieber (ACTUAL /ourguy/) comes on Sup Forums, did Superior Foes really use input from anons over here though? That's news to me

Superior Foes grants him one free pass in my books.

>singlehandedly tanking marvel
>false flagging galore on twitter
>fucks up mockingbird's shit after marvel's years of push
>hated by tumblrite for MUH nazicap

he might very well be

what a punchable face

His Captain run is not that good. I don't mean the Sam Wilson one, that I haven't read, I mean the HydraCap one.

Slow, decompressed, nothing but people standing around talking, what action there is, is stiff and inconsequential, and half of each issue is just "Here's a flashback of Steve only it's Hydra themed".

Fucking thank you. I have no idea why Sup Forums sucks it's dick so hard.

Sure you do, you cuck. Sit the fuck down. No one in the business gives a fuck about Sup Forums. If you are dumb enough to think he used information from this place you are too young to be here. The majority of the faggots here do not even read capeshit, of those that do maybe a third actually pay for it. The big two and the creators could give a flying fuck about what happens here with the angry neckbeards who play net critic before they go flip burgers.

Christopher Priest has directly responded to criticisms on Sup Forums

>could give a flying fuck

You mean couldn't you illiterate burgercunt

That's wrong picture of /our guy.

Zach has a better hair cut and a bit more facial hair, and he'd never pose in such a non-manly fashion.


Look at mine

he's gonna save spider-man next

He has created alot of memes, that's for sure:

> Hail Hydra
> Reinforced Homoerotic Steve/Zemo
> HydraCap wielding Mjolnir
> Meta Pymtron
> Cuckthon
> Sorrentino's Smug Chin Art

he also turned walking tumblr bobbi into a feminazi