Has there ever been a tweet so RIGHT?

Has there ever been a tweet so RIGHT?

I'm not sure Charlotte counts as a goth.

Spooder-man agrees

Still a GOAT spooder nonetheless, perhaps even the best.

Pic related probably fits as a better "goth" example, even if still only loosely.

Why are gothfags so fucking shit?

She cut her wrist and had bled out. That's how Charlotte died.

Whats Goth about Charlette? She is super nice and smart plus she loves everyone.

Is it because after she died her babies ate her?

And Ms. Spider was more of a French stereotype

>Either of those characters
Nigga wut?

Technically Ms Spider might not be either.
She's could just be a stereotypical Frenchwoman who are pale and wear too much make up.

>have an unpleasant distaste of spiders
>spider waifus make me feel tingly inside

Make up your mind, Mother Nature.