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Comics #939
Marvel editor, I'm gonna tell you guys a secret
Is Western Animation finally taking over?
Why does Sup Forums barely talk about Courage the Cowardly Dog? It's CN's best cartoon by far
Why doesn't Batman learn how to use magic?
Who is Spider-Man's DEFINITIVE arch-nemesis?
"Two people in bed can get more done than a hundred"
The Mighty Thor #21 Storytime
Ultimate Spider-Man Pt. 3
Be the main antagonist
This is Eclipsa. She is known as the Queen of Darkness because of her love for huge monster cock
JSA Storytime: Mr. X
What Sup Forumsgirl resembles your girlfriend the most?
MJ in the MCU is one of Peter's teacher
Kanker thread
Jeff Lemire's Outsiders revealed
Comic book cuties
Mark Waid Flash Storytime Part 12
U.S. Avengers #8 story time
Today I will remind them
What are some of the best non Disney animated movies? I feel like people only know about the Disney ones
Okay user, you have 15 words or less to pitch your cartoon idea...
STRAWPOLL, The Best Animated Film of the 2010s
I'm just gonna dump a whole fuckload of wallpapers that I made recently
Avengers: Infinity War
Reaction image thread
Fuck Liz, MJ and Gwen. Will the MCU finally bring us best pairing?
What was her problem?
Do some people legitimately not understand the meaning of this scene?
Happy Hogan Nearly Told Peter The "With Great Power" Line In 'Spider-Man Homecoming'
Did you brush your teeth today, Sup Forums?
480 mil in 12 days is not a flop. He was in it for 10 minutes or something
Could Janna be secretly playing the long game, and stealing the Marcobowl from Star and Jackie?
What did he mean by this?
Long gone gulch
Realistically, do you think Spider-man stands a chance against Thonos?
Why do they feel the need to make Sozin a homophobe? He was already a genocidal bastard...
How did Avatar manage to have so many strong female role models without it becoming agenda-pushing?
Probably doesn't like Ludo either
Why are the french so free?
Sonic Boom Thread
Spongebob online thread
Band geeks best spongebob episode ever
Secret Empire Brave New World 4 featuring Misty Knight, Emma Frost and Namor
This is a mexican ghost
Is this the greatest comic ever written?
If you don't get into the industry by 25, will you ever?
Best Western cartoon series ever made
Invincible Iron Man #9 storytime
Will he be right?
Is her time with the Outlaws still canon?
New Overwatch Comic Doomfist Edition: Masquerade Storytime
Why, I do believe it's time for early Silver Age comics!
In your opinion, are there certain characters that should never be sexualized? Or is nothing off limits?
Monsters Unleashed #4 Storytime
ITT: Cartoon characters that look like you. (At least a little bit.) Pic related is me
Adventure Time Thread
Justice League Superman
MMPR storytime, in which we're finally past the Tommy wank, but the book is still not worth reading cause no Kat
Who fucking cares?
Character dies in a really cheap way for no reason other then to add drama to the story
You just got your ass kicked
Is there anything other than the Malcolm X thing worth noting about Magneto?
Astonishing X-Men
/Female General/
Storytime: The Wild Storm #6
Renew Your Vows
Bcb - Bittersweet Candy Bowl
MAD #43-47 (1958-59) storytime
Erased all of his friends and his wifes existence so he could be royalty again
Really, Bendis?
Jim Henson told Disney lawyer to fuck off after being informed how they treat Mickey voiceactors
Archie storytime, wherein best girl is totally dead for realsies no take backsies
Harley Quinn #24 Storytime of Whatever
All-New Guardians of the Galaxy #6 Storytime
It's the whole series, btw
Official Win-O'-Thread
America #5 Storytime
Peter Parker - The Spectacular Spider-Man
This is Elena Potato. Say something nice about her
Every single villain needed some kind of magic powerup or other enhancement to beat the main characters
Green Arrow #27 Storytime
Marvel Universe
It's going to be amazing to have these guys in fight scenes with competent fight choreography
Shape of Water
Invincible #138 storytime
Will this happen in Zootopia 2?
OTP Thread
Telltale's Batman
How did Korra fail so hard when the original was one of the best cartoons of all time?
Voltron: Legendary Defender
ITT: Post images of cute cartoon characters suffering, be it physically or emotionally
I don't get it?
Spider-Man 2099 #25: The Milestone Anniversary Finale Storytime
Secret Empire
>ITT: Spidey's Rogues Gallery
And Sup Forums thought Gal was a bad choice for Diana
Bettie Page just got a new comic
A thing isn't beautiful because it's big, Wanda
X-Men Gold
Challenge round: name 1 reason you want to see more of her that doesn't involve your dick
Why weren't there more art of
Recent purchases thread?
Jokes you didn't get
Sup Forums, would you like to hear the results of my evaluation?
Aquaman #26 Storytime
ITT:best villains
Justice League #25 Storytime
Which was better?
Nightwing #25 Storytime
KFC part 3 Storytime
Batwoman #5 Storytime
Super Sons #6 Storytime
Did I upset you with my ending Sup Forums? oh shit I'm sorry
Rom vs Transformers: Shining Armor #1 storytime
*saves western animation*
Trinity #11 Storytime
What was the point of Joker cutting off his face when it would be magically restored during the next story arc?
Leave Thanos to us
Decade of 2010-2020
Since end of evangelion came out 20 years ago today, lets post everytime a cartoon or comic made an evangelion refrence...
Green Lanterns #27 Storytime
Superman #27 Storytime
Batman #27 Storytime
Ellie thread
Teach 'em pale face brother all about Stev-en
Questionable Content Thread #907
Gunnerkrigg Court
What's on TV?
Black Cat is for ___
Most Franco-Belgian/Continental European comics are garbage...
Big Hero Six: The Series
Are we just going to pretend this isn't happening?
So if Michelle is actually MJ then how is her and Peter's relationship going to work?
Kill Six Billion Demons K6BD
Pulp art Thread
Mexican Cheesecake Comics
How did the ducks become so powerful as to basically rule the world despite dogs being the overwhelming majority?
In this thread, we post characters who have done nothing wrong; I'll start
5 Stars
What adventures will Slade-sama take them on?
The Great Debate
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Will Chelsea Cain be getting a new book?
How come Cap can't get a wife and child?
Not even meming here-is Jim Davis the richest cartoonist?
UK Comics
Dumbing of Age
What was his name again?
How does he poop?
Is there any reason to get into animation as a profession if you can't go to California/CalArts?
Sup Forums assemble-a-team thread
Alright Sup Forums who suffers more?
I... I don't know what I expected
Can we have a Kent Thread? Can be Jon or Clark, or any of the others, just post Kents
What is this body type called?
Just started watching Ren and Stimpy
Stand Still Stay Silent: Storytime Webcomic
Who was in the right here?
Why doesn't Aquaman just rape Black Manta?
Batman! You have to RAPE the Joker!
ITT-jo jo references in cartoons
What if Captain Marvel... Was a woman
How was this allowed?
Give me your best X-Men comic recommendations
Okay, I just got done watching Battle for Mewni. IT WAS GREAT. I just want to gauge though...
You look up to the characters but do you actually look up to the roided 3d actors that play them?
Comics for a Spiderman beginner (to comic Spidey)
Just watched this entire series. It's fucking shit, garbage animation with calarts bullshit all over it
So..... how much money do you think Sony is gonna be paying the critics for The Emoji Movie to have good reviews?
Perhaps the last airbender movie wasn't the worst thing to happen to avatar
Ultimate Spider-Man Pt. 2
THE FLASH New Character Breakdowns
Telltale Batman: Season 2
Who would win here Sup Forums?
"Once I reach the time portal at the end of page 10, I will finally get back to the past!"
ITT: Characters who you've loved since a child
Is there any vidya that youd like to see turned into a cartoon?
"We don't want Webby to just be the token girl character of the group."
What would happen if a Sup Forums creator came to this board and saw how rude and degenerate we are?
Is there a bigger shipping war in comics?
Get me pictures of that web-swinging menace, Spider-Man...
Who's cuter; Gwenpool or SpiderGwen?
This is Penny Sanchez, she's a brown girl with a boston accent
I recently took a job that has me frequently interacting with veterans, which made me realize...
Who is Oz?
Tropes you Love
So basically: Japanese animation working conditions are hell, America's are all rainbows and sunshine like Pixar claims?
Avengers: Infinity War
How does this show keep getting better and better?
>no Kon
Can we PLEASE discuss this motherfucker...
Archie Sonic News Coming Later This Week
Character does something completely competent or slightly skillful
Artist deletes their blog without warning
Why did DC decide to make Cyborg look like a fucking Bayformer? This is awful
Hobgoblin Thread
Why was this allowed?
We better at least get some goddamn, serious yuri comics out of this bullshit
Cheesecake thread!
Ike outkiked
Is Superman the modern day Hawkman in terms of conflicting and confusing history...
> I think a lot of adult women like Harley because she's tough with an attitude and she told her abusive and...
Who's your favorite superhero, and how did you choose a favorite? It it their powerset? Their personality and beliefs...
Marvel Legacy Doctor Strange. LOKI IS NEW SORCERER SUPREME
Do you think Gwen is straight-edge??
Man, Loki looks like shit in Ragnarok
New Image Book
Is Sup Forums going to buy the Blacksad game?
Franco-Belgian / Eurocomics Storytime
So for the Game Grumps 5 year anniversary, they released a full 16-minute animation made by tons of different animators...
Toonami Ratings for 7/15/17
Are you ready for tomorrow, Sup Forums?
How do they rationalize the fact that nobody is buying ANYTHING they're putting out?
Batgirl thread
A random group of your favorite superheroes ends up plummeting into a portal to another world
Let's settle this
Hit That F Key
You will never get to write comics
What does Sup Forums think of Starship Troopers?
Can we have a PPG thread?
What's the best 2016 cape film
Why, I do believe it's time for early Silver Age comics!
How does a mime from a Disney movie become a favorite background character?
I think this movie might be growing on me
Marvel solicitations October
Will there be any news at SDCC? Also any speculation for S2?
I want to die
What does Disney have to lose if they made all their theatrical shorts from now on 2D animated?
How come comics and cartoons aren't as popular with girls as anime&manga?
Are there any comics about normal people experiencing ennui?
Oh you must be Peter's friend...
Daily reminder that being Finn is suffering and here's why
ITT: visual changes in a cartoon that constantly upset you
The show that SJWs worship the most stars a straight cis white male in a borderline messianic role
Yeah this is what people want to see. An American symbol of truth and justice playing judge, jury, and executioner...
My mom died last night Sup Forums, and I need something hopeful to take my mind off it
Was Agent Carter actually good?
Meanwhile in opposite world Sup Forums
MAD #38-42 (1958) storytime
Namco, SNK, and Capcom are willing to work together and give the fans a crossover fighter
Mark Waid Flash Storytime Part 11
So Sup Forums
Rose Quartz
Does Superman make sense?
Cartoon Network schedule this week. Some more Mighty Magiswords and some Adventure Time
Let's cut all the scenes that show Joker as an actual, albeit deranged...
Valerian & Laureline
Who wins: Batman vs. Black Manta
Injustice 2 #15 Storytime
Deadpool Vs. Old Man Logan
Literally the ONLY capeflick that matters
What would you want from season 6?
Adventure Time
ComiXology's Best-Selling Comics for the Week Starting July 12, 2017
/hyw/ - How's Your Webcomic? #387
Meanwhile, in a parallel universe
What went wrong?
Who is your favorite cat, Sup Forums?
Black-Ops is nine shades too light for this
/leni loud/ Thread
Can they actually hear Stewie...
Why doesn't Gambit carry around alternative explosive weapons?
Fucking sozin
If he had chosen to be more like Goku instead of Superman he could've just blasted the missile out of the sky with a...
Why were the women in lilo and stitch so thicc?
Sup Forums Hair Thread
Marvel needs a fresh reboot. Maybe a Secret Wars-esque event that leads into a complete reset
Stargate Universe: Back to Destiny Issue #1
West Tree story time
As if falcon didn't look pathetic enough already
What's the most Important animated series of the 2010s?
Steve Whitmire brought to tears in video about his abrupt firing from Kermit
Was it kino?
ITT: perfect candidates for the Red Lantern corps
Who came up with the multiverse first, DC or Marvel?
Spider-Man 2099 is Stuck in Earth-616 Storytime - Part 5
Anyone notice how hot Clark Kent looks without glasses...
I hate you, Sherman
What was the point of that whole "bloody mature now" thing when they stopped it very quickly and went back to classic...
Why does Sup Forums ride this character's dick so fucking hard?
So... can we?
NuCarol Thread
Tfw you realize they're gonna kill Thanos in the MCU
Ten years from now, will Sausage Party be recognized as a classic and important in animation history?
How would you reboot the Thundercats?
Did the new Star vs the Forces of Evil movie play tonight? Or was it last night? Was it everything we hoped it would be...
Will studios ever shift back to traditional animation?
Injustice 2 thread
If he can get ahead of everyone to set up traps and cheat why doesn't he just win the race?
The joke is they all annoy Bob and he usually gets the shit end of the stick...
Now that the dust has settled, what's your take on Spidershota: Homecoming
Why is Alan Moore so completely and utterly better every other creator in comics (apart from perhaps Osamu Tezuka)...
The Great Debate
Get ready for this guy to Pisa and moan about DC stealing his artwork
How can you make him a good character?
ITT: Worst Panels
Stand Still Stay Silent: Storytime Webcomic
Isn't he and rick essentially the same character
I think everyone had that show they liked as a kid that their parents shat on them for since it was a "girl" show...
Nightwing and Red Hood
A random group of your favorite superheroes ends up plummeting into a portal to another world
Action League NOW!
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
What obscure Marvel hero should appear in the MCU?
What are your go-to comfy/cute webcomics, Sup Forums?
What does Sup Forums think of Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy together?
Blue Beetle question, hope this doesn't get buried
A cartoon is made of Sup Forums what would it be like?
Do you suppose they have the guts to have a sex scene in the new Castlevania cartoon...
How come Bruce Wayne doesn't do anything to help Gotham in person?
Whats his endgame?
There are people on this board that actually think that Thanos is a better character than Darkseid
Previous Thread:
What's she drawing?
Sup Forums feels thread
ITT: popular shows you refused to like as a kid
Didn't know anyone liking this show growing up
Every board is allowed one meta thread
Page 10
Why wasn't this shot in the movie?
Lol they brought back Wally West to only Ultimate Peter Parker him
Ice bear > grizzly > panda
Secret Empire sales numbers
Will the harem genre ever take off in Western cartoons?
A reminder that Doomsday was introduced and then killed in this movie
Non Sup Forums shit that you think could work retooled into an American cartoon
ITT: Crossovers That Shouldn't Exist But Do
If ATLA ended with Taang how would their children have turned out?
So what the fuck is this?
He thinks that Rick and Morty is deep and complex
Ultimate Spider-Man Pt. 1
Controlled Insanity Will Get You Through Alive
Poppy O'Possum
Mark Waid Flash Storytime Part 10
Times you disagreed with them or times South Park didn't articulate its point very well
Personal Displays of Affection
Since doctor who is soon going to be ruined forever beyond repair, lets look back at some of its animated exploits
NickToons Online
Sony's Black Cat/Silver Sable Movie Will Feature FIVE Spider-Man Villains
"Things are finally going my way"
Rogue Trooper storytime part 6
Moral: if you're born small, weak, and ineffectual, you'll not only stay that way...
Why was the previous thread about the state of Sup Forums deleted?
ITT: Sup Forums creators you want to hug
Just because someone looks different than you, or thinks different than you, doesn't mean you should be afraid of them...
How come Batman doesn't just buy the guns and drugs in Gotham if he hates them so much...
Star Vs Livestream
Webcomic Reccomendations
What went wrong?
Was this show made to appeal to self-hating blacks?
You faggots told me this show was good...
Where were you the day the Rebel Taxi died?
How did they get away with this on a kids show?
What was better ?
Was he a bad Captain?
Batman #27 Preview
Let's talk about nudity How does France manage to get away with it? When does it go from harmless to unnecessary...
Disney gives reason to why Steve Whitmire got fired
Cheryl Henson (daughter of Jim Henson) kicks the recently fired Steve Whitmire while he's down
Realistically, what would RT have to do to make Volume 5 good?
Secret Service 2 (or how Mark Millar gets paid regardless just to spite people)
Redesign thread
I tried not to be hype, but fucking god dammit I'm hype
Is it even worth watching past Season 1. This shit completely killed any interest I had in this series
What are some Sup Forums-related fuckups that went over so badly the creators had to acknowledge it?
Comic Vendor Ends 44 Year Run at Comic Con
How true is this? I just finished Urusei Yatsura and I don't mind seeing more of the same
What is it with making scientists in comics atheists?
Admit it, you're going to watch this aren't you?
The Legend Of Korra Turf Wars
I literally don't understand why anyone calls this Iron Man 1 with magic. They're very different movies...
Justice League’s Steppenwolf Never Met The Cast
Post Doomdsay clock
ITT: Post biggest Sup Forums asspulls
One of these threads
Toffee was a name given to him by Eclipsa. Discuss
Kitty Thread
Now that the dust has settled, what is the general consensus on Reddit Man: Memecoming?
Is he right?
This movie gave me diabetes because it was so vanilla
Discuss Sup Forums's shit taste
Iron Manlet's reaction
Bcb - Bittersweet Candy Bowl
Leave Thanos to me
MAD #33-37 (1957-58) storytime
Tim Burton's Dumbo
Ashi Appreciation thread
ITT: Overrated Sup Forums media
What was the point of this character? Being a bitch?
I like occult related capeshit and comics. Can you recommend me stuff to read?
They're different from us
Spider-Man, Spider-Man
For all its faults, I'll give the MCU one thing: they don't pander to sjw garbage like the comics
Katie Power matters!!
Why was she such a bad character?
I have one of the biggest erection i've ever had as i type this
June 2017 Comic Book Sales Report - Top 300+'s
Guys, we're running out of animals to make films about
The Weiss Character Short For RWBY Volume 5 Is Out
Runaways Trailer
Monster Allergy thread
Why are comics terrible now? How long have they been terrible like this?
What do you guys think the next Disney Animation live action remake should be? hardmode: can you cast it?
Shit you only saw once on TV and can´t find on the internet
Anime has Cowboy Bebop and Eva, what is the Sup Forums's counterpart to them in terms of popularity?
Why do people hate this movie? Just rewatched it for the hundredth time
Did that new Captain Britain even do anything?
Since Homecoming is bomibng, and Parker is boring at this point, can we get Supaidaman as the new reboot?
Adventure Time
What the fuck
Excluding the costume being missing or not making Danny Asian, why didn't you like it?
ITT: dumb characters
This episode actually became more relevant
With great power comes great responsibility
So the US Postal Service has a new Disney villain stamp collection. Did your favorite make the cut?
Post dubs that are better than the original
Dani was nothing but wasted potential
Do your worst
West Tree story time
The Raccoons: The New Adventures
Just Saw Homecoming, illegally of course, I'd never pay for a Spidey without Tobey...
Let's talk about cartoons that grew up as we did and became more mature and sometimes depressing
Has the west ever made an animated series out of literal online shitpost comics?
Blonde now
Spider-Man 2099 is Stuck in Earth-616 Storytime - Part 4
Why is Spider-Man: Homecoming underperforming?
Hey user! You know your favorite cape character?
What happened to her after Bob and his family left the island?
Why is she so shit and why is her relationship with Zuko so fucking awful?
Let's have a thread about Magik
Can anyone explain what DC Bombshells is and should I give it a shot?
Namor Storytime
This show has never made a bad episode which is impressive for a show with almost 300 episodes
Favorite Genre?
Let's say Dan Slott finally leaves ASM and Marvel approaches you to hand pick a new writer for Spider-Man
Gunnerkrigg Court
Poor pacing
Realistically, why would Batman have abs...
Just finished watching up through s2 and... Sup Forums hates this why...
Putting aside TS4, did this ending work? Was t too cringey?
Face it tiger,You just hit the jackpot
Post L O R E
It still hurts
Family Guy is the best 90s cartoon
So Webby is now the ultimate badass. Thoughts?
Where's the joke, Dan?
Are there any good comics about pro wrestling?
Devil's Candy
Cancel their books
ITT: Things Only You Remember
Did he deserve to get eliminated first?
Was it really partially hydrogenated?
Itt: artists who draw certain characters better then anyone else
Y-y-you wanted to see me?
Ultimate Spider-Man: Venom Issues Pt. 2
Lollipop Girl: Ketchup
Dumbing of Age
Why was this allowed?
It's another "main character constantly dismisses the advances of an attractive woman who wants his dick" episode
Calexit Storytime?
Plague of gripes is /ourguy/ talk about Sup Forums's best write fag ITT
Ernest and Celestine: TAS
This was pretty good
Common Misconceptions
Mike Tyson Mysteries
>Yfw this is pretty much a PG rated Resident Evil movie with animals
Questionable Sup Forumsntent General #907
Has Artemis ever appeared in any sort of television show outside of Arrow and Young Justice?
Implying we were all delusional
ITT: Sup Forums protagonist that have killed kids and gotten away with it
Tfw i'm black and i'm actually okay with Concrete's design. what about you, my fellow black anons?
Spider-Man Homecoming
So can someone answer this question for me? If Rhombulus' crystals were powerful enough to trap eclipsa...
Meanwhile, on 2002 Sup Forums
It just occurred to me how potentially horrifying stretching powers can be and how the only major characters I can...
Cars 3
I dare you to name one cartoon or comic that nobody on Sup Forums has any complaints about. Protip: you can't
Who was in the wrong here?
This episode really makes me uncomfortable
Dobson is sad, Sup Forums, say something to cheer him up!
Would you ?
Is it okay the unnecessarily emphasis on erotic body parts like breasts and butts (sexualization) of characters of...
Two of MCU Peter costumes are rip-off of Scarlet-Spider suits
Why are almost all female villains either generic psycho bitches or reluctant henchwomen who redeem themselves as soon...
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Why can Marvel produce titles nobody wants to buy, but not Force Works or West Coast Avengers?
This movie is really fun. It's got great songs, funny characters, and actually good slapstick and visuals
Spend 6 years building a solid as fuck reputation as the company that does capes properly
Who is Spider-Man's main villain? The Lex Luthor to his Superman?
Make a comic
Will this be any good?
Moon Knight Complete Storytime Part 14
90s X-Men is ultimately a better show, but X-Men: Evolution is pretty underrated
So, this doodled character is
Also I got the power to make people more humble
JSA Storytime: Mr. X
Ultimate Spider-Man: Venom Issues
ITT, who would be your "creator's pet?"
Post characters punching Hitler
Who she?
When will it be acceptable in society to dress up like a supervillian in public...
Would you like to see a writer try to fix there relationship? Or are the two past the point of no return?
Official Win-O'-Thread
Live action Princess Jasmine
Winnie the Pooh Strips
Cal-Arts shit
How often did Danny Phantom use his powers to possess his mom and sister?
Did anyone else start reading Marvel & DC way later in life...
Post the thirstiest of Sup Forums bitches
Books that you wish had cartoon adaptations
So, Sup Forums, do you prefer the classic costumes or the New 52 costumes?
Press F
Velocity Storytime
Reminder that Snyder almost ruined Wonder Woman too and people were already defending this
What kind of cartoons woukd the nazis have made had they won the war...
What the fuck is his problem?
Epic Superman Battles FROM COMIC BOOKS
Star vs the Forces of Evil
What did Rebecca Sugar mean by this?
How does Sup Forums feel about China blacklisting Winnie the Pooh in China? Apparently it's because of pic related...
I want to _____ my _____ in Gwen's ____
Nefcy did it again, another background character i want to fuck
Who else despises this show?
What the FUCK
How badly will DC be BTFO'd when Marvel releases a Wonder Man movie that gets a higher RT score than Wonder Woman?
What are some moments in comic book history?
Which one will win the Oscar?
Why does she have a Chinese last name if she's clearly not Chinese?
Are you excited for Cuphead, Sup Forums?
I read on another thread that tough girls loving nerd boys is common in cartoons but the user only gave one example...
ITT times a hero's "no kill" rule went straight into retarded territory
So whats slotts twist that hes hyping Sup Forums?
Gentlemen, how do we fix Superman in the DCEU?
What if Eddy didn't exist? How would the lives of Ed, Double D...
ITT: Official characters who look like OCs
Who would win in a game of chess? Lex Luthor or Doctor Doom?
MAD #28-32 (1956-57) storytime
Tfw Sup Forums creator IRL replies to you on twitter
Will we ever see 90s Warner Brothers characters (Animaniacs, Tiny Toons, etc...
Expect Marvel heroes stamped into that contract super
"I am an angry fish man and I want to fuck ur wife! I am a great character, right?"
Too Loud - Episode 2
Marvel UK's Zoids
"Tell Star..."
Rick and Morty - Pocket Like You Stole It #1 Storytime
There need to be more comics about younger boys going on adventures with older women
What if Stardust was a DC character?
Shows only you watched
Butch Hartman
When did this trend of Batman being kind of a dyspeptic jerk originate?
Comfy /DCEU/ thread
Blade Under Mask - 100
Meta Thread
How right is this?
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Why does he end up completely jobbing every time?
I watched all four lilo and stitch movies on netflix and tthen i found out there is a 65 episode tv show?...
Redpill me on the Question
You only watched it because you wanted to fuck her didn't you?
Is it feasible to draw porn for a living? How long do you think it takes to cultivate a base?
Sup Forums characters who've had sex
What logical flaw in comics can you not forgive, Sup Forums?
The Washington Memeument is a symbol of white supremacy, Peter
Steve Whitmire speaks up about his firing from Kermit, Disney actively erasing Jim Henson's legacy
Why is it not as popular as SpongeBob or The Loud House?
Gotham Academy Storytime
She kowtowed to the SJWs
Why does Universal still own the film rights to Hulk?
There are people out there right now who believe this won't flop
A reminder that
Mark Waid Flash Storytime Part 9
When/how will it end?
Foreign characters names
Is she OUR girl
Is plague /ourguy/?
Big Bad Fox
On the first aniversary of his death, here´s a litttle retrospective on Carlos Nine (1944-2016)
D23 2017 General: Day 3 Edition
So Webby is now the ultimate badass. Thoughts?
Remember Sup Forums, blood is thicker than water
Why is Sup Forums always wrong
June 2017 Comic Book Sales Report - Top 100's
Peter Lorre thread
/CTG/ Channel-tans General
As is natural for a superhero group that's been in various media since 1963, there have been a lot of Avengers...
Spider-Man 2099 is Stuck in Earth-616 Storytime - Bridge & Part 3
No girl will ever love you as much as Helga loved Arnold
House of Ideas, huh?
I was in the Graphic Novel section of Barnes and Nobles yesterday, as usual...
Is it okay to have a crush on a fictional character?
What's Sup Forums's honest and humble thoughts on Camp Lazlo and other CN shows airing at the time?
Wow, the staff are really driving home the point that Jackie is a plot device and a stand in for the "wrong choice "...
Toonami General #7
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
I making a comic book with a friend and it is about a superhero with octopus powers
Can someone explain to me how this sort of worthiness exactly happened?
Is there any single Sup Forums character that could stop Hellstar Remina from eating Earth?
Madame Mirage Storytime
Toonami General #6
Spider-Man 2099 is Stuck in Earth-616 Storytime - Part 2
How come Euro comics never caught on in the US...
The Hulk's Hulk
Toonami General #5
OK K.O.!
Tfw I have been waiting for live action Jimmy Woo in the MCU
OTP Thread
'Spider-Man: Homecoming' Director Wants Black Widow In Sequel
I'm new to comic books, but I like Gwenpool
Toonami General #4
We didn't even get a explanation on why he went such a long way for his finger...
Who's your obscure Sup Forums-fu?
What do you think of my Vanellope doll?
Dumbing of Age
Why did nobody on the team raise their hand and state the obvious that she's awkwardly young to be pregnant?
Toonami General #3
What are some books from your childhood/younger teens that you think would work great adapted to Sup Forums content?
Name a better Looney Tune. Go ahead, try
Has there ever been a tweet so RIGHT?
Toonami General #1
Like you wouldn't have done it too if you were in his position
Who would win in a fight? Peter Parker or Clark Kent?
What does Sup Forums think of these videos? They're as Sup Forums as it gets
What do you think happened during the "noodle incident" ?
Confess sins to Hulk. Hulk smash puny sins
Now that the dust has settled, how was Superior Spiderman?
Well, it doesn't look too great visually. Hopefully the writing is good
A new relaunch is already being planned for April 2018
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