There need to be more comics about younger boys going on adventures with older women

There need to be more comics about younger boys going on adventures with older women.

what comic is this?

I know Sup Forums likes /ss/ but there just isn't enough official material to make a thread. Maybe the next Sup Forumsllab project can be an /ss/ themed comic?


I feel like Dr. Deth with Kip and Muffy kinda burned people out on that OP. It ran for something crazy like 230 issues of post-apocalyptic ultraviolence with a bitter, smart kid and his amoral girlfriends after all.

Playboy, 1974 issue I believe.

A Black Cat/Black Kitten story. They are public domain.


>public domain
Holy shit. Should I try rebooting it?

The thought has crossed Sup Forums's mind many a time in the past.