Fucking sozin

fucking sozin

oh for fuck's sake.


I always thought Sozin might have been gay himself.


I won't say that's the most ham-fisted political commentary I've ever seen, but damn is it trying.

i can't wait to get a hold of this IP and completely reset it and reboot it

There's nothing wrong with adding same sex relationships in Avatar, but now it's become the center of the whole Avatar story. That, no matter if it's straight or gay is a no-no. Anyway, at least we get more lesbian R34, right?

They're not even trying anymore

Jim Shooter, we need you to purge the LGBTs

>background behind Korra is literally an upside-down Bi Pride flag

Full disclosure, I wasn't against the idea of Korra and Asami getting together (felt a bit rushed and not very well thought out, but most of LoK felt that way, in all honesty), but this is reaching the level of parody. Like, this honestly reads like a MAD Magazine spoof.