Does Superman make sense?

Can someone explain to me the logic behind Superman's power? I've repeatedly been told that his power is unlimited and his source of power is from a yellow sun whose power is finite. He has this ability because of his Kryptonian genetics and (to my knowledge) any of the millions (billions, trillions?) Kryptonians that had perviously existed would also have this power but they're dead now so it's okay. Is my understanding correct and if so, does this make any damn sense? How did they evolve to be this way? Is any of this explained in the comics?

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Superman has be collecting solar energy for at least 35 years. His power is called Infinite because they don't have any way to properly measure it.

>Is my understanding correct

He's been collecting it from our sun though, right? Couldn't all other Kryptonians do this?
Cool. Explain why I'm wrong, please.

1) It's a comic book and was not designed by physicists. There have been attempts to explain it but they're fucking retarded like "tactile telekinesis". The fact is, it's impossible, there is no way to explain it without making it a completely different power altogether.

2) The power of the sun is not "finite", it's a giant fusion reactor. It's constantly generating massive amounts of power.

3) How did anything evolve to be how it is? Krypton was a planet orbiting a red sun, which generates less solar power than a yellow one. This is why Kryptonians didn't have powers on their world and resembled normal humans.

The entirety of the explanation is that a yellow sun gives a Kryptonian so much power that they can do things like fly and expel energy from their eyes. On Krypton, under a red sun, they only absorb enough power to fulfill their body's needs. That's all there is.

That last part I never knew. So they always got strength from a sun but theirs was weak. If they hadn't all died then the DCU would be all kinds of broken then.

>Cool. Explain why I'm wrong, please.
You've already been spoon fed your answers.

This could have been avoided with a simple Google, user. Or by reading the very first issue.

>a yellow sun whose power is finite
while technically finite the amount of energy that a star makes is so fucking huge that its difficult to accurately describe in a way you can picture. literally astronomical amounts of power.

Superman is so OP compared to other kryptonians because he has been exposed to this energy for much longer than any of the few who still are alive.

Going by that logic, it should be impossible for him to make vast, sustained leaps in power, correct?

It's been brought up at least once in the comic that being powered by the sun is mathematically impossible. His powers are tied to the sun though.

To be fair most comic fans give it the same treatment as the speedforce, meaning "Dont have to explain shit."

Yeah it means one story he might struggle to move a planet and another he can fly faster than the speed of light. The authors not truly understanding the former is infinitely easier than the later.

>2) The power of the sun is not "finite", it's a giant fusion reactor. It's constantly generating massive amounts of power.

No it's definitely finite. It's exhaustible and has limit power output. The problem being the amount of power that reaches superman doesn't make logical sense. Even collecting power for 35 years, he does not have enough surface area to collect what he needs to do what he does.