Epic Superman Battles FROM COMIC BOOKS

Does anyone knows great Superman battles in comic books? I personally only know stuff with Doomsday, primarly stuff from Kelly's run (pic related Trial by Fire to Harvest or What so funny about Truth, Justice...?), War of Supermen.
But all this stuff is release in or after 90s. For some reason I beleave that those battles were influenced by Dragon Ball Z, which came out in 1989, I am not weeb and not big into Superman pre 90's (except Golden Age), so can somebody recall any grand battles before 1989?


I suggest you fuck right off

What's wrong with that word, reddit?

+ from All Star Superman ofc

Superman vs Batman in the Dark Knight Returns

Epic. Simply epic xD

Nah, I mean when Superman battles someone equal and they fuck enviroment around. Just like in DBZ.
In TDKR it's 5 sec fight in wich only Batman's suit was damaged.



Well, seems like nobody actually read Superman pre 90s. Just like me.

When he fought the Elite for the first time. Action comics 775 I think.