Bcb - Bittersweet Candy Bowl

This looks so boring I'll be surprised if the thread gets more than 50 replies

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Oh you mother fucker

Fat cat is fat

>Drawn on lined paper
>stereotypical "kawaii" last panel

Tae truly is regressing to her teen weeb stage again.

Artfags what are you gonna draw bag boy for his birthday?

>back to no color
Hey why even pretend to show effort after that shit show of a last chapter right?

author's commentary:
>This’ll be a little unusual. I wanted to make a fun little chapters-within-a-chapter series where we check out what the characters are up to in their (drama-filled) everyday lives!
hooray. Uninteresting af AND longer than the usual 1-2 pages

She maybe recycled an idea for a BCI chapter she already started but didn't get to refine.
Or maybe you're right.

arent we all?

Literally filler
Help me so I can help you, Taeshi