Ike outkiked

>His aversion to the limelight runs so deep that he's no longer CEO of Marvel, and yet, news outlets continue to confer that title upon him because there has never been any press release announcing he had relinquished that role.

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So who is the new ceo?

Does that mean that Marvel staffers will be allowed to use more paper clips, renovate their offices, build some more bathrooms and have Christmas parties?

So- does this mean Fantastic Four can have their comic back?

>Does that mean that Marvel staffers will be allowed to use more paper clips, renovate their offices, build some more bathrooms and have Christmas parties?

I hope not. They sure as fuck haven't earned any of that.

The Fantastic Four had a grand arc over years of comic series and several events leading to their eventual thematic closure. Let them rest.

It seems weird because if he was no longer CEO it'd be mentioned in the news more prominently.

Does the new CEO actually give a shit about comics? Will the new CEO actually fire people so we get blood in that have actual talent?

No other news outlet is reporting this. I'm calling bullshit.

What if by improving their morale they become more productive and start making better comics?