So basically: Japanese animation working conditions are hell, America's are all rainbows and sunshine like Pixar claims?

So basically: Japanese animation working conditions are hell, America's are all rainbows and sunshine like Pixar claims?

No. There was a scandal a few years ago when it was revealed that big Californian animation companies like Disney basically formed a cartel to suppress wages for animators.

I wouldn't say that they're sunshine but people under the animation guild are typically treated decently due to union shit.

That said, Pixar doesn't have any room to talk, they're not a part of the guild and they've got a reputation for making life hell for their employees, I remember someone saying that working on Toy Story 3 made them want to die.

>I remember someone saying that working on Toy Story 3 made them want to die.

Jesus. How so?

IIRC the animators for Sausage Party had awful pay and were treated like shit.

Animation is a nightmare-tier job regardless of how well they treat you desu.

To be fair working conditions in any Japanese career market is basically hell, there's a reason they have a specific term for being overworked to death.

That being said any media industry in the west is also pretty fucking horrible, don't know too much about the animation industry but with the vidya industry a lot of guys can go weeks or even months without seeing their homes because of how much work they have, they have to sleep in the studios bunks.

What about being an animation director or director/producer of an entire production,

It was a while ago so I don't remember the exact circumstances, but part of it was severe overwork.

No, if you're an animator in America, even if you're not completely subservient to the writer, very little (if any) of your original work will actually make it into the finished project.