So basically: Japanese animation working conditions are hell, America's are all rainbows and sunshine like Pixar claims?

So basically: Japanese animation working conditions are hell, America's are all rainbows and sunshine like Pixar claims?

No. There was a scandal a few years ago when it was revealed that big Californian animation companies like Disney basically formed a cartel to suppress wages for animators.

I wouldn't say that they're sunshine but people under the animation guild are typically treated decently due to union shit.

That said, Pixar doesn't have any room to talk, they're not a part of the guild and they've got a reputation for making life hell for their employees, I remember someone saying that working on Toy Story 3 made them want to die.

>I remember someone saying that working on Toy Story 3 made them want to die.

Jesus. How so?

IIRC the animators for Sausage Party had awful pay and were treated like shit.

Animation is a nightmare-tier job regardless of how well they treat you desu.

To be fair working conditions in any Japanese career market is basically hell, there's a reason they have a specific term for being overworked to death.

That being said any media industry in the west is also pretty fucking horrible, don't know too much about the animation industry but with the vidya industry a lot of guys can go weeks or even months without seeing their homes because of how much work they have, they have to sleep in the studios bunks.

What about being an animation director or director/producer of an entire production,

It was a while ago so I don't remember the exact circumstances, but part of it was severe overwork.

No, if you're an animator in America, even if you're not completely subservient to the writer, very little (if any) of your original work will actually make it into the finished project.

Who the fuck cares about that, stop bringing it up they should be grateful to even be near Seth Rogen.

Being an animator is suffering. Working in studios you get overworked and underpaid, no good way to go independent without eating out of the dumpster, and if you DO create a series that a network shows interest in you'll probably just end up in development hell.

Pixar does that thing where they go crazy at the last-minute trying to rush things out after story issues.

Yeah we all get to live on this planet at the same time as the great Seth Rogen so I better not hear anyone complain about anything. Ever.

I would pay money to ensure I'd never have an encounter with Seth Rogan.

>putting DUDE WEED LMAO on a pedestal
There's no suitable reaction image for my disgust.

It's pretty sad Sausage Party isn't recognized as a movie anymore so much as a subject of animator abuse and stepping stone for Rogen haters

I think they've also got this weird unspoken cult of personality built around the fact that they're Pixar to make sure people do whatever.

Like, "if you were lucky enough to be chosen to work on a Pixar project you'd best suck up whatever we throw at you because any number of thousands of people would die to take your place."

They're better than Japan, but not all sunshine and rainbows. America's pro-labor only about a third of the time.

Too bad it treated its workers like shit and wasn't a good movie when it came out, so it deserves all the shit it gets and more.

Tell that to the animators of Sausage Party...


lol if you're talking CG, sure. But otherwise Americans just draw keyframes and ship them off to the Korean soulless inbetween factory. But no matter where you go, animation will always be an abusive job.

Dedicating my life to animation was the worst mistake I ever made. I'm quitting to try and make a comic and if that doesn't at the very least pull in minimum wage just fuck it to hell.

>600 hours a month
>working 600 hours out of 744 in a 31-day month
Fucking christ Japan.

>I'm quitting to try and make a comic and if that doesn't at the very least pull in minimum wage
It will not unless you're putting in more than 40 hours, or make it big. But you have to make it big on your own IP, and by big I mean industry shifting big.

>40 hours
Mate, that's a vacation by an animator's standards. lol

>America's are all rainbows and sunshine like Pixar claims?
No, it is not that bad but it is still bad.

>A1 Pictures

Clearly he had enough of SAO's shit.

Backdoor deals to suppress wages between competitors is scummy, but animators at those studios still got paid ridiculously well and had a lot of perks and many got overtime benefits. Even with wage suppressing, many of those artists were still a hell of a lot better off than most 9-to-5 jobs in the country.

This. That's 4 and a half hours of sleep every night if all you literally do is work and sleep. No wonder the birth rate sucks in Japan, they don't even have time to fucking eat let alonr procreate.

>40 hours
Realistically animators work like 10-12 hours a day including weekends and holidays, on top of the fact that living near an animation studio on an animators salary is basically impossible so you're looking at like 2 hours of driving every day to get to and from work.

Yet strangely Japanese workers have less complaints and have more work satisfaction.

No, in fact Japan's is getting better and the West is getting worse

If 70% of your life is just working you're either going to find satisfaction in your work or kill yourself. Which they do.

>But no matter where you go, animation will always be an abusive job.
>Dedicating my life to animation was the worst mistake I ever made.
Can you please explain further why you regret doing animation? These type of stories interest me.

>2% difference in suicide rate
Wow so much suicide.

>Studios actually deciding to pay people and give them breaks now

It's more like studios telling people they are required to take breaks and not allowing them to work so much.

Working conditions at Rick and Morty's were shit.
They weren't even covered for health care, so they unionised.
Roiland had some nice things to say to them and Harmon, while initially caving in, performed a great purge with blacklists and all the jazz.
This is the true reason why "writers are more diverse in Season 3".

It's either this or communism.

The studio I work in did the pilot episode of Rick and Morty and we also didn't have any benefits or whatever.