Ever since I was a little boy, I always loved Kanga, I loved her so much that I had my mom cosplay as her when I was 5, 7 and 9, while I dressed as Roo.
I still keep a Kanga doll that I sleep with almost every night
As for me, I always liked the Street Sharks. They're cool!
Xavier Ramirez
Daniel Parker
Do you have photos of your mom cosplaying as Kanga?
Luis Miller
Ka the snake made me horny as a babe
Noah Flores
I don't know man, maybe jack.
I remember that one time when I was a kid that I coaxed my dad into buying me a plastic toy katana and a white bathing robe, and on any occasion that he went on a date night with my mother, I would dress up in white undies and put on the robe and hold the katana.
I was jumping from sofa to sofa slicin' and dicin' the air, yelling "Akuuuuu!!!", and putting a straw fruit bowl on my head to pretend that I'm walking a long path like Jack did some times.
I was one autistic kid, I'll tell you that.
Asher Williams
even when i was a kid i always wanted to fuck that kangaroo