ITT: popular shows you refused to like as a kid
Asher Bailey
Benjamin Nelson
Chase Hernandez
shit taste son
Evan Clark
hated this garbage
Levi Watson
>Samurai Jack, Avatar: TLAB, Ben 10, Teen Titans
Pretty much any action shows that my brother liked, but I didn't care for since they didn't make me laugh as much as Spongebob or EEnE did. I gave them all a shot a couple years ago, I like them now.
Gabriel Sanders
I guess the old saying's true, shit taste does start from a young age
Samuel Smith
yeah thats why you liked ed ed n eddy FUKKEN REKT LMAO
Juan Adams
I just couldn`t get into it. Don`t know if it was their designs or the fact that it was just too out there/silly for my tastes.
Jack Lewis
The rest meh I guess.
Jaxson Murphy
>refused to like
For what reason?