non Sup Forums shit that you think could work retooled into an American cartoon.
Non Sup Forums shit that you think could work retooled into an American cartoon
It would probably be another Rabbids.
dont you fucking even try and be serious about that.
C'mon, you know I'm right.
No cause unlike Rabbis nklings are clearly intelligent. You could probably gore a Rabbid in front of its pals an they'd wonder why their friend isnt moving and try to wake it up or something.
It would cancelled because of the kids.
>Implying that it wouldn't work as is
better cut your balls off and eat shit
well it is getting a anime so i guess take that and westernize it
Before you say "no, Dragonball is fine as is," let me just say that OP said COULD work retooled into an American cartoon, not SHOULD be.
I think the show before Goku grow up could very easily be reworked into an American action comedy. Something Xiaolin Showdown-esque maybe?
>Genzoman hasn't illustrated Yugioh cards in over a year
Kill me.
I wasnt implying it wouldnt, or well I didnt MEAN to, this is just fine as is.
Before tournaments and piccolo? sure.
But after RR army Dragon ball became tension driven and very Shonen-like, Maybe the first tournament could work in a One match per episode fashion.
I hope they still look mostly as they do now, The aesthetics is a very kid-friendly urban shit reminiscent of the 90's wanna-be black Nickelodeon-tude.
If they redesign the characters to look like every more, shield-faced Anime it will lose most of it's essence.
Either a cartoon, or a comic series could work for Shantae.
its supposed to based off of the manga and the manga designs are pretty much what you see in game
OP here
Yes...very yes,
Shantae is probably at the top of the list.
Also Starfy, Ecco, NiGHTS, Crash Bandicoot, Donkey Kong Country (NO MUSIC THIS TIME)...
No, I think it could all work. You just have to shuffle things around a bit. Just don't break everything into arcs the way mangas tend to.
Start the show with finding the first Dragonball, and the rivalry to gather them before Emporer Pilaf, but hint at King Piccolo's existance from the get. Build up the finale being both "finding the last Dragonball" and "stopping King Piccolo."
To draw another Xiaolin Showdown analogy, make Piccolo the "Wuya" and Pilaf the "JAck Spicer"
The Red Ribbons, if you use them, can be a third party antagonist to keep things interesting, as all three parties are vying for the Dragonballs.
You can keep it more interesting and draw the search out by doing away with the Dragon Radar concept, and have everyone do more treasure hunting/finding clues to the locations of the Dragonballs
also fucking Ristar COME ON!
Dude, we could fill a whole Saturday morning with Sega IPS. More than that if we throw in Capcom and Konami.
goddamn Space Channel 5 would be perfect.
or Crazy Taxi.
just an eccentric cab driver trying to do his job as best as possible, and getting his passengers to their destination abit too well.
Not a cartoon, but I could see Monogatari as an indie comic if most of the H was removed.
I think this one would work better as Sup Forums
This game would be prime Saturday morning cartoon material.
>American cartoon
You know they would fuck up her character design bad.
dude its a videogame made by an american team you could literally just make her look like she does in the games.
>Space Channel 5
My dear friend.
They already have 13 episodes written, too.
Video games still haven't been as fucked over by the SJW's as much as tv and cartoons have (though they're certainly trying).
You know they would never allow that much cleavage and mid-drift into a cartoon, if anything the French would have to make it.
>(though they're certainly trying).
Worse, they're succeeding. The worst thing that ever happened to gaming? Become mainstream popular with normies who WORSHIP Leftist propaganda like SJW undertones.
>Worse, they're succeeding
Not as long as Japan exists they aren't, the jew fears the samurai
While i love me some squiddies now and then
I think this would work better,it can be as LUL SO RANDOM XD as you like, it can be serious, and it has that annoying childish humour, Im sure someone could milk what's left of this
They look cute together dont they?
It almost happened too. Goddamnit I want fucking animatic.[/spoiler.]
Would westerners be able to capture that unbridled sense of mystery and omen that was only ever in the first game tho is the real question.
Fuck, I'd just want it to get more promo art like pic related.
Idk if this counts, but there's this "anti bullying" commercial. The style is actually really cute but the commercial fucking infuriates me because its like
"Teehee if you see BULLYING online, post this emoji to do something about it!"
and I'm like, fuck teaching kids they're doing anything fucking at all by posting an emoji. It's the laziest form of "pat yourself on the back for doing literally nothing" I've ever seen and this is why our future generations are doomed. Damn slactivism becoming canon.
I wanna take the animators of that commercial and produce a kids show that actually teaches them GOOD advice on how to deal with bullying and other subjects of adolescence/childhood too.
Sup Forums would probably hate it though since it'd be clearly aimed at kids and not them lol.
I agree with you actually. I'm not even a dragonball fan but I could see the appealing parts reworked into an american cartoon as long as they tried to do something new and unique with it rather than just re-drawing it.
Something with the pacing of Steven Universe (i'm saying PACING i'm not comparing anything else to it, so please reserve your hate) and with the overall feel of Xiaolin Showdown.
On a similar note I think Yu Yu Hakusho could work in the same vein
I wanna fuck that squid (male)
I mean if Disney themselves did it rather than some other company doing it FOR Disney I think it could work and be great. A series would help tie up the really shitty hole-filled plot they have going on now too.
Honestly I'd rather a series (anime or american cartoon) at this point than KH 3 since i doubt this new trailer coming out has any real impact on WHEN it's coming out (The sheer fact Big Hero 6 is in this fucking game shows they haven't been working on it at all until recent years and that pisses me off)
Similarly there's a bunch of PSAs done with animals and stuff that I think would make a good kid's show especially if it had educational messages without being too "A very special episode"
It's like a teenaged version of Bojack Horseman.
Thank god it died. The art style for the concept series? Ugly as shit compared to the Nomura designs. Put into perspective, that cartoon had art that was worse than the Kingdom Hearts manga.
Another problem, USA sucks donkey cock at Action shows. Remember, one of the Disney suits thought Sora slaying Heartless is too violent even though he does with a joke looking key club of a weapon. Could you imagine how much more censored it would be whenever Sora fights human villains? Not worth it. And honestly this is why Big Hero 6's upcoming cartoon doesn't interest me, I know it will be restrained and censored.
The other problem is, it's Disney. You know that they will make Kairi an annoying Girl Power bitch like new Webby from Ducktales. So she's going to be superior to the male characters and junk like that. And before you say anything, remember it was Disney who made Gogo's catch phrase "Woman up!" in their only Action Animated Media of recent times.
So yeah, Kingdom Hearts doesn't work here at all. Ugh, the idea of USA Aqua is another cringe inducing fest.
God damn a Jet Set Radio cartoon would be cozy as fuck.
Yeah gotta agree, if KH was put in full control of Disney they'd absolutely ruin it. The forced badly written female characters would be horrific, they'd probably make Kairi apart of the main cast just to get PC points.
A man of taste i see
KH3 looks super fun though, but yeah the wait's been insane. I think Square learned not to saddle Nomura with too much shit after this and XV though so if he absolutely wants to continue series (which I wouldn't really object to but honestly? After Xehanort's gone for good, why bother playing?)
I just wanna relive waking up in Traverse Town lost and confused and seeing End of the World in gorgeous Didney animation again.
See I was kinda following you for a bit but:
>You know that they will make Kairi an annoying Girl Power bitch like new Webby from Ducktales
Besides, Kairi barely gets any screentime in KH1 which is the only bit I really want adapted anyways.
Also don't kill me but the storyboard's weren't that ugly. The Nomura characters could use work but the Disney characters were flawlessly replicated and that kinda matters more to be quite honest with you familia.
An animated version of Dreamland 2 through Crystal Shards.
>shows they haven't been working on it at all until recent years
I recall reading once that Nomura admitted they put KH on the backburners in favor of that weird GTA Final Fantasy hybrid, whichever number that was, 15?
He specifically said they put development on KH on hold to make and release that game.
I'm not huge on final fantasy so idk how good a move that was in the long run, but from what I've heard from actual FF fans that they all thought Grand Theft Final Fantasy wasn't a very good game.
It just needs the right writer to do it.
god I fucking wish my fellow Americans would stop being prudes about anything related to sex when they're so gung ho about violence in media in comparison.
This reminds me: DUKE FUCKING NUKEM.
Or... OR... You could make it a Netflix series. Bam, problem solved.
Worked for Castlevania.
Splatoon could work very well as a cartoon.
>zelda and link Rebuild a kingdom from the ground up, all the Difficulties and road bumps Game of thrones style
Fuck id rather play the game of that
They turned Castlevania into a Netflix series, and the standard pitfalls associated with Ellis' writing aside, it's been fucking amazing for just four episodes so far.
The way to go for any Video Game series to get a decent animated adaptation is to make it into a Netflix series.
However, Skylanders Academy is an outlier and should not be counted.
>Mighty Switch Force
>related to sex
What ever are you talking about, user?
On a more serious note, the fanservice could be toned down just a notch, and it would be a perfect American tv show. You've got your sassy, tomboyish female lead, the dependable and loyal robo-cop partner, the goofy dog, and the five girly-girls (all with distinct personalities and traits) who are constantly starting shit, creating episodic conflicts for the protagonists.
Best soundtrack out of all their games with Double Dragon NEON close behind.
good taste, also check'd
my fucking brother!
I still jam to that title theme/ending credits
Skullmageddon should be a required character in all future DD games.
I will NEVER stop laughing at the title...Whoa, I'm In Space Cuba.
Imagine if MSF got a cartoon, Patty goes around kicking babies screaming YOU'RE SAFE!
the soccer moms would have a fucking conniption fit.
With the same writers and Keith Webb,it could be successful.
Honestly, I can see a Captain N reboot or something similar in terms of plot going well.
We could have the more obscure and overlooked Nintendo characters like Captain Falcon, Custom Robo and Takamaru helping out the new gamer protagonist and some of the more well known Nintendo characters like Samus can appear every so often.
And maybe some non-nintendo IPs like Megaman and Sonic when they go into their worlds.
>"Here`s a medal for your victory"
>actually get a medal/award/achievement right when he says it
man, i gotta play that game again with someone.
I can't get the idea out of my head that the robot would be voiced by David Hyde Pierce. Any other casting ideas?
I'd watch a Fourze cartoon. Fuck, it's literally about high school drama, the power of friendship and very special say no to drug episodes. It'd be like Japanese Static Shock in Space.
fucking hell pearl looks like shit in game, but in the concept art she looks better than marina
It could be great mang
>centered around a team of slackers trying to get good at turf wars
>lots of high octane splat action
>rock soundtrack
>cuteness of overload
>90s overload
Inb4 Randy
Its a good basis for a story, with lots of room for action/comedy, it just needs decent writing.
Literally everywhere besides in game are the character designs okay.
>The Concept Art
>The Cutscenes
>The Intro
>The Boot Camp Video
I feel like that could work as a decent monster/adventure of the week cartoon
Callie and Marie watching matches and commentating over them generally being fuck ups when not at work.
I want animated Marie burning her old work uniform with no regrets and tranquil fury at the uniform for what it represented to her.
Also Callie fucking up riding a bike.
ARMS lore is too nonsensical for anything besides in game text descriptions
Think something like samurai jack but with Jak and darter killing robots and metalheads
Superb taste in games
It could easily work as a comedy action show.
Please no bully
As a sonic boom type thing? That'd be some good shit. They need the same writers and it could be great
Space Dandy already has a goofy, Saturday Morning cartoon feel to it, the only thing you would need to do is tone it down slightly.
Only if based Terry is always with Brad.
>the final episode has Terry's speech before fighting Brad
I knew we forgot someone.
A prequel to the game? Telling the story of Hallownest's fall, all those cool characters actually in action and all dying tragically. It'd be awesome but also have a very different feel than the game.
Kid/squid duality is literally getting an anime idiots
> cartoon.
> American
>tfw your final team consisted of Terry, Nern, and Birdie
>Terry is crying
>Nern is crying
>Birdie is crying
>user is crying
No, it'll probably end up like another one of Captain N. or that megaman cartoon that hasn't even aired yet.
Not an, "American Cartoon", but it's getting an anime on CoroCoro's Youtube channel.
Leave Pearl alone!
I've completely forgotten about this game holy shit.
lisa would work as an adult cartoon but lord the suffering
the game are already alright
making a handful of shorts each olympics would be fun
if need be they can just leave out the nintendo characters and just use the sonic characters