So, Sup Forums, do you prefer the classic costumes or the New 52 costumes?
I think New 52 would look great in live-action, as the classic costumes with the boxers and spandex are too comic-booky to be adapted. But I think the classic costumes have better color balance. Still, I think pic related looks great.
Liam Cruz
Pic related looks like shit with all the lines.
Lucas King
I prefer the original but damn that looks great on Reeves.
Brayden Clark
Trunks now, trunks forever.
Ryder Rivera
I think if they tried classic costumes could look great. They'd look comic booky but it's a comic book movie. But I also don't expect them to try. A lot of normies don't want it so going for more timely generic designs is their best move.
Aaron Stewart
Classic's always gonna be #1 for me, but his current costume is perfect for a modern look.
Angel Clark
More like Reeves makes it look great
Hunter Jackson
trunks just breaks it up properly
also red belt is forever shit, as is rebirth belt with yellow buckle
FULL YELLOW belt or bust
Jonathan Nguyen
They need something to balance all the blue. Trunks are perfect for that.