H...he's totally just imprisoned with Tim, right?
It's a plot point that he's missing!
...r-r-right guys?
H...he's totally just imprisoned with Tim, right?
It's a plot point that he's missing!
...r-r-right guys?
The only Kon-El that exists is a Kon-El that was cloned from the clone of an alternate future timeline Jon Kent. That ultimately got himself killed and erased from existences.
Kind is Oz gone evil. His eye glows red.
I am KON.
Kon el, every supergirl but Nu52 supergirl, Impulse never existed .
Not all things from pre flashpoint is coming back.
It'd be weird but I could almost kinda see it.
Alternatively, he and Bart are probably locked up in Oz's prison with Tim.
Nah, only one is locked up and it's a crazy other batman. Whike whoever Oz is fighting Suoerman soon.
While future flash visions dhow every speedster but Johnny quick and impulse existed. Jesse quick and Max and Jay exists again.
Do you know who else got glowing red eyes? Superboy-Prime. Do you know what Superboy-Prime became by the 30th century? A Time Trapper. Know who was capable of locking Mr. Mxyz in their underground rapedungeon? Superboy-Prime. Wouldn't be surprising if Superboy-Prime eventually evolve into Oz.
This guy is locked up with Tim. Future Tim pre flashpoint.
I still here.