Is it okay to have a crush on a fictional character?

Is it okay to have a crush on a fictional character?

i just rewatched fbawtft last month and newt scanmander has ZERO characterization
it's just him cheekily looking at other characters and then knowing more than them about things. he never really overcomes anything. we don't really get introduced to him.

it's just some tall lanky british guy smiling while trying to look at you from under his bangs

Yes, as long as you don't spam said character every fucking day with a thread in constant circulation.

Are you kidding? Newt was clearly autistic. And quite refreshing for a male lead desu.

what do you think?

It depends on which level you're talking about; the 'Raven thread', or the Randy Stairs.

That's a very smug skunk.

It's fine up to a certain age, after which you should probably seek professional help.

What's his name again?
