What does Sup Forums think of Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy together?
I for one would think it would be pretty cool to see a Peter (whose Gwen died to the Green Goblin) team up/move dimensions with Spider-Gwen
What does Sup Forums think of Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy together?
I for one would think it would be pretty cool to see a Peter (whose Gwen died to the Green Goblin) team up/move dimensions with Spider-Gwen
Maybe Peter could end up with someone who he didn't meet in high school? It's not the 50's anymore.
That's fair, I just feel like Gwen was way more based than cliche as hell MJ.
Gwen and Peter really worked well together.
I don't like it. Gwen fucked Norman Osborn and pretty much made fun of Peter and his feelings. Gwen is a disgusting piece of shit that isn't worth of anyone's attention.
MJ at least gave Peter strength when It he needed it.
Considering Benis already did a story of the possibility of Miles and Gwen ending up together I doubt it'll ever happen.
Man, that cunt needs to die already.
They could always retcon.
Please god retcon.
>cliche as hell MJ.
Gwen would probably put her dad's gun in her mouth if she went through half the shit MJ went through. Fuck that bitch, the only reason she wanted to fuck Peter anyway was because he was the first guy to ignore her. Gwen's a thirsty slut.
He didn't meet Gwen in high school.
Point is. Gwen is a pile of dried up shit that nobody should care, MJ actually supported and loved her husband. Quesada is a cunt.