Are there any comics about normal people experiencing ennui?

Are there any comics about normal people experiencing ennui?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Why have a job or a family or a life when you can just travel the world and live a carefree life?
I hate Millenials

Fucking dreamers I hate them soo much

There's literally thousands, just look up webcomics by small time artists. Like 90% of them are about ennui.
>implying this is a sentiment unique to millennials
>implying you're not a millennial

I thought it was
>why live someone else's dream and not your own

She doesn't have a dream, aside from 'explore'. Two out of her four imaginary ideals were just 'go places' and the kid at the end is holding a globe with pinpricks.

Problem is, she had something she wanted to DO, she didn't have a dream. She didn't have thing she wanted to be, she had a place she wanted to be. Her husband had a dream and apparently he fucking nailed it. She just had somewhere else she wanted to go.

I guess I was looking at the quote itself and not the shitty comic

>first world problems,the womanchild comic
Astronaut and Musician are fucking terrible jobs but kids only see the "fun part" of it

>she got a cool husband
>her own business
>in an western country

Fuck that's a fucking great life, why the fuck are you complaining?

That's the thing with Zenpencils, dude's warp the messages of their author with his shitty ass drawing thinking it gives more depth instead of messing it up

Meant "the author"