Most Franco-Belgian/Continental European comics are garbage...

Most Franco-Belgian/Continental European comics are garbage. People only give them a pass because of the art and the occasional nudity.

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If you shit on a show without watching at least three episodes, you're fucking stupid.

>I use introductions as indicator to tell me the quality of a cartoon. If the creators don't give a shit about the first thing that people see, I'm not going to bother with the show.
>TF2 Comics should be the standard on how digital comics should be done.
>It pisses me off that cartoons backed by multi-billion dollar corporations can't produce a cartoon that looks just as good as Double King.
>I had high hopes for Uncle Grandpa, but was severely disappointed by it when I first watched it. I'm glad that it died.
>Cartoons never will be accepted as anything meaningful. There are very few cartoons that are an exception, and they are mostly Disney movies.

Rebirth is trash and I'm glad sales are going to shit even if it means a cancer like Marvel is winning.

Even if a show supposedly gets better afterward, I never watch it if the first episode isn't intriguing.

Why can't the whole be good start from finish? A book can be good start from finish. A symphony can have all of its acts be wonderful. Why not a TV show?

You are objectively wrong. Go and read more.

Geoff Johns' Green Lantern run should've ended with Blackest Night, or at least focused on something other than the damn feeling colors after it for a while.
Brian Michael Bendis's New Avengers first series is underrated here. Disassembled and Mighty Avengers aren't good though. Also, this is slightly off-topic but I don't get why Secret War (no plural S) isn't considered part of his overall run if House of M, Secret Invasion and even Civil War (which he didn't even write) are by a lot of fans.
Ivan Reis and the colorist he's often paired with, whose name I can't remember at the moment, aren't that good together.
Will Eisner was a far better storyteller than Jack Kirby. Like, it's not even a contest. Kirby was a better idea man though.

I am not wrong.

you're right

If it weren't for my family, my fear of death, and my all-encompassing lackadaisy/ennui, I'd surely have killed myself by now. I have no idea what I even want from life or for myself. I've been given a loving and understanding support system, a middle-class lifestyle to live comfortably with, and an existence free of most hardships- and I do nothing with it. I just ghost through my days. Wake up late, vidya/Sup Forums, McShitJob, back to vidya/Sup Forums till 3 or 4 in the morning. It's like the movie Groundhog Day, but I'm still moving forward and holy shit I can't stop anything. No real change or movement in any direction. Too lazy to really improve myself, too terrified of consequences to allow myself to really spiral downward. I don't even want to exist anymore.