Can anyone explain what DC Bombshells is and should I give it a shot?

Can anyone explain what DC Bombshells is and should I give it a shot?

Old-school Girl Power feelgood comic featuring WWII-era redesigns of superheroes.

Picture something like Sailor Moon, Jem and the Holograms, and Saturday morning cartoons in general. Simplistic morality and little meaningful conflict.

My dick is diamonds with this artwork. My two top girls nigga. But be honest, is it oo ''girl power'' or very anti German? What is the angle? Does it have it's own story just set in that time period?

It's extremely simplistic girl power. However the majority of the villains are women, as well, so it's not like it's full of male strawmen.

The Nazis are just faceless mooks, not presented as particularly evil, but mostly just there as fodder for the heroes to beat up. It's like Indiana Jones where the Nazis are just there to

It's very cheesy. It's set completely in the 40's. It's easy to compare it to WWI-era patriotic superhero comics like Wonder Woman and Captain America, but honestly it's not nearly as exciting as those. It's definitely similar to WWII movie serials, but through an 80's toy commercial cartoon filter.

I'll just do the first issue so you can get the gist.



It's 'Girls will buy the weirdest shit' the comic book. I love some of the artists on it though.

Supposedly the drama increases a little bit as it goes forward, but I haven't read that far ahead.

You don't have to unless you really want to post them. I have scans ready to go but Jesus, 100 issues? I only really care about Supergirl and Wondy. Even though Batwoman's design is nice.

It's a quick read, very webcomic-esque.