I read on another thread that tough girls loving nerd boys is common in cartoons but the user only gave one example...

i read on another thread that tough girls loving nerd boys is common in cartoons but the user only gave one example, i wanna know if what that user said is true so can somebody provide more examples

pic more related than you might think

One thread per cringey dumb question pls thnx

i think you're confusing me with a different user

These threads are already a weekly thing, don't make them a daily thing.

so should i just come back next week, this is an actual question i have after reading this thread

also, i don't know what you mean by "These threads are already a weekly thing, don't make them a daily thing." what kind of threads are you talking about

Not sure if this is a good example but Gogo from Bomango is a muscular beast and Andy is a skinny little shit.

For the most part it's a scrawny/feminine dude and stronger/masculine girl. The nerd part is just specific

some women have manlet fetishes, I know because I was a victim of one

>I was a victim of one
Did she bad touch you?