We didn't even get a explanation on why he went such a long way for his finger...

We didn't even get a explanation on why he went such a long way for his finger. He was actually stronger inside Ludo's body.

Other urls found in this thread:


He had contaminated the pool of magic and gotten rid of Glosarick rendering all magic useless, with his finger back he was immortal and so was every lizard.

No Magic+Immortal Lizards=Monsters Win.

I want to assume it was just an excuse or a very dumb matter of pride.
If anything, he was really strong by himself already, not just in Ludo's body. The finger wasn't even necessary as far as I could notice.

>Loses finger
>Loses all respect from his men and is a constant reminder of Mewman superiority
>Decides to get rid of Mewman magic so Monsters and Mewmans on a level playing field
>Study magic and Butterfly family history for years to figure out how
>Lures new stupid princess by capturing her friend
>Gets stupid princess to destroy wand
>Oh shit, I'm in the wand. It worked
>Me being in the wand causes magic to be corrupted all over
>Controls Ludo to take and destroy the spellbook to weaken the Mewman menace
>Coming for my finger you stupid princess
>They escape but I'll go for the castle
>Take over, defeat River
>These Mewman pieces of shit are done
>Star comes
>Gets her to do the spell again so she'll be in the wand
>Now she'll be in the wand and I can fuck her shit up and get out
>I get out
>Now I can restart my monster revolution and Mewmans have no advantage over us
>Fuck how did that stupid princess get out
>How the fuck is she a butterfly thing
>Fuck fuck fuck

He was immortal before he got into the wand
And he was super powerful before gettin out of Ludo

He did succeed in killing the hero, if only for a few minutes

He wasn't beautiful while possessing Ludo

So he could flip people off

>According to the deal, the crystal would shatter and set Eclipsa free if Toffee was killed
>Eclipsa's crystal only cracks in the end

So does that mean that Toffee was severely weakened, but not entirely dead? Or was it a plothole? Moon even ran to Eclipsa expecting the crystal to break and set her free because Toffee is dead, but that didn't happen. What gives?

he was boring

deal with it.

Yeah I forgot about that, he still would've shown that there was nothing to be feared to his fellow lizard after he got his fingers back and the point was to start a revolution. He had more moving power as Toffie because no one would've followed Ludo out of anything but fear.

How come Ludo never went into the wand unlike Toffee & Star? He was victim to the whispering spell as well.

He was the wand

Well he didn't get vaporized like Toffee and Star were

>All lizard monsters are immortal

What a pathetic lazy way of explaining Toffee's immortality. It completely destroys him being special, and just makes you ask why there hasn't been more lizards trying to take over Mewni?

Don't you remember Rasticore

>was inside the wand
>magic was gone
>he was the only one who could use it
>could just take his finger back by force
>puts Star inside the wand with him so he can bargain with powerless Moon instead

I hate how much they had to force the plot so they had a way to defeat Toffee

can any one link the google drive ?

So when he said "Tell Star I'm coming for my finger", he really was just coming for his finger?


No dude, he's fucking REALLY dead, didn't you catch the almost 4th wall break when Ludo specifically said "Doesn't get more dead than that" when asked if he was really dead?

Boy is DONE and over. We got a new villain it all lines up.

they all have varying degree's of regeneration, Toffee just had ridic levels of it.

Or maybe the crystal just takes a few hours to break.

That's always been the case every since Rasticore appeared.

>and just makes you ask why there hasn't been more lizards trying to take over Mewni?

Because they where afraid of the magic that could seemingly actually harm them

That's your head canon, what they actually showed us was that he was the smart one

I don't think Toffee intended for Star to use the whispering spell a second time. Note that he kept interrupting Ludo when he was trying to ask Star for help.

Yes, his finger asn't special or anything, just a served finger

how badly do you want it?

Well in that case it must've been a fortunate accident. He would've won had Star not crawled her way out of hell.

But Ludo picked up Toffee's eye. Rasticore (or whatever his name was) is recovering himself from one piece of his remains. Toffee can grow back from his eye; he likely has regrowing powers as well.

They don't seem like particularly organized creatures. They probably never even considered working together as an army before Toffee came along, then they dropped the idea when they realized the royal family had a way to kill them.

He did, Toffee even prevented Ludo from killng Star when they first met in the episode, because he had plans for her. This stupid, pointless self sabotaging plan

she wasn't in hell you fucking moron

Metaphorical hell. Like Arizona.

you're fucking stupid.

Regenning is something the lizard people have to do. It's not an automatic thing. Toffee was only able to regenerate from a bone because he managed to retain his consciousness. The eyeball doesn't house his thoughts.

i have the link, do you have paypal?

I wouldn't call Arizona hell, more a twisted world of eternal summer

An immortal that couldn't regenerate a finger is like a man who has a half inch penis

Did I miss something, or was it never really explained how Toffee got inside the wand from the wand exploding? Star simply tries thinking of how Toffee could have gotten inside the wand, but then remembered the whispering spell and figured it out somehow? How does the whispering spell let people go inside the wand? I originally just thought that since Toffee is immortal, that his soul would enter the wand since his body was vaporized, but that's not the case obviously.

the other lizard regenerated from everything but his arm exploding

So does it just take the souls of anybody vaporized in the wand's explosion and put them in the wand? Because it didn't happen to the monsters in the season 1 finale

>Lizard regeneration
>Getting called "being immortal"

Oh yeah totally, I am sure they saw a episode of DBZ where Piccolo grew his arm back and thought "that guy is immortal!" The writers of this show are fucking hacks holy shit.

the whispering spell cleaves the wand in half, intended as a self-destruct protocol
but toffee was himself cleaved to the wand, I assume that's what Glossaryk was alluding to when he kept going on about how cleaving can mean two things

If Toffee can come back from his eye, then he's got Buu levels of regen, and kinda earns the name immortal.

Ranticore is regenerating from being a fucking arm.

His entire army deserted him just because he lost a finger.

cleave can mean to separate or to bring together (yeah, fucking english) so that makes sense

>If Toffee can come back from his eye
He can't. He's dead or the queen-contract wouldn't have brought Eclipsa back and started breaking the crystal she's in

Is it that Toffee dies or is it that Moon believes he is dead? Heck it might have more to do with Moon purple vein problem then T mans demise


I was expecting this to take another 2 seasons and I could have waited but god damn

The finger was symbolic. Toffee had already killed a Butterly and was probably going to win the war. That one finger cost him his entire campaign and his army. It's not too hard to guess why it was important to him. I just wonder why older monsters like Buff Frog didn't recognize him. Seems like he would be a pretty big deal in the monster world.

if it was because Moon believed he was dead it would have gone off at the end of season 1

the army seemed relatively small, only a few hundred strong. plus the butterflies executed the shit out of all the ones they caught fleeing. more likely the older monsters still around are ones who specifically had nothing to do with Toffee at the time,

>Moon personally executed the rest of Toffee's lizard army with her darkest spell

there only seemed to be 2-3 lizards in the whole army

Or in existence.

Well, his endgame was to corrupt, drain, then nullify all magic. Get his finger and regenerate himself. Gather and inspire an army becuase "I'm immortal yall" and I can't be killed cuz no more magic = no more insta kill Eclipsa spell. Then conquer Mewni. He just didn't account for Glossarick.

I asked this in the other thread.

So, is Battle for Mewni this show's Return/Jailbreak? Are we gonna get flooded with new folks and make shit more cancerous?

I think our Return/Jailbreak was Storm the Castle.

That would assume that Moon really thought he was dead

Ludo is a fucking idiot, that's his character.

You're both wrong, it was Bon Bon

New series are awesome.

I have no idea what your talking about

Toffee's story arc in a nutshell (credits to Ross Scott):
1. What?
2. Oh, I see, it goes deeper and deeper.
3. What, that's it?

There was this show called Steven Universe. The general threads they had was decent and not that cancerous. Then the S1 finale called The Return/Jailbreak happened. Shit was Hype AF, but it brought in tons of new people. Then the general threads became homostuck levels of cancerous.

Is there a screencap of moon's mother?

Gotchu famalamadingdong.

Thank you, I want to get a better look at her because when I first saw it in the movie I thought it was a younger st Olga. I thought that ment that toffee didn't kill moons mom and that a larger story was at play.

I can't believe Nefcy went full sailor moon, right down to the panty shot. Nefcy is a madwoman. Why do they let her get away with this shit.

OK, so what, if any, relationship is there between Moon's mom and Miss Heinous?

When will Toffee do a Toxic Love cover?

Just on a general note, I liked the new eps and the ED is anime as fuck in a good way. Also, young Moon is awesome and I loved her voice.

and the 1000x better end music she co-wrote with the traditional just like in my chinese cartoons animation

because she destroyed Sugar and became the only female show runner

Judging by age, maybe a Niece/Aunt thing. Like, Moon's aunt Etheria also had cheek markings. So Heinous could well be Moon's Cousin and Star's Aunt.

Rasticore is coming back from less than an arm

I thought they where the same person. Maybe there was a plot to frame toffee to stop the treaty, or something happen to her and she lost her memory.

Ya'll noticed how every Queen spoke with an accent and Star doesn't? Protect the Mewni Culture and heritage!

>And yes, we absolutely referenced Hexxus from Ferngully as well as The Greedy from the Raggedy Ann movie.

It's already happened.

Nah. Moon's mom has butterflies

Secret Butterfly with a different role that will come later

Yeah I see the cheekmarks are different and the nose. I haven't slept in 12 hours.

>Fuck how did that stupid princess get out
>How the fuck is she a butterfly thing
>Fuck fuck fuck


so Tyler Chen took Giancarlo Volpe's place as director

>mfw remembering the rampant "Marco is Toffee" theories

Both shows inspired by 90's anime, with the majority of em shoujo anime. Both made by folks in the same age range. One was super on hand with her project, while the other leaves most of her show, aside from the real "important" shit, to her storyboarders. So similar in origin, yet so different in execution.

> that lewd hand placement
I love Daron

Its amazing how everyone overlooked it but Star ended up having a much better plot than SU ever could muster.

Hell, fucking Hanazuki ended up having a better plot than SU.

What the hell do you think you're doing here? Get the fuck out

>Tyler Chen
>Helped write Starcrushed
Well, he's not that bad, I love Volpe ever since GLTAS, but hey, I'll give his replacement a chance.

>Rewakens in another dimension
>Still a lizard, good
>oh fuck fuck fuck FUCK

interesting to think about that description considering how nefcy has only boarded on a single episode (Matchmaker, and even then apparently only due to it reusing footage from the pilot) while Sugar has directly boarded on quite a few eps

>thinking Star vs has a good plot after this movie

Nefcy is a sick pervert and is a Madwoman. How she gets away with it baffles me.

>tfw remembering we still have no idea what the monster arm will mean in the big scheme of things
>tfw marco was the forces of evil all along

don't talk shit about my son you worthless whore

Nefcy, tho not the best artist, has more of a complete plot in mind. Sugar on the other hand, is a good boarder/artist, but is a bit lacking in the full picture plot stuff. Both work in their own way.

Sugar let people walk all over her.
Nefcy killed a man just by pointing at him.