She kowtowed to the SJWs

>she kowtowed to the SJWs

steven universe has always pandered to sjws why are you so upset faggot?

>Implying there's a problem comprising over a worthless doodle that didn't even make it to the final product
Learn to pick your fucking battles, OP.

I think she did the right thing, but I'm sure it will cause people in this thread to get triggered harder than tumblr and reddit ever did about the original picture, thus proving the hypocrisy here

>SJW is acting like a SJW
More news at eleven: water is wet and the sky is blue.

It was pretty stupid to make such a fuss over a doodle in the corner of a page.

But whatever, I got a new collector's edition.

No, that's not enough
Now we need 4 new black gems in the cast so she can prove how sorry she really is

>ow we need 4 new black gems in the cast so she can prove how sorry she really is

Something literally nobody will demand and she will never do. You know it really hurts your case against SJWs when you make fun of imaginary shit they haven't done.

What are the drawings

>the SJWs

you need to go back

They'd just get mad about how they're depicted, like Bismuth

It wasn't so much the right thing to do so much as a good PR move.

There was nothing natural about her statement about removing Concrete.

Also, there was Amethyst as a chola.

That's fucking hilarious

If a person isn't politically correct 24/7 they might as well be bigots.


Where did they touch you user?

To be fair, pandering to the exact people who are actively buying your product is probably a good idea.

Racism is fluid, depending on how you feel a certain day you might be in the mood for some extremely racist jokes.

And yet Marvel.

Had SU been released ten years ago, it would have been middle aged soccer moms who would have been calling for this to be removed.

Weird how the pendulum swings.

>a good PR move.

These. It's not like some cartoon artist who no one knows has "fuck you" money.

Oh look, it's this thread again.

>It was pretty stupid to make such a fuss over a doodle in the corner of a page.
Yeah, but there's literally nothing to gain from defending it as far as they're concerned.

Sometimes you just got to let shit go instead of escalating the fucking situation.

Rebecca (I hate niggers) Sugar strikes again!

What concerns me is that any normal person would have been satisfied with this but people on tumblr are still out for blood.

What would satisfy these people.

If I were in that situation I'd just issue an apology and just leave it at that.

You can't bend over too much for anyone.

Has anyone commented on how her name is fucking Concrete while being black

Calm down, just because you make the occasional nigger joke doesn't mean you hate black people. I mean look at how many white people loved Chappelle Show.


Who could have foreseen that the creator of Lesbian Space Rocks and Transexual Dancing: The Animated Series would have ideology that aligned with Tumblr.

>Forgetting the episode with Andy 'Make America Great Again' DeMayo

And look at why Dave Chappelle quit doing the Chappelle show. You're talking out of your ass again, user.

Actually I was being sarcastic, hence why I specifically brought up Chappelle show.

You mean how he was portrayed as a reactionary crazy person?

I've had coworkers who look like this so I dont see the big deal with her design.

The shoe collection and illiteracy seems kinda left field, but that's about it.

To be honest it strikes me more as someone trying so hard to not be racist that they end up accidentally being a little racist.

>implying he wasn't right

>If I were in that situation I'd just issue an apology and just leave it at that.
That's essentially what they did. Removing a small doodle is part of the apology.

Your sarcasm is awful and I think that you're a big fucking poophead.

Rebecca "Pull the trigger on every nigger" Sugar has shown her true face. She will never ever live it down.

I think the first season is still the best selling DVD of all time.
What we need is more Aquamarine, with the proportions of the attached picture.

she's a jew, dummy

One should never apologize for their art... ever. You can disagree with what you previously did but don't apologize for it. You did it. It's done and it exists in a past that is no longer true. Just move on. To apologize for your art is to devalue any artistic integrity you might have.

In the context of the show and real life he wasn't.

They make a product you nitwit and the costumer is always right.

Why would Rebecca "I hate drawing coons in my toons" Sugar let this leak? It's as if she wants her career to be ruined!

I thought SJWs loved Tumblr Universe. They're basically biting at the hand feeding them here.

i sent her a mean tweet

i got my jollies for the day

The customer is a dumbfuck.

Except now when the next thing they get stupidly offended over comes around, and it will, that will also have be apologised for.

>admonishing a Jewish girl
Wow, antisemitic AND misogynistic.

No, they're not.

So i shouldnt apoligize if i draw me raping your mama while wearing a mask of you?

Should have thought of that years ago when first trying to appeal to dumbfucks.

That's bad Art.

You mean how all the characters were friendly to him while the outraged expected them to trash him? And now he's a recurrent character

You're a nobody, so why would what you draw matter in the slightest?

Honestly, would it be any good at this point?
The damage has already been done.

so first editions would be more valuable now?

I mostly meant how the characters were friendly with him and he just yelled for 15 solid minutes.

When you consider that it was Carl's VA doing the shouting, I saw that as a positive, to be honest.

Well yeah he was a good character and acted flawlessly but that doesn't mean he wasn't portrayed as a crazy person that was wrong.

He wasn't really crazy though.

And he wasn't wrong so much as he was hurting.

I been out of Sup Forums for a while and just now know what this is about, why is Sup Forums pretending to be upset about the book or the apology? Are we this fucking desperate for shitposts? I saw a jake goldman thread a while ago and that shit was a month old, how much will this last?

She just created a collector's item.

Still stupid as fuck to pull it though

When people are nice to you and you yell at them you are crazy.

Again, I genuinely hope that the toxic fanbase are ultimately responsible for the show's cancellation.

Because I want to see this shitshow get canned and watching this bitch mess up gives me a massive erection.

What if i told you im rebecca sugar?

I'd tell you to post your saggy vagina, and I'd ask if it smelled like cheap Bed Bath and Beyond body wash.

Well, prepare for disapointment, if they didn't canned regular show without its finale then they wont scrap this one with out one too.

>have show that caters to your political views that are very specific outside of the liberal twitter and tumblr bubble
>reward creator by lashing out at them, making them feel like every single step they take online is walking on eggshells

This happens to more than just SU. Liberals are their own worst enemy.

>cheap Bed Bath and Beyond body wash
That's a suspiciously specific insult.

I've had a rough life, user.

>i'm a grill
Don't care who, rules are rules.

public apologies to these people are like blood to a shark
They don't make anything better, it just lets them know that they can beat on you to further their cause

Admitting you're wrong is to be weak to Americans. This of course is regardless of political alignment, it's a universal part of their culture.

You're blowing "the damage" out of proportion. OP is just being a faggot bringing it up over and over, like with that stupid fucking doodle wall where someone drew over Spike's face.

Show me dat ass

Honestly I've only seen Sup Forums and 2 people on tumblr complaining about it.

No, not these.

Apologizing to SJWs never helps, it just attracts more of them to shit on your work.

>I've had coworkers who look like this so I dont see the big deal with her design.
If an "unflattering" depiction of race has any real-world basis, then it's automatically deemed "racist".

>To be honest it strikes me more as someone trying so hard to not be racist that they end up accidentally being a little racist.
This is Tumblr in a nutshell. The phrases "colored person" and "person of color" are the exact fucking same when you get to the meat of it, but one is considered an antiquated slur while the other is a "respectful, progressive" designation.

It's not an American thing, it's a western liberal thing. Same sort of shit happens in Europe and Canada.

Rebecca Sugar? More like Rebecca SALT, because this ain't sweet!

>It's not an American thing, it's a western liberal thing
No, user. Everything bad is because of America

>Also, there was Amethyst as a chola.
but amethyst has always been a chola
fucking chicanos ruining everything for everyone else

I'm not American and I think this is weak, because they did nothing wrong. They're apologising for no reason.

Puritans are to blame. Should have been exterminated centuries ago instead of allowed to shit up another continent.

I was really hoping they would just ignore them. These people don't actually care, they just want something to bitch about. Doing this is just going to make them feel like what they did was right.


can I please see some good butthurt Tumblr reactions?

Never apologize beyond a quick "my bad" and nothing more. Don't explain or justify yourself. Social media mobs don't look for an explanation, they simply want you to prostrate yourself before them and know that they now hold power over you. To apologize and try to clarify means they've won in their eyes and they'll feel more emboldened to go after you for dumb shit.


>SU creator pandering to SJWs
wow what a shocker

would like this too

Is this Loss?

Isn't it funny that they say this show should somehow try to avoid stereotypes? All of the gems have their own in-universe stereotypes they struggle to avoid. Probably even Steven does.

>Removing it from future books
I legit thought that Sugar was above that. Guess the delusions of SJWs actually giving a shit were too strong.

>she just passes the blame to someone else, 'I must have missed it'
Rebecca Shitter reveals her true colous

Who the fuck cares? Stop watching if it bothers you fags so much.

Now I want her to address the people who disagree with this choice.

The problem is you give an inch and they take a mile.

Now that she removed it, they're gonna do a 180 and complain about her removing it because of "white washing" or some shit, it is quite literally impossible to win against these people. The only winning move is not to play.

I want to date Concrete.

Can I call her Conny?