Who would win in a game of chess? Lex Luthor or Doctor Doom?

Who would win in a game of chess? Lex Luthor or Doctor Doom?

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>"Ha, Luthor, you FOOL! You may THINK you've won but while we were playing I activated the runestones in these chess pieces and transported us to another dimension - one in which, by the rules of THEIR chess, I am the victor!"

>"So you say, Doom... but you fail to realise I traveled in time and across dimensions long before we began to play, to write the rules of chess in this world myself. It's my game, after all."

Idunno but I'd watch it.


In reality, whoever was writing the comic/cartoon at the time. Same with any verses battle regardless of characters.

No Doomwankery involved, Luthor.

Doomwankery involved, then Doom, and he not only would win, but the God of Chess would appear and compliment his skills while sucking his cock.

That's Red Son Lex, doesn't count.

Prime Doom would win, but Ironman Doom would be BTFO.

It counts. Prime Luthor is even more capable than Red Son Luthor.

Where are Doom's feats of pure intelligence?

Reed Richards and superman after doom and lurthor fall to their own huberis and pride.



If Doom lost he would simply excuse himself, walk next door, use his time machine to return to the start of the match and hand the earlier version of him a data recording of Luthor's moves, strategy and all available biometric data. Earlier Doom could then adjust his strategy accordingly.

Doom would keep repeating this tactic until he'd built up sufficient information to form a comprehensive profile of Luthor that would allow to effortlessly beat him regardless of how many subsequent games they played. Luthor would never be any the wiser.

Squirrel Girl

>Luthor and Doom trying to outsmart each other so hard they almost break the universe
I would read this

>If Doom lost he would simply excuse himself, walk next door, use his time machine to return to the start of the match and hand the earlier version of him a data recording of Luthor's moves, strategy and all available biometric data.
Just like he did everytime he took a beating from Ben Grimm, huh? Except not.

Fandom Doom is more ridiculous than Fandom Batman.

Red Son Luthor was so fucking great

Until Luthor figures it out, then breaks Dooms pride by saying he won all the games before, like "so that's 54 to your one. Good game Doom."

They'd both try to lose on purpose while trying to gain favor from the other to advance their plans, which aren't too dissimilar.

Red son luther beat superman permantly, has prime luther ever been able to accomplish that?

Pfft. Luthor couldn't even figure out Superman is Clark Kent. The man's an idiot.

Fool. Doom has never taken a beating from Ben Grimm. On occasion it has served Doom's purposes to let The Thing believe he temporarily had the upper hand.

bizarro beat red son lex in chess

It took him 60 years to do so (granted, he had fewer resources than Prime Luthor). Prime Luthor has time still.

Luthor couldn't figure that out due to pride, his greatest nemesis couldn't hide as someone so meek or mild. If it's just his opponent cheating? Of course he could figure it out.

Here's a way he could do it, because when you play with the same person over and over again you learn their habits. Except it would be one sided, all Luthor has to do is do a move that no one would anticipate unless they've played him extensively or played the very same game before.


Doom is only defeated by being hoisted by his own petard, or RICHARDS!!!!!!

Chess is a peasant's game.

Who would win in a game of Tak?


>Lex is 9th level intelligence, unheard of for any human being
>Doom is peak human, not even close

Luthor is 12th.

Nah, it just would have been a feeble Doombot all along

He's done something greater. He's "beaten" himself and became Superman's greatest ally.

But why would Luthor make such a move in their initial game? It would take several games before he started to get suspicious - and at that point Doom, armed with the biometric profile, would realise that Luthor's suspicions were growing - and would bring the match to a halt before his subterfuge could be exposed.

This is what probably would have happened.

Doom is a bitch that got fucked by Luke Cage.

If Luthor wins it will definitely be retconned that he actually playing a Doombot. Even if he wasn't.

Errr... which issue? Asking for a friend.

Why is it doomwankery when doom dose some thing amazing but its ok when lex dose it

It always is.

Doomfags are worse than Batfags, but they are too dumb to realize.

Because Luthor is a better character with his ego. He has flaws. Even in red son, he's partially wrong, was a terrible husband, was willing to sacrifice American citizens just to see if superman would save them. He's clearly a villain even when he is a hero.

Doom never is written with major drawbacks.

What? Have you actually read any Doom stories? The guy is nothing but ego and flaws. So much ego he routinely refers to himself in the third person. He's routinely brought low by his continued refusal to acknowledge that his nemesis is smarter than he is.

Lex would throw the game midway so he could try to kill Superman.


I kind of want to play this.

How is it in practice?

Unless it gets retconned into being a doombot.

Lex is good guy now

Because Lex is actually allowed to lose without wanting to lose and is allowed to look pathetic in his failure and laughable in his pettiness. While DOOM just wins all the time and if he lost it was all according to his keikau and literal gods suck his cock and why are the heroes even fighting him because everything would be objectively better if he won?

It's a ton of fun.

But that's part and parcel of who he is as a character. He likes to present himself as a man with a strict moral code - but he's actually a whiny bad loser with an over-inflated opinion of himself.

Luthor would want to win the game of chess honestly - to show that he really is smarter than his opponent, smarter than anyone, and that he doesn't need to resort to subterfuge to demonstrate his superiority. Doom, on the other hand, would claim that he's a man of honor who can be trusted to play fair and square - but in reality he'll be doing anything he can to give himself an advantage (while denying - even to himslef - that he's done so). If he still loses he'll insist that he wasn't really beaten, because he wanted to lose all along. Or that it wasn't really him that was beaten, because there was a Doombot standing in for him.

But DEITIES now think Doom is the best there is who can do no wrong and wins even when he loses. Isn't something that comes from his arrogance, it is something that is presented in-universe as a fact.


Who are these deities you speak of?

The Wakandian god.

The only story I'm aware of that has Doom interacting with the Wakandan pantheon is Jonathan Maberry's 'Doomwar' from 2010. It wasn't very good. Is that what you're referencing - a seven year old comic which ends with Doom being defeated?