In a post-apocalyptic future, Cable (Josh Brolin) breaks into a government facility and steals a temporal displacement device, in order to travel back in time to kill the mutant who will one day murder his family. The device is damaged and can only perform one more time jump, which Cable intends to use to return to the future after completing his mission.
In New York City, Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) is attacked by rival mercenaries, and his girlfriend Vanessa Carslyle (Morena Baccarin) is killed in the crossfire. Colossus (Stefan Kapicic) and Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Brianna Hildebrand) console him and once again invite him to join the X-Men. Deadpool begrudgingly accompanies them on a mission to rescue Rusty Collins (Julian Dennison), a mutant boy with pyrokinetic powers who is being abused at a boys’ home. Deadpool intervenes when the orderlies begin torturing Rusty, and the two end up being arrested by the government and locked up in a mutant prison called “the Icebox”, where they are forced to wear inhibitor collars that neutralize their powers and end up bonding.
Cable breaks into the Icebox to kill Rusty, who will grow up to become a vicious mutant criminal known as “Fire Fist” and kill hundreds of innocents, including Cable’s family. Cable’s attack causes a riot, and Deadpool is forced to leave Rusty behind in order to escape. Inspired by Vanessa’s memory, Deadpool later assembles a team formed by Domino (Zazie Beets), Prodigy (Terry Crews), Zeitgeist (Alexander Skarsgard) and Shatterstar (Lewis Tran) to intercept a prison convoy transporting Rusty, but Prodigy, Zeitgeist and Shatterstar are unexpectedly killed in a botched parachute landing, while Deadpool and Domino fight Cable. Rusty manages to escape and, believing Deadpool to have abandoned him, joins forces with another prisoner, the Juggernaut, to destroy the boys’ home.
Unable to defeat the Juggernaut on his own, Cable joins forces with Deadpool and Domino. He remains determined to kill Rusty, claiming that the boys’ home massacre is the beginning of Rusty’s criminal career, but Deadpool is convinced that he can change Rusty’s future. The Juggernaut nearly kills them before Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead arrive to help and defeat him. Deadpool then confronts Rusty and urges him to stop his rampage. He puts on the inhibitor collar and challenges Rusty to prove he is evil by killing him. Rusty hesitates, but Cable shoots him. Deadpool takes the bullet and dies in Rusty’s arms. His sacrifice causes Rusty to realize the error of his ways, and changes the future.
Feeling responsible for Deadpool’s death, Cable uses his last time jump to return a few hours back in time and arrange for Deadpool to be wearing a token from Vanessa that ends up saving Deadpool from Cable’s bullet. Rusty is welcomed into the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters, and Deadpool and Cable earn each other’s respects. Cable leaves to find his place in the world now that he can no longer return to the future.
In a series of post-credits scenes, Negasonic Teenage Warhead repairs the temporal displacement device, which Deadpool uses to prevent Vanessa’s death, after they are reunited, he uses it to also kill his X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE counterpart and Ryan Reynolds before he signs on for GREEN LANTERN.
looks like I'll just wait for the post credit scenes to leak instead of having to sit through 2 hours of cape shit
Ryder Evans
>Deadpool later assembles a team formed by Domino (Zazie Beets), Prodigy (Terry Crews), Zeitgeist (Alexander Skarsgard) and Shatterstar (Lewis Tran) to intercept a prison convoy transporting Rusty, but Prodigy, Zeitgeist and Shatterstar are unexpectedly killed in a botched parachute landing
This film sounds fucking horrible.
Landon Stewart
You do realize the Main Villain the Movie is black tom cassidy, he's already been cast......
and cable is from thousands of years in the future and he's cyclops and a clone of jean grey's son
seriously dude, did you even try
Camden Carter
It's real.
Josiah Garcia
sounds good unlike the first one. >muh reshoots test audiences are dummies
Landon Price
It's not real you fucking retard who is actually retarded even though you think you are pretending.
Black tom cassidy is the main fucking villian. They even cast the fucker and there are set shots of him.
Aaron Jackson
they wanted to see more of the negress and cable
Jackson Ross
That time travel device sounds too convenient, even for a capeshit movie.
>, Deadpool later assembles a team formed by Domino (Zazie Beets), Prodigy (Terry Crews), Zeitgeist (Alexander Skarsgard) and Shatterstar (Lewis Tran) forced diversity again
Brayden Allen
why didnt audiences like it?
Christopher Edwards
Response was tepid. Not a disaster, but not a surefire hit either.
Julian Moore
No real villain.
Oliver Evans
oh boo hoo. fuck you test screening faggots. these people are losers and shouldnt even be used to guage the interest of the public. fucking jews that just want free movie tickets
Jack Murphy
Someone's jelly.
Lucas Nelson
I guess I would like to see movies earlier, but I was moreso trying to point out the type of people that would be involved in this sort of thing.
Carson Wood
How do I become a test screener?
Carter Barnes
Apply for it at your local movie theater and soldier through a lot of romcoms and biopics before something juicy comes along.
Samuel Moore
to be fair its 30 minutes longer than the original they dont need "reshoots" they need to cut that shit down. its deadpool...going over 90 minutes is pushing it
Jacob Clark
See man, not worth it. It takes a special kind of person to do this. Most likely some kyke getting a jew boner over getting free shit.
Hudson Edwards
Fuck you. I want my movies to last as long as possible. If it's a good movie, make it as long as you can. If its a bad movie, well I dont care then. I try not to watch bad movies.
Wyatt Clark
>terry crews Aw shit nigger. >unexpectedly killed Great so basically just a cameo
Justin Wilson
they signed on for multiple movies. they'll go back in time and fix it.
Caleb Watson
This better not be real because that actually sounds fucking good
Hudson Rodriguez
Nah, he's playing a member of the X-Statix. Their whole purpose is to die anticlimatically.
Connor Mitchell
>to kill the mutant who will one day murder his family
Scott and Jean?
Parker Butler
Seriously, colossus and teenage warhead again? They were fucking gay in the original. They were only added because it was a cheap movie. Now they have twice the budget and they couldn't afford any better xmen? Fuck this shit.
Benjamin Garcia
He's got a wife and daughter now.
Colton Barnes
Honestly the most believable leak I have ever seen on Sup Forums. Still not going to believe it until I see it, but this is well done.
Joseph Robinson
I dont even read comics and I can see how much bullshit this is
Jason Cruz
Cable was actually married and had an adoptive daughter who was the mutant messiah.
Julian Cooper
What a talent you have, kid.
Nathan Ortiz
more vampire Jubilee tbqh
Aiden Clark
I know a Deadpool movie is all execution but I was bored to death while reading this. >we're edgy! haha!
Bentley Diaz
>deadpool goes back in time to kill ryan reynolds playing deadpool, also cable goes back in time to save deadpool who is trying to save a kid from becoming a villain, who cable has come from the future to kill
this kind of shit is why i hate comics
Lucas Myers
well deadpool has always been about breaking the 4th wall
Juan Torres
This has been one of the most believable plot descriptions out there. And I remember the plots provided for the Dark Knight Rises. Which is a shame because the "leaks" were better than what we got.
Mason Cook
So what about Cassidy? The ginger mutant who controls plants? Fake
Juan Martin
>capeshit yawn
Thomas Walker
Read the thread.
William Watson
>adoptive daughter who was the mutant messiah.
this her? she looks like the mini-me version of Jean.
Sounds pretty believable. Hard to believe initial testings though, since nothing was said on how funny it was, which is literally the most important thing.
Nathan Allen
>They said it has no story Sounds pretty filling actually
Henry Bennett
>trusting test screen audiences Gentle reminder that test audiences shat on the practical effects in the remake of The Thing and the studio painted over all of it with shitty CGI.
Vanessa dying is lame. XStatix dying is super-lame. Deafpool fighting Wolverine Deadpool and Green Lantern Ryan Reynolds is awesome. But not awesome enough to make up for killing off Morena and Terry.
Mason Baker
>Prodigy, Zeitgeist and Shatterstar are unexpectedly killed in a botched parachute landing
Yep, user. Thats why they did that. So you would LOL
Camden Diaz
When I first heard about I thought it would be more of a gun fight with them getting disgustingly killed right away
Luke Howard
That ending doesn't make any sense. If Negasonic Teenage Warhead can fix the temporal displacement device, I feel like Cable from the FUTURE would have a better chance of fixing it than she would. Also, why would they show that at the post-credits? Not everybody stays until the very end. People are going to be confused as fuck when Vanessa is randomly back, unless it's just simply a joke. I guess then it doesn't matter if it's simply a gag thing but I doubt they'd go into that much detail with Negasonic fixing it. I guess Cable really can go back to his future and not worry about finding his place in the world then, huh?
Even if this was real, wouldn't it probably be pre reshoots?
Hudson Sanchez
This sounds fine. What's with the negative reaction? Is the acting off?
Nolan Morales
So what's her powers?
Joseph Howard
>Based Brad >Adam Ellis
Those two don't deserve to be in the soyboy collage.
Hudson Campbell
yeah, go ahead and be happy with your movies making absolutely no fucking sense
Xavier King
but it's not even out yet?
Christian Cox
There have been test screen and plot leaks you fucking dolt. Read the fucking thread before you spew your stupidity. No wonder you post on an anonymous message board. You would have to change your fucking name every other day if you were somewhere else.