WTF is wrong with Elon? I used to have the highest respect for this man.
WTF is wrong with Elon? I used to have the highest respect for this man.
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I think people like him have so much going on that he can't really take the time to research into every aspect of politics going on in this election for the past 2 years.
he only goes off of what his peeps are telling him and whatever small period of time he reads a website or paper or tv.
he simply doesn't have the time to learn enough. he's busy with other things
it's already been discussed that elon wouldn't be in the position he is in now if not having already been given a pass by the elites, he's a nwo guy
>he actually believes nwo meme
I think his businesses only survive because of government subsidies.
he knows better than anyone how easily they can have him killed
>high IQ
>voting for clinton
Wow! What a revelation!
he needs the handouts or he has the cuck mentality
>He's so stupid he ignores the 100 year mountain of evidence that gets passed around here every day
They got to him :(
It's a shame. I was so excited about buying the Model 3 after the pre-orders were fulfilled until news came out that one of their Teslas was hacked and killed two people, including a former FBI agent. Now that's a fucking shame.
you should lose respect of every single notable person in this world forever since they all hate trump and give hillary 100% support.
you do realize Musk is a leaf?
>mfw Elon Musk is a master leaf shitposter
Based Musk distancing himself from based Thiel.
Look into Elon's history
He is literally a cuck
Feminine men always vote Hillary
"donald trump's character reflects poorly on the united states," said the man who made his fortune destroying local businesses by avoiding sales tax
I once believed that people voted for candidates like Hillary because they just didn't know that much about them. Not anymore.
If you are voting for Hillary Clinton in the information age, you are either fully complicit in the eroding of the west or are willfully ignorant.
I'm extremely curious of Peter Thiel's opinion of Elon, and simultainously Elon's opinion of Peter on the politics of the US.
>rich guy voting for the candidate who does what rich guys tell her to
Im with you man, it's a complete shocker
I dunno
He's literally been pro Trump this entire time
Maybe all his donors for Space X threatened to pull out if he didn't change?
Elon Musk believes in science, global warming, and is optimistic of humanity's future. Not only is Trump in direct opposition to at least the first two, Clinton stands strong on all three.
Why would he want to vote for someone that wants to militarize Nasa and cut funding for climate change research. Elon Musk's sole goal is saving humanity from destroying earth, Donald Trump thinks that there is nothing to worry about.
I doubt you were a Musk fan to begin with. This is probably just bait.
Elon Musk is Steve Jobs 2.0.
What else did you expect?
Thiel was with Elon during Paypal, and I know they've references each other in interviews before. They're both libertarian leaning too
>built and empire on green subsidies
yeah no shit he's going to vote for and support democrats
He's a man whose companies sole value has been banking of cheap government loans for eco and tech projects which have never produced profits. Revenue? In spurts, but never profit.
Hell, he made a killing by lending Solar City Tesla money at far higher rate than market price, and then proceeded to have Solar city buy even more government eco-loans to pay him money.
It's impressive anyone is impressed by what the man is doing.
Not a huge surprise. Elon is an environmentalist. Trump is a climate change denier. Not too complicated
Billionaire wants gibs for his "eco" stuff.
>respect for him
Fucking why? All he did was scam the government for money and use machines to build cars. Fuck him
Guy built his business on government grants. ofc ourse he's voting for Hillary lol.
>I used to have the highest respect for this man.
That's where you fucked up user.
This right here. He's the new Black Science Man.
he's dating johnny depp's ex-gf
the same one that faked domestic abuse and sued him
elon musk is a fuckin idiot
>Buying a car made after 2004
Cars with computers in them are for sheep who don't care about their freedom
There's a reason the US government started a buyback program for old cars and ended up taking almost 700,000 cars that didn't have computers in them off the road forever
at least you put your english degree to work, CTR.
>he forgot about the ex-FBI agent killed driving a Tesla when it veered off the road and into a tree all on its own and nothing to do with the automated driving system in place
Fuck that fag and his exploding dragon dildos.
>So long as thou feelest the stars as an 'above thee,' thou lackest the eye of the discerning one.
You were a STEMfag, now it's time to be an AMORALfag
No he isn't faggot
He's from South Africa
He immigrated to the US and wants to be a US citizen and give up his SA citizenship, the man loves the US to death
Which is why this makes no sense
Yeah. It's a conspiracy. Couldn't be about lowering emissions. Nah. They wanna kill us all
He's just saying that because 99% of his customers are libshits. I guarantee he's voting for Trump.
>Elon Musk's sole goal is saving humanity
put a bullet in your brain and do your part
Yeah, I know people who are consciously willing to make this country and their lives crappier for the sake of helping third-worlders.
a corrupt country deserves a corrupt president
just like my country has a faggot PM
I can't believe no one has mentioned it, Elon Musk is a confirmed Soros agent. Soros bailed out at least one of his companies, and like a lot of weirdo billionaires (even Jeffrey Epstein) is funding dehumanizing shit like AI.
Peter Thiel is our guy.
This. He is one of (((them)))
>I used to have the highest respect for this man
Fucking why? The only reason SpaceX gets by is because of government funding. At least when NASA steals you're money, it isn't under the guise of a "private institution".
Not only that, but he's been blue-pilled this entire time. Liberals have been sucking his dick on social media since day one.
And to top it all off, his astronaut recruitment program for mars missions was ablatant money scam. He thinks he can get people living on Mars by 2020 in rockets that have had a fucking 10% failure rate.
The man is a joke.
I don't know if you're serious, but I unironically do know people willing to do that.
Engineering major m8.
I'm terrible at writing, that's why I only post on Sup Forums, though.
Also, there is nothing in my post that you can refute.
Trump's vision of the future is only a slightly higher GDP, and doesn't take into account global warming, healthcare, automation and the death of human manufacturing jobs.
>doesn't take into account global warming, healthcare, automation and the death of human manufacturing jobs.
nwo is manufacturing all that shit 100% Create the problem, then show up as the saviors offering "the solution"
Do you really believe it makes no sense that someone could love America and personally dislike the Donald?
I like Musk and this doesn't change my opinion of him at all. If anyone expected anything different from him then they're retarded.
rare canadian intelligent post guy spotted
Isn't Elon Musk the guy that is getting his dick sucked by reddit 24/7?
Reddit has it's reddit cucks working double shifts to make sure Elon Musk's cuck is constantly getting sucked.
>Thinks the only political issue out there is the salvation of the white race
Wew lad. He couldn't possibly be voting her for her environmental policies compared to trumps. Couldn't possibly be voting her for her stance on social issues.
It's like you don't even know what the main issues are for a idealist. Republican or not. I'd vote trump but that's only because I've resigned to the fact I'm not gonna save the world.
Nationality South African (1971), Canadian (1989), American (2002)
His mother was Canadian
He is a Leaf
I didn't saw he could do it.
But you don't start a private space company for sake of profit.
We will either die on this planet or leave it.
Didn't say he's voting Clinton in the clip, though disparaging Trump on character grounds (SAD!) is hardly different.
What this does confirm is that he's become a corporatist, not giving a shit about what happens to the country as long as policies/law support his business. Solarcity/tsla merger would go down in flames if he suggested he supports Trump, which would be construed as hypocritical by the press.
I continue to support what he does because it's true American innovation.
>We will either die on this planet or leave it.
Wow are you a genius?
Have any of his companies ever net a profit without government subsidies?
elon funds his companies with government money. of course he is voting for hillary.
I used to have respect for him until he said that irl is a computer simulation.
Elon Musk is overrated.
Reality could be a computer simulation though. Although I doubt that the probability that it is is as high as Elon Musk says it is.
>ITT. Trump supporters literally see him as perfect, days before the election
What happened Sup Forums?
You claim to be redpilled and all others are sheep.
I can here a lot of "barr barr" right now
He's also a fucking globalist who thinks the government should make all of our decisions for us. I mean look at the other video on that page.
He was given ancient knowledge that was stolen. These (((people))) keep releasing technology and breakthroughs slowly that were stolen from others through history.
you don't think it is?
he's also aspergers/autistic, and dissociation is a common symptom (shit not seeming real). I'm a dissociative and it's a bitch
Blame retards from r/The_donald
NWO isn't a single entity, it is a broad word used to describe all who have immense power. Global warming wasn't anyone's fault, until large oil companies researched it and then covered up what they found. Before the 60's we were just taking advantage of the greatest energy source available to us.
>Carbon dioxide will turn shells into fire
>I used to have the highest respect for this man.
Good watch, just started it.
Why are there so many attractive females into this boring technical shit? It's almost like they're there only because it's the cool crowd.
Environmental and social issues aren't her main focus. Creating a borderless hemisphere is. You can't pick and choose that way; if I vote for a pedophile who wants to universally abolish the age of consent because I agree with his economic policies, I'm still voting to abolish the age of consent.
It's the reddit fags with proxies that are still sucking Elon Musk cock through the proxies.
Maybe he's lying to keep the Jews off his scent.
He did blow up that Israeli satellite.
Nobody on Sup Forums likes him
did canadians just all of a sudden buy computers this year wtf, where were you guys in the past
Trump fucking thinks Climate Change is a hoax by the Chinese. Of course Elon won't vote for him, you idiot.
ThunderFOOT is a chemist, who makes some pretty based videos, but his autism is showing here. His lack of an engineering background is showing.
exist in the first place
Don't worry bud. The frogs will soon realise the water is getting hotter. Hopefully before it boils.
I thought Sup Forums were sceptics, realists, maybe even reasonable. I see now, if they find something that agrees with them, they'll drink the coolade.
Scrutinise even when your ahead Sup Forums. Challenge your own thoughts and beliefs. Otherwise you're no better than the enemy
he has said he wants easier visa for inmigrants to work on his companies
he basically wants to import cheap foreign workers into usa, and also becausse only people with green card can work in rocket company
This. Hillary Clinton is openly running on a corporate pork for green energy platform. Crony Capitalism. Mr. Musk stands to be tons of free gumbermint gibs if Clinton is elected.
Thanks bros. Almost didn't know where I was for a second
>what are flags
>what are ids
kys, dumb nigger
>His lack of an engineering background is showing.
Any specific examples of stuff he is getting wrong?
>And you have a vote
Wew. God bless America
Dude. Why are you asking?
This man invented Tesla. And Republicans in SEVERAL states are fucking him hard by passing laws that prevents Tesla from even being able to do business there because he doesn't sell through dealers.
Why the FUCK would Musk support anti-consumer Republishits?
Elon has always been a fraud you nitwit. Jesus fucking Christ go back to R*ddit.
>Even with the wallets of nu-males in Silicon valley Tesla still relies on government funding. We're at least a decade away from a practical electric car.
>The Hyper Loop will never be completed and if it is it'll be a death trap.
>Permanent settlements on Mars are flat out not possible. It's called fucking gravity. It cannot ever be terraformed nor support healthy humans.
To those parroting the (((Wall Street))) narrative that Tesla and SpaceX live off govt money: no different than Trump trying to avoid as many taxes as possible. If tree-fucking dems want to give away taxpayer money then it is Musks right to take it.
But it's a false narrative since SpaceX has legit NASA contracts, which are a very good deal for the gov't since Boeing and Orbital got paid billions more for the same contracts. And Tesla paid back its bailout loan. Does get ZEV credits from Cali though.
Nice refutation.
He just understand Matrix in wrong way.
He gets billions of subsidies and grants to play make believe howard hughes from the gubment
who the fuck did you think he would be for
>WTF is wrong with Elon? I used to have the highest respect for this man.
Wasn't his business once bailed out of trouble by a man named György Schwartz?
ITT: The reddit shills expose themselves.
You are not one of us. GTFO with your hero worship.
He's just saying that to make sure his fans and customers keep buying his shit
He doesn't actually give a fuck
He clearly wants more government handouts for his shitty ideas.