Elon Musk is voting for Clinton

Dude. Why are you asking?

This man invented Tesla. And Republicans in SEVERAL states are fucking him hard by passing laws that prevents Tesla from even being able to do business there because he doesn't sell through dealers.

Why the FUCK would Musk support anti-consumer Republishits?

Elon has always been a fraud you nitwit. Jesus fucking Christ go back to R*ddit.

>Even with the wallets of nu-males in Silicon valley Tesla still relies on government funding. We're at least a decade away from a practical electric car.
>The Hyper Loop will never be completed and if it is it'll be a death trap.
>Permanent settlements on Mars are flat out not possible. It's called fucking gravity. It cannot ever be terraformed nor support healthy humans.

To those parroting the (((Wall Street))) narrative that Tesla and SpaceX live off govt money: no different than Trump trying to avoid as many taxes as possible. If tree-fucking dems want to give away taxpayer money then it is Musks right to take it.
But it's a false narrative since SpaceX has legit NASA contracts, which are a very good deal for the gov't since Boeing and Orbital got paid billions more for the same contracts. And Tesla paid back its bailout loan. Does get ZEV credits from Cali though.

Nice refutation.

He just understand Matrix in wrong way.

He gets billions of subsidies and grants to play make believe howard hughes from the gubment

who the fuck did you think he would be for

>WTF is wrong with Elon? I used to have the highest respect for this man.

Wasn't his business once bailed out of trouble by a man named György Schwartz?

ITT: The reddit shills expose themselves.

You are not one of us. GTFO with your hero worship.

He's just saying that to make sure his fans and customers keep buying his shit

He doesn't actually give a fuck

He clearly wants more government handouts for his shitty ideas.