Comic ideas

So, if you were a writer in your favorite hero's book.

What kind of ideas would you do?

Other urls found in this thread:

I would address the fact that Captain America allows his friends to commit crimes without facing any punishment.

I'd do silver age monster of the week stuff.

Friendly reminder to not reply to Namorfag

Captain America Corps

Like Spider-Verse and Venom-verse, but better and with more jingo-ism

I think it would be cool for an LMD to have a Symbiote

don't try to tell me that Symbiotes don't work that way or whatever because nothing matters in comics

Hello Namorfag


Wolverine's blood get into a random guy's system, and he slowly but surely turns into Logan.

This but with more mech suits and giant robots.


What do you think of Captain America allowing friends to commit crimes without facing punishment?

Why take the bait? You're just giving him what he wants.

I want to have an average shield grunt always be able to put down giant monsters. He never removes his mask and you don't find out his name, but you know he's a badass.


What do you think of Captain America allowing friends to commit crimes without facing punishment?

Why do you want to avoid the question? I'm sure you have a good answer.

I've plotted out an 18 issue Joker maxiseries that I'd rather not go into much detail about because I'm delusional enough to hope it may actually be a thing one day.

I want to do a series with Hulk as a barbarian king. A mash up of sci-fi and fantasy that heavily features the wizards of K'ai and basically has Banner leading a classic adventuring party made up of the freaky aliens from the various planets of the Microverse.

A Spider-Woman series that focuses on horror and the supernatural, ultimately reestablishing Morgan le Fay as her nemesis. Possibly with an arc about her, Carol, and Wanda going into space and dealing with alien ghosts and magic because I like the juxtaposition of genres and love it when stories go into magic based on something unlike real world ideas of it.

An Exiles series for all the alternate versions of characters I think would be cool but don't have enough for their own story, plus a lot of meta stuff.

A Superman story inspired by The Odyssey that has him traveling across the universe back to Earth after saving a planet that sent out a distress signal. His travels would be peppered with flashbacks to the situation on the planet and how he helped them.

Happened six years ago.

>Happened six years ago.
show your work

>What do you think of Captain America allowing friends to commit crimes without facing punishment?
That he should do it more.

I've had this idea for a Question story for a long time, where he has to deal with investigating some bizarre mystic phenomenon. To me, especially in O'Neil's run, which I consider the definitive take on the character, Vic has always been a guy who tries to force the world to make sense and be simple in a black and white sort of way, so I think putting him in a situation really out of his element, dealing with an extremely strange and admittedly Twin Peaks inspired phenomenon he has a hard time even understanding at all, where there might not be one solid "truth," would be a fascinating direction to take the character.

It'd be full of a lot of that strange Lynchian imagery and almost a horror story in some parts, too.

Captain Hypocrisy, my favorite hero.

How is it hypocritical? Captain Americs commits crimes all the times without punishment. Why wouldn't he extend thst courtesy to others?

I'd have Cain Marko find a way to make peace with who he used to be, especially to Charles. He's worked alongside the X Men a lot before, but it was usually begrudgingly. I want to see him further Charles' dream of a pro-mutant world, even though he would really struggle with it because he's such an ox. There's a lot of room for interaction with characters like Wolverine(when he comes back), Colossus and the young X Men.

Because some of his villains are better people than his allies.

Punishing his villains while letting his friends getting away with murder is hypocrisy.

I'd have Captain America actually battle realistic enemies like muslims, communists, globalists, deep state government.

>Because some of his villains are better people than his allies.
Such as?


You mean Muslims terrorists.

Who has killed more civilians: Batroc or Namor?


>A Superman story inspired by The Odyssey that has him traveling across the universe back to Earth after saving a planet that sent out a distress signal. His travels would be peppered with flashbacks to the situation on the planet and how he helped them.

Funny, I was just thinking last night that if I did a Superman story I'd do a 12-issue arc roughly recreating the 12 labours of Hercules, with twists so that they're not just 12 beat'em up issues like instead of carrying Cerberus out of Hades he's rescuing Krypto from the Phantom Zone.

That was kinda sorta Morrison's thing in All Star Superman. Though I guess you could just be a lot less subtle with the metaphor.


That's the inspiration, but I'd build on the monomyth thing and be a lot more focused.

You know this is a lie.

Prove it's a lie user.

A Superman slice-of-life comic about his attempts at a normal life.

Captain America got no reason to arrest him. After secret wars, he been saving america dozen times. Even work with namor couple of times, when he was not a nazi.

Namor help save wakanda from getting take over by captain hydra.

Thousands of civilians dead.

Show me Batroc doing something similar.

Show me the bodies user.

Pheonix, not Namor. Even with that, emma gave the idea to him to do it.

What would it take for you to use a trip? Please.

Why did Captain America decide to punish Cyclops, but spared Namor?

He's American so he's clearly racist against mutants.

Because Cyclops is a deadbeat dad, and a spineless chump.

You should really read the 2005 series

Namor is a retarded angry fish man, and a mass-murderer on top of that.

Scott was the leader of the group. He held responsibility for Namor actions.

And yet he's still more respected than Scott.

Batman, have him become the world traveler Batman with Selina and have Dick take over Gotham with Damian. Dick's 3rd arc is Bane hearing Bruce left the city to Dick and going there to take it from him. Make it old school Bane though where him fucking with Dick in the background lasts at least 3-4 arc of him throwing Dick's rogues at him (Blockbuster, Hurt, Pyg, Raptor, Kobra) ending with Deathstroke revealing it's Bane behind it all.

Is he?

Scott's death changed the world. Namor died the death of an E-list character. No one cared.

Namor didn't act under Scott's orders.

And Captain also punished Emma Frost, who, under your logic, should be spared.

Face it, Captain America is a hypocrite.

>doesn't just turn into Logan on a full moon
It would be especially good if her were a tall, handsome fellow, too.

I've heard of it, but I had no idea it was similar to my idea. Is it actually good?

Cyclops died known as Mutant Hitler and Namor died known as a hero. I'd say so.

>Face it, Captain America is a hypocrite.

Because, in the Marvel Universe, someone who saves people from death is Hitler, and mass-murderers are heroes.

I'm not seeing the issue user.

I know. Namor fans don't see the problem with bad writing.

The art's a bit initially off-putting( i got used to it by issue 3)
and superman acts a bit weird but other than that I was really good.

I've got a whole epic in mind running the span of his entire career with a beginning, middle, and end full of reimaginings of classic stories.

The O-5 X-Men are killed because the Sentinel program wasn't actually shit. The mansion was raided and there were no survivors. Magneto's Brotherhood are also killed, with only him escaping/surviving. He goes around on his own fighting for mutants and sympathizers. The Giant-Size X-Men(Storm, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Sunfire, Warbird, Wolverine) are a government run mutant taskforce charged with hunting down and eliminating mutants.

How is it bad writing?

>Character saves a minority from being gassed to death
>Character is a mass-murderer retard
>A hero
How is it good writing?

I'd love to do kind of an homage to O'Neil's "hard travelin' heroes" with Cap and Howard just touring around America; seeing all the wonderfully absurd shit that makes the US of A so great and also not so great
>capcha: osbourne

So we're just letting Namorfag hijack completely unrelated threads now, huh? Way to go, guys.

>And Captain also punished Emma Frost, who, under your logic, should be spared.

I didn't think she was punished. She went to jail. But, nobody was after her blood. And she supported scotts summer.

He saved mutants. Quit trying to beat around it.

And why can't a mass murderer be s hero?

If she went to jail, she was punished.

>she supported scotts summer.
Wow, just like Namor?

You know what she didn't do but Namor did? Killed thousands of civilians. But Captain America decided that Namor shouldn't be punished.

Howard as in the Duck?
Speaking of, I'd also like to try a Howard series with about nine issues worth of ideas, but I'm not sure I could do Gerber justice. It'd be a great place for some meta stuff I have in mind though.

Kaine and Flash ongoing where they go on buddy cop adventures.

user, do you think it is good writing? The mass-murderer is the hero, the person saving minorities from being gassed to death is Hitler. Is that good writing?

Because, holy fuck, I know you Namor fans are a special lot, but even I didn't imagine you could be this dumb.

>If she went to jail, she was punished.

She broke out of jail and nobody is chasing her. Not only that, She allows namor to destroy wakanda.

You aren't giving me a reason why a mass murderer can't be a hero and why someone who saves members of his own race can't be worse Hitler. You just keep repeating "bad writing" ad nauseam.

>Sup Forums would rather reply to stupid bait than talk about actual comics and writing

really activates my almonds

Is that good writing, user?

The mass murderer is the hero, the person who saves minorities from being gassed to death is Hitler.

Is that good writing? Why is that good writing?

Are Nexus, Moon Knight, and Wolverine heroes? Was Magneto Mutant Hitler before Scott?

>someone who saves people from death is Hitler, and mass-murderers are heroes.
But Cyclops risked BILLIONS of deaths by being cool with the Phoenix coming here.

Is that bad writing, faggot?

The supremacist whose people want to kill all they believe are inferior to them shouldn't be Hitler, and the noble king striking against the nation that attacked his subjects shouldn't be a hero?

Is that bad writing? Why is that bad writing?

>Are Nexus, Moon Knight, and Wolverine heroes?
Have they ever killed thousands of innocents civilians with ill-intent?

>Was Magneto Mutant Hitler before Scott?
Was Magneto saving a minority from being gassed to death when he was called "Hitler"?

The mass murderer is the hero, the person who saves minorities from being gassed to death is Hitler.

Is that good writing? Why is that good writing?

Hi, Snyder.

>The supremacist whose people want to kill all they believe are inferior to them shouldn't be Hitler, and the noble king striking against the nation that attacked his subjects shouldn't be a hero?

Holy fuck, no wonder Marvel stories are in the sad state they are right now.

I'd love a chance to give Lady Shiva her first regular series, or even just her first miniseries. Woman's existed for over forty years now without even a one-shot to her name. I'd aim for a strong wuxia, early Lone Wolf and Cub feel, where she's less the protagonist and more of an inhuman, ethereal presence moving through other peoples' stories, bringing back that detached Taoist vibe from O'Neil's Question (not to mention her healing skills) and only bringing up the League of Assassins for one story: the one where she breaks up with them for good.

>Have they ever killed thousands of innocents civilians with ill-intent?
Nexus could be in the tens of thousands, Moon Knight should be in the hundreds, and Wolverine could be anywhere form a hundred to a thousand because of his age.
>Was Magneto saving a minority from being gassed to death when he was called "Hitler"?

>Nexus could be in the tens of thousands, Moon Knight should be in the hundreds, and Wolverine could be anywhere form a hundred to a thousand because of his age.
Well, show the pages.
Show the page.

Not my favorite, but an idea I've been mulling over.
Babs is in the standard "final facedown with the criminal", and he has a bomb of some kind, maybe just an EMP.
She stops it from getting the full effect, and the villain gets away, but it knocks out the chip in her spine and she can't walk until she can arrange a doctor's appointment.
So she turns to Steph and Cass to try to figure out the next stage of the plan, which is ultimately the same shit as before on a larger scale.
Cass and Steph kicking ass and taking names while Babs is yapping in their ears.

I think it'd be better to put the story where she breaks with the LoA towards the beginning, then do a later story where she realizes they've been trying to strike at her indirect and she confronts them. While Shiva needs to be rehabilitated from the League, the League itself also needs to be rehabilitated from it's depiction as an organization whose sole purpose is to spam ninja armies at Batman.

>the League itself also needs to be rehabilitated from it's depiction as an organization whose sole purpose is to spam ninja armies at Batman.
I'd leave that to someone else. I don't really care about the League, but boy do I care about Shiva. I actually have a full treatment and a first issue written for a Lady Shiva vs the LoA four issue mini with a heavy Hong Kong crime drama vibe. A League underboss in HK is found dead in a safehouse, beaten to death, with Shiva's name written on the floor in his blood. The local League chief, who knows Shiva is in town, heads there to tell her someone's trying to frame her, but she just smiles and tells him that she totally killed the guy. The boss, unwilling to risk crippling or even destroying his chapter of the League by throwing them at Shiva, brings in a tame former police detective to investigate why she killed his underling, and the whole thing turns into a mix between hardboiled crime drama and crazy wuxia kung fu bloodshed.
Pic related: it's how I'd write Shiva being told she's made an enemy of the League.

I have a problem with the police detective angle. The LoA has little reason not to send out a bunch of guys to bring Shiva to heel if they think she's turned on them. The detective would make more sense to be working for the larger organization and trying to discover why one of their local commands is committing suicide by Shiva. In the end they think they've got everything figured out and decided to "magnanimously" forgive Shiva for her "transgressions," believing it to be a feud between her and a local commander who acted outside the League's dictates only for her to murder the fuck out their representative.
Then you get your pic related.

As for the rehabilitation of the League, it's more a return to the unique personalities and appearances of the Cassandra Cain Batgirl era instead of the mindwiped manbat ninjas we've gotten since 2006.

Here's the thing: if someone like Cass can brutalize her way through the League of Shadows without killing them, then any League leader who actually cares about his command would think a LOT before sending anyone to the meatgrinder that is Lady Shiva. Even if they do managed to subdue her, odds are they'd be crippled in the process, far more than when fighting Cass or Bats. So the idea in the story is that the boss, wanting to avoid the bloodshed but unable to leave the insult unanswered, sends the guy (who's more a PI than police) to solve the murder in an attempt to find some way to save face. In the end he discovers the underboss was actually planning to kill his boss and take over the League with a bunch of loyal ninja, and asked Shiva to join him. Shiva refused, and the guy tried to kill her, less because he thought he could win and more because he was a perfectionist who couldn't handle such a potential loose end. The ninja loyal to him,
now masterless, attack Shiva anyway, figuring they'll either kill her or end up forcing the boss' hand to attack her in turn. But when evidence of the plot comes to light, the boss reaches a compromise: there will be no war with Shiva,
since she acted against a traitor to the League, but by murdering so many of their numbers she will be expelled and never work with them again. It's heavily implied in the end that it was Shiva herself who wrote her name in the safehouse, fully knowing what it'd trigger, since she wanted out of the League. And if she also got to fight a hundred ninja in the process, well...

If Shiva wanted out of the League why would she bother with all that? She'd just leave and kill anyone who tried to bring her back.

Oh yeah, absolutely. That's actually what pissed me off the most about Simone's latest stab at Shiva in particular, in Secret Six, where she straight-up says she's sick of the League but can't leave due to some unnamed debt or some shit she has with them. You're Lady Shiva, girl. Just fucking leave. But I like the idea of having her as a very otherworldly, mercurial character in a very believable, down to earth setting, in this case HK crime drama. Character-wise I'd write it as it being a spur of the moment thing, like she saw a chance to make life more interesting and took it without thinking too hard about it.
In the end, it's really just an excuse to get some John Woo Triad movie-type intrigue going on.

Namor sucks

Like his friend Namor, he lets him off easily.

Cap-Expand on what the fuck went on in the 50s as William Burnside went nuts. Have Jack Flag and Steve actually speak to each other. He was set up to be super important at the end if Gruenwald's run, then never did anything of major importance in a cap book again.

Batman-have a coherent narrative throughout for villain appearances, give the sense that Arkham does not have an express checkout lane. Also, Killer Moth,Lots of Killer Moth.

Fantastic Four-Make them feel like the most important Marvel book, or you know, at least let them HAVE a book

This, he was OK with the Phoenix possessing Hope and risking the lives of everyone on earth.

He even REEEEEEE'd at the suggestion of relocating Hope to the moon or an uninhabited place.

Also fuck the Phoenix it's unpredictable as fuck.

>Have Jack Flag and Steve actually speak to each other. He was set up to be super important at the end if Gruenwald's run, then never did anything of major importance in a cap book again.

Well Jack Flag was in a Cap book recently....

he's dead now, at least Peter, Groot and Rocket went to his funeral

I get what you're saying, I guess I always figured Shiva versus the LoA less like a John Woo film and more "Bak Mei slaughtering the Shaolin."

Oh for fuck's sake. I assume he wasn't brought by Kobik because consequences will never be the same?

I hate outrage based Marvel stories so bad. Like, don't fucking bait people who like the character by doing shitty things to them. I am convinced before the obvious rewrites Spencer intended to permanently taint Steve so Sam could be the white guilt assisting One True Cap.

I would have a Woodgod ongoing that would be focused on him bringing his race from seclusion and being an anti hero mad scientist and CEO of his genetic engineering company. He would have a tense relationship with the superhero community because of his status as a genetic engineer and his willingness to change individuals DNA which would cause trouble. His main villains would be those he feels uses scince for their own nefarious purposes. So people like AIM, Doom, Doc Ock would come into conflict with him.

Oh, it'd still be like that. But I'm mostly thinking about how O'Neil wrote Shiva as an almost magical presence in a very believable world back in The Question, making her feel like she was above it all, in a world of her own. So I'd like to try and mimc that by having an overall plot that's closer to Triad intrigue, but every time she's actually in panel, especially when fighting, things take on a more dreamlike, Shaw Bros vibe to it. And because most League characters can fit more or less Ok with that kind of slight fantasy vibe, it's better to have a PoV character who's more human and down to earth, like Vic was, for contrast purposes.

Iron God

After defeating a promising tech start-up that had descended into megalomania and super villainy, Tony Stark discovers the secret to their success: A fully-realized and shockingly sentient digital universe. The denizens of this phantasmal domain have had all their base attributes cranked up beyond the norm. Super physiques, hyper intelligences, but the world they live on is a perfect replicas of the Earth. Their inventions, innovations, and triumphs can be replicated in the realm of the physical. Treacherous diseases that would take decades to cure can have all its research done in a flash with the input of a fast-forward command, the trial and error of solving engineering riddles can be burdened on these exceptional avatars. But to encourage such drastic change requires drastic stresses. Natural calamities, epidemics, and spontaneous warfare were the instigators of this civilization's great works and how their creators were able to reap so many fantastic and deadly products from their toil.

Tony must decide what is to be done with this sublime simulation and if a perfect future is worth the misery of untold billions all while protecting it from those that share neither his hesitance nor his qualms on exploiting it.

I kinda would like to see a DC earth where a poweful organization like SCP controls all of the super heroes and normal people doesn't know people with super powers even exist

Bruce is funded the organization and sends teams of metahumans in secret missions, on the other hand Lex has a similar organization where he captured all of the supervillians and does the same

Heroes and Villans with no real super powers are just top agents for their respective organization, some of them have special gadgets that allow them to control the metahumans in case they try to scape or don't want to follow the mission

Basically all the people with superpowers are kind of slaves only difference is some of them are used for good and others for evil stuff

Make a mini-series about MARVEL favorite characters getting a ship story.

It will be a fan vote.

Who gives a shit about black-utopia? Those aren't people.

All-new Avenger Academy
> run by Johnny Storm, Amadeus Cho (gets knocked back into student status during 1st or 2nd arc doing dumb hulk stuff) replaced by Hercules, and Rick Jones
> teachers include Tigra, Spider-man, Beast, and despite constant threat of expulsion and fiery laser death Karnak
> t's more after-school program for kids who go to regular school and with parents, and full-time boarding school for orphans
> students - everyone who is brave and stunning who need swift enema of conflict and character moments.
> Miles- have him struggle with his building anger issues, and talk with Peter about berserk-spider moments.
> Moon Girl - teeters on the edge for couple of issues, but goes full villain during the 1st arc when everyone is busy with attack by Sinister Six or Masters of Evil.
> One ups them by hijacking their plan using it to solve something insignificant to adults, but big deal to kids.
> Gets talked back down by Riri and Nadia.
> America Chavez - Give her a fucking backstory that isn't five ways retarded. Or somehow work with what we have. PTSD as possible explanation of her jaded facade- Nextwave Forebrush vision moments except they're real.