>Have Jack Flag and Steve actually speak to each other. He was set up to be super important at the end if Gruenwald's run, then never did anything of major importance in a cap book again.
Well Jack Flag was in a Cap book recently....
he's dead now, at least Peter, Groot and Rocket went to his funeral
Andrew Moore
I get what you're saying, I guess I always figured Shiva versus the LoA less like a John Woo film and more "Bak Mei slaughtering the Shaolin."
Ethan Roberts
Oh for fuck's sake. I assume he wasn't brought by Kobik because consequences will never be the same?
I hate outrage based Marvel stories so bad. Like, don't fucking bait people who like the character by doing shitty things to them. I am convinced before the obvious rewrites Spencer intended to permanently taint Steve so Sam could be the white guilt assisting One True Cap.
Zachary Wood
I would have a Woodgod ongoing that would be focused on him bringing his race from seclusion and being an anti hero mad scientist and CEO of his genetic engineering company. He would have a tense relationship with the superhero community because of his status as a genetic engineer and his willingness to change individuals DNA which would cause trouble. His main villains would be those he feels uses scince for their own nefarious purposes. So people like AIM, Doom, Doc Ock would come into conflict with him.
Cameron Foster
Oh, it'd still be like that. But I'm mostly thinking about how O'Neil wrote Shiva as an almost magical presence in a very believable world back in The Question, making her feel like she was above it all, in a world of her own. So I'd like to try and mimc that by having an overall plot that's closer to Triad intrigue, but every time she's actually in panel, especially when fighting, things take on a more dreamlike, Shaw Bros vibe to it. And because most League characters can fit more or less Ok with that kind of slight fantasy vibe, it's better to have a PoV character who's more human and down to earth, like Vic was, for contrast purposes.
Asher Davis
SynthetiCosmic Iron God Starkopalypse
After defeating a promising tech start-up that had descended into megalomania and super villainy, Tony Stark discovers the secret to their success: A fully-realized and shockingly sentient digital universe. The denizens of this phantasmal domain have had all their base attributes cranked up beyond the norm. Super physiques, hyper intelligences, but the world they live on is a perfect replicas of the Earth. Their inventions, innovations, and triumphs can be replicated in the realm of the physical. Treacherous diseases that would take decades to cure can have all its research done in a flash with the input of a fast-forward command, the trial and error of solving engineering riddles can be burdened on these exceptional avatars. But to encourage such drastic change requires drastic stresses. Natural calamities, epidemics, and spontaneous warfare were the instigators of this civilization's great works and how their creators were able to reap so many fantastic and deadly products from their toil.
Tony must decide what is to be done with this sublime simulation and if a perfect future is worth the misery of untold billions all while protecting it from those that share neither his hesitance nor his qualms on exploiting it.
Colton Morales
I kinda would like to see a DC earth where a poweful organization like SCP controls all of the super heroes and normal people doesn't know people with super powers even exist
Bruce is funded the organization and sends teams of metahumans in secret missions, on the other hand Lex has a similar organization where he captured all of the supervillians and does the same
Heroes and Villans with no real super powers are just top agents for their respective organization, some of them have special gadgets that allow them to control the metahumans in case they try to scape or don't want to follow the mission
Basically all the people with superpowers are kind of slaves only difference is some of them are used for good and others for evil stuff
Jordan Foster
Make a mini-series about MARVEL favorite characters getting a ship story.
It will be a fan vote.
Connor Ward
Who gives a shit about black-utopia? Those aren't people.
Colton Carter
All-new Avenger Academy > run by Johnny Storm, Amadeus Cho (gets knocked back into student status during 1st or 2nd arc doing dumb hulk stuff) replaced by Hercules, and Rick Jones > teachers include Tigra, Spider-man, Beast, and despite constant threat of expulsion and fiery laser death Karnak > t's more after-school program for kids who go to regular school and with parents, and full-time boarding school for orphans > students - everyone who is brave and stunning who need swift enema of conflict and character moments. > Miles- have him struggle with his building anger issues, and talk with Peter about berserk-spider moments. > Moon Girl - teeters on the edge for couple of issues, but goes full villain during the 1st arc when everyone is busy with attack by Sinister Six or Masters of Evil. > One ups them by hijacking their plan using it to solve something insignificant to adults, but big deal to kids. > Gets talked back down by Riri and Nadia. > America Chavez - Give her a fucking backstory that isn't five ways retarded. Or somehow work with what we have. PTSD as possible explanation of her jaded facade- Nextwave Forebrush vision moments except they're real.