Why does this trigger Christ cucks?
Because Christianity is the true religion, duh.
Because America is a Christian country. They can celebrate their own holidays in their own countries if they want. Christmas is the only one that matters in America.
Lol who the fuck cares what holiday these stupid fucks want to celebrate.
USA is a majority Christian nation
Good luck liberals when you fly to Iran and want them to respect your holidays
American liberalism needs to die
Wtf I hate christmas now
No, I think it's fine. The only thing I have issue with is people acting like it's bad to say Merry Christmas. There is nothing wrong with either.
Because Christianity and Christian values is what Western society is built on, and denying them is contributing to the downfall of the west
Lets be honest, the US is a Jewish country.
Where in the constitution does it say America is a Christian country?
Does it not explicitly say there should be no state religion?
But our nation was founded on the idea of religious freedom, as in our original ancedtors wanted tonescape persecution. The same type of persecution you are doing against non Christians now.
Try setting up a shrine to your ancestor spirits during Ramadan in a Muslim country and see how "tolerant" they are
We don't celebrate those holidays.
So, fuck 'em.
The government doesn't have a say on the nation's religion. It doesn't matter what the constitution says.
America is a Christian nation because almost the entire population decided they wanted it to be a Christian nation.
Becuase Jesus is American! That's why!
Small Penis Syndrome.
Just because the majority of the country is Christian doesn't mean that other people can't have their own religious festivals
In germany saying "happy holidays" would just be considered to be Nikolaus+Advent+Christmas+New Year+Holy Three Kings
No one's saying they can't, but the problem is that freedom of religion isn't good enough for them.
They don't want to celebrate their holiday, they want everyone else to not celebrate Christmas.
Because Christmas happens in December. If someone told me that "what if" I would say whats the big deal in me saying Merry Christmas?
Burgers really miss out. Nikolaus day and advent calendars are awesome.
>"don't say Merry Christmas, I don't celebrate it and you're offending me"
>not a war on Christmas
"Religious freedom", as in, different variations/sects of Christianity. I very much doubt Washington of Jefferson intended the Jewry in your country to get this bad.
Because you live in a Christian country. Deal with it.
>They can celebrate their own holidays in their own countries if they want
You are saying they can't
>say happy birthday to someone on their birthday
>don't you know millions of other people have a birthday on this day too!!!!
also if a liberal is offended by Merry Christmas would they be offended by a muslim saying "happy Muslim new year" to them? if not then they are bigots and if yes they are idiots
Well that's because I'm racist and think the browns should all fuck off.
In the general scope of things, they are allowed to celebrate their own holidays, whether I like it or not.
This just screams the typical smug liberal. So cleverly put.
And if you partake in them then you can say whatever holiday is coming up. America as a whole and from its beginning is a Christian nation, so Christmas is the most observed and partaken of the populace. If you're something else then do whatever, just don't complain about there being glass when you're in a glass house.
What about the treaty we wrote with he Barbary Pirates?
Because the country was literally founded on the principal that Christianity should be unmolested by the government
You, I like you
Christmas is the American celebration of consumerism, not a religious holiday
The religious Christmas is nativity scenes, Christmas mass
The non-religious majority of it is for everyone- xmas trees, ornaments, santy claus, reindeer, presents, big dinners, xmas music
It's a mythology that has an overlap with Christianity in the name but more to do with pagan Yule in tradition, and it's not just for Christians. It's an American/western holiday and an assault on it will spread to Thanksgiving, 4th of July etc
Because The is is like 80% Christian why the fuck should 80% of people not be allowed to say Christmas for the sake of a few non Christians or people in other countries?
Everyone is free to celebrate their own religion that doesn't mean "hey you can't talk about your religion around me". That isn't how it fucking works
sage hide
(op pic related)
>Family values
>High morality
Christianity is what makes western civilization so great
Only a Marxist feminist would disagree with me
I have no problem saying i am anti other religions
It was suppose to be left up to thr states
You got it other way around Athegoy.
Why do American atheists push this autism?
Literally everyone says merry Christmas in England, atheist, christian or whatever.
I'm Christian. I wish people a merry day I celebrate. If they wish me a happy holiday they celebrate, I will accept it as an extension of good will, because it's a fucking nice thing, not a smug talking point that liberals are trying to make it.
You got me there. But if I say Merry Christmas, you're just as okay to get buttmad about it.
by the way, I hope you have a great Thanksgiving. And a Merry Christmas.
was watching a baking competition last night and they mentioned various holidays like Hanukkah but not once did they mention Christmas, any time anything Christmas themed came up they said holiday instead.
Religious freedom meant to the founding fathers that men among them like Charles Carroll could practice freely and without discrimination.
Under the crown, practicing certain christian denominations were criminalized, including Catholic.
Kind of a myth. The Puritans wasted no time persecuting the Quakers. Christians who cry about persecution are simply complaining about their loss of hegemony.
>Where in the constitution does it say America is a Christian country?
Where in the constitution does it say that the character of America is composed solely of that which is written in the constitution?
Fuck off, Hanscuck
Nothing wrong with that
Might makes right
Any group that would willingly give up power is retarded
Because like PC culture, it is restricting speech or something.
If you are Muslim, say whatever holiday. If you are Christian say christmas, black say kwanza, jewish say satan orgy of 8 days.
This shit of not letting people speak even if it offends someone is pissing me off.
Learn some English, Jose
Majority of Americans are Christians.
Jews have an undue influence so they seem like they have greater numbers than they actually do.
Niggers pretend to give a shit about Kwanzaa but the only ones that celebrate it are the ones who just got "woke" and think they are honoring their African heritage that they don't know anything about. Most nogs celebrate Christmas.
Most Asians are either Christians or atheists who still exchange presents Christmas morning.
Muslims aren't even 2% of the population, and those assholes would still be pissed even if Christmas were outlawed entirely and all supermarkets had to become halal overnight.
The number of people who legitimately don't celebrate Christmas in this country is so negligible they don't deserve to be mentioned when one is speaking offhand about celebrating in December.
Christmas for 90+% of us, special snowflake shit for the rest. Quit acting like you're significant.
Isn't it kind of racist for people to be offended by another's religion?
Like these people are getting offended because someone is wishing them a "merry christmas" for example, because the person wishing them believes in it.
That means that they're getting offended by the fact that others believe in these things.
retarded leaf
>majority christian country
We have a word for when a Minority imposes its will over the Majority
Why do you support Aparthied? Thats pretty illiberal
I love these facebook posts!
>America is a Christian country
Nope. America was founded on the ideas of freedom of religion or FROM it. It's why people fled europe. They wanted to have their own beliefs or no beliefs and not be persecuted.
I suppose that means Turkey isn't a Muslim country.