Why does this trigger Christ cucks?

Try setting up a shrine to your ancestor spirits during Ramadan in a Muslim country and see how "tolerant" they are

We don't celebrate those holidays.

So, fuck 'em.

The government doesn't have a say on the nation's religion. It doesn't matter what the constitution says.
America is a Christian nation because almost the entire population decided they wanted it to be a Christian nation.

Becuase Jesus is American! That's why!

Small Penis Syndrome.

Just because the majority of the country is Christian doesn't mean that other people can't have their own religious festivals

In germany saying "happy holidays" would just be considered to be Nikolaus+Advent+Christmas+New Year+Holy Three Kings

No one's saying they can't, but the problem is that freedom of religion isn't good enough for them.
They don't want to celebrate their holiday, they want everyone else to not celebrate Christmas.

Because Christmas happens in December. If someone told me that "what if" I would say whats the big deal in me saying Merry Christmas?

Burgers really miss out. Nikolaus day and advent calendars are awesome.