>girl character has great personality, attractive design, and is really cute
>she gets attracted to/is paired up with a black man
Fucking ruined, why do writers do this?
Girl character has great personality, attractive design, and is really cute
Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Gerald, but it was the first couple that came to my mind about this.
they're not real
none of them are real
take your meds
Pheobe is asian, so its even worse. At least asian girls are pure unlike starbucks sipping social media addicted whores that are white women
It doesnt matter because there ruining characters by making them attracted to disgusting ebony
Sorry that they don't want your small dick, OP.
why would this bother anyone but a self insert faggot cuck?
Don't feel bad OP. Those men are written to be a better person than you. You never had a chance with her anyway.
>cute boy character
>gets paired up with a girl
>also their character is reduced to being a self-insert for betafags
This needs to stop.
>the “white men have small dick trope”
Heh, have fun knowing i have the same size if not a bigger dick then you and dont have to best my wife in order to force her to stay with me out of fear, spook
Id be a better partner then some pant sagging chimp, thats for sure
Gerald is a top tier character. He deserves Phoebe.
But that pants sagging chimp is written to be quite the gentleman despite his social stature and outward appearance. Face it pussy, you've lost the jackpot.
To give me something to self-insert with
t. Black fellow
Hang on is this the same kid with third world English who's been creating every single whiny /r9k/ish thread for like the past week at least
Hell always be dumber and more of a vice filled selfish porchmonkey. Girls only go to blacks because their tasteless retards and are trying to stick it to daddy for not buying her a malibu barbie for christmas when she was 9.
Go back to masturbating to KFC commercials, jamal
>Actually get mad/defensive at the "white men have small dicks" trope
You are panicking
Did /r9k/ move to Sup Forums or something? Or was this the case ages ago.
>Heh, have fun knowing i have the same size if not a bigger dick then you
Sure you do, buddy. ;)
Yeah, surprised he hasn't had a heart attack by now.
Probably. I wonder if it's spongefan.
I hope it happens more often so you'll feel even more insecure about yourself and your dick
Pure....and soulless.
Yeah okay it's you, hi Gonzalez
Please see a doctor asap
Theres more then one people making threads like these
>third world english
Punctuation and grammar autists need to stop using that shit as an excuse to discredit people and their opinions
Imagine being this cucked and delusional. My girlfriend is a well adjusted and cute middle class girl I went to high school with.
Fuck off you idiot
Almost certainly.
If random anons on a Guyanese ice skating imageboard can identify you from your incomprehensible gibberish how come the people from the mental hospital haven't found you yet, ese?
Sup Forums has infected all the boards to some degree. Sup Forums gives the type of people that inhabit /r9k/ a scapegoat for their shortcomings. Pretty sad, but that's how it is and will be.
>thinking americanized asian girls are pure
someone has issues
>incomprehensible gibberish
My writing is fine you autistic complaining degenerate cock sucker. Show me one thing thats wrong with my writing, you cant because your an idiotic faggot who assumes im the same guy because your a buttmad fecal brained faggot.
Don't blow a gasket, Pepito