Sup Forums
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Comics #977
Be me
R63 thread
"Did they send me daughters, when I asked for sons?!"
Symbiote Thread
Who is your favorite Transformer? For me, it is Soundwave, from G1 and beyond I just think he is the coolest
Itt: best cat girls or whatever
Will we ever get more Anya?
RWBY/RT General #1355: Imminent Penetration Edition
Ever After High
What show/comic/media idc can Sup Forums collectively say had a good ending?
Give me one good reason he shouldn't have killed the Avengers for destroying his family the Legion of Doom
There will never be a good, perfect villain that no one on Sup Forums would complain about
Would this effect Deadpool?!
Worst Sup Forums girls
What did Sup Forums think of the Boss Baby?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Could johnny bravo be made today without feminist screeching?
Is Disney retconning Kristoff's importance?
Toonami General #1
Why are there no good female arch-villains?
Spider-man (1967) To Catch a Spider
Batman Forever is underrated
People actually liked The Weekenders
What are actually the good series from New 52 and whats actually necessary for whats going on since Rebirth?
What’s Sup Forums‘s New Year's resolution?
ITT: Aquaman tier characters
Next Batman Video Game - How Would You Want It?
Name one bad comic he has written
Arin Hanson actually talks about animation
Why are superheroes the only relevant genre in western comics nowadays?
Anyone else think the concept of keldor is fucking stupid...
RWBY/RT General #1354: Obligatory Frozen Joke Edition
Let's be honest - shrek was damn good
Why do so many people ship Spider-Man and Elsa?
ITT: We live in the best timeline
Who here thinks cartoons today are awful and that the cartoons back then were superior? I think that...
Will DC allow Bendis to ruin decades of continuity?
What do you call the era between the Outback Era and X-Men #1?
Best of Sup Forums 2017
Ant-Man and Wasp art
Work On Your Art: New Years Weekend Edition
Why was it so bad, Sup Forums?
Sup Forums scenes that made you tear up
I love you Nixon
Do you think by "Pink Diamond was never shattered", they mean that Rose is Pink Diamond?
Remember during the first two years of Miles existence when a majority of comic and non-comic readers thought he was...
Was 31 Minutes the peak of Puppets shows?
CN Schedule
Batman becomes one of the best fighters in the world after training for 15 years
"Sorry Homer, but I'm a coward now... like all recovering alcoholics"
Great Avengers Storytime
Greg Smallwood - Midnight Sons
2017: The Year Almost Everything Went Wrong for Marvel Comics
AHTF Online
If Uncle Sam, in the DCU, is only as strong as the country’s belief in itself, then how strong is he right now?
Lol i'm running like a dipshit and no one can stop me
How come friendships between a man and woman always has to end up like lovers in cartoon and comics?
Injustice 2 would be a legitimate 10/10 if the art design wasn't such shit...
Ladies and gentlemen, the editor of Marvel’s Star Wars comics
Be member of endangered species
2018 Animated films
RWBY/RT General #1353: The Only One Who Can Save Weiss Edition
We can all agree that Wally is better than Barry, but can we discuss why Linda is objectively better than Iris?
You aren't just going to leave her hanging are you?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
2017 Sup Forums Meme of the Year...who?
Your job in a Sup Forums image
Nick Gazin comics and art editor at VICE is getting flack on twitter for only listing 8 comics on his top 10 comics of...
Post a Sup Forums character and what Hogwarts House they would most likely be suited in
Alright, Sup Forums. It's time we end this debate once and for all
Tell me, Sup Forums
Would you date a supervillainess?
Wonder woman thread
Supervillains you would unironically work for. Getting the obvious out of the way
Why did they make her trans?
When and what was Sup Forums's intro to comic books
Weekend Sup Forums creation thread
This board really went to shit in the last couple of years. How do we fix it? There’s a lot of e-celeb talk here
I really don't FEEL anything for this character. There's nothing particularly wrong with him, he's just, ya know...
Reading my 80s comics
This is Leopoldo Galtieri. He is my waifu. Say something nice about him
When will the dragon finally be slayed?
What's your opinion on spinneret in the comics?
This is Princess Marco
Are there any comic book writers that are universally loved/liked?
Don't mind me, just the ONLY good Dr. Seuss adaptation coming through
Who is Arkham Asylum's most dangerous prisoner?
Big Bs Edit Thread
When you hear a voice actor from a kids show in an adult show/game
/CTG/ Channel-tans General
Why do people treat this show like it's the Bible?
So, now that reading comics isn't the weird socially shunned hobby it used to be in its heyday, where should we go now?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
You get to drop the gay bomb on any characters you want. Who do you pick and why? Also...
Just finished it
MILF Thread
How's this make you feel Sup Forums?
Sup Forums scenes that make you hungry
Why is he the best autobot, why doesnt he get more recognition...
Sup Forums OC thread
/hyw/ How is your actual Webcomic doing?
Being Archer truly is suffering
Why do we allow capeshit to dominate the medium of comics...
RWBY/RT General #1352: Cute Neo Edition
Super Sons
Is the reason they're continually shafted because of their implicit right wing nature?
How does the Care Bear Stare work exactly? Also Care Bear thread I guess
ITT: Cancelled/Shelved Sup Forums
Im really glad everyone will hate her now as much as i do for blocking greg/pearl
ITT: Shit you find cute
Why cant we have more goth girls in cartoons, preferably thicc ones
Why did Disney allowed this Cuckoldry to happen?
ITT: Nice people that did nothing wrong
What is the thinking man's superhero?
We can at least agree that everyone would have loved Korra if ATLA didn't exist
Concept art thread
Sup Forums Christmas Cheer Thread #24 New Years Edition
Is this /fa/ approved?
Sup Forums worlds
Did ever say where did Kiva stay on the series? Did she sleep on Megas?
Who's the best Disney girl and why is it Anna?
So i guess that SU leaker was right
Good comics about trans POC
What do you think of the character of oliver queen in general? the truth...
Is there anything more dreadful than Deadpool now being in the MCU?
Chop Socky Chooks
Remember how all of the Marvel books ended before Secret Wars 2015? Most of them were really nice endings
ITT: characters only hated because of their race
/dpg/ - Danny Phantom Marathon Thread #52-53 (FINALE)
Why do so many modern cartoons pick happy go lucky retards as protagonist?
Well Sup Forums I made it to your board, despite your directions
As a lifelong Marvel fan who to this day is still learning about DC characters and lots of it is new to me...
What does the average Sup Forums user look like?
I always thought she was a beaver. (shes a mole)
ITT we come up with new Steven Universe episodes that aren't filler and hope the crew plagiarizes us
What’s his endgame?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
What's the official lore with Wolverine?
ITT: Post smiles that must be protected at all costs
Why did nobody like this?
The spanish dub was surprisingly good
How accurate was it?
Does AdultSwim require a show to be completely retarded before they agree to put it on air?
We ain't ever gonna make it
If someone tied you to a room and said the only way to leave was to torture yourself by either watching all of JL and...
Official Win-O'-Thread
JSA Storytime: Question
Pick one
Let's say DC Films announces a Titans movie, what would you want out of it? Who would you want casted...
We MIGHT have a sequel
I guarantee that you guys can't have a calm and respectful discussion about whether or not Steven Universe is a good...
"The Star Wars" stortyimes
Hey Bats, I just found my old dvd of Dragon Ball Z. It has all the episodes. In latin spanish...
Improve a show by removing something from it
Nathaniel Dusk: Private Investigator
What if...i were to purchase marvel and star wars and disguise it as my own work? Hohoho, delightfully devilish disney
What does Sup Forums think of Mark "The Man" Millar?
How can we rewrite Blue Diamond's personality to restore her to her nonchalant “I don’t give a shit about you”...
Kill Or Be Killed Vol.1 Christmas Storytime
Harvey Beaks
Remember when Karl predicted augmented reality and Ricky dismissed it as impossible and idiotic?
Comic book failure
What does Sup Forums think of doomsday clock?
So what Sup Forums characters could permanently kill Conner?
How might MARVEL be today had it been Michael Jackson that purchased the company instead of the Walt Disney Company?
Any type of sexualization is
Wallyfags should accept that Barry is now the most famous, popular Flash...
ITT: Post sympathetic villains you honestly feel sorry for
I hear Nick Spencer will be the new writer on Amazing Spider-Man. Will it be good?
Sees entire show on youtube
Why do people on Sup Forums say King of the Hill is a good guy when he's constantly threatening to kick peoples' asses...
Why would he ever save a copy of the gas that made Superman kill his own family, let alone use it on someone?
A story about comics is on the front page of NBC news. I will post it for you Sup Forums;
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
What did Tiana do wrong that Anna and Elsa did right? In terms of popularity
In 2013, Craig McCracken's third and most underrated cartoon, Wander Over Yonder premieres
How can people stand to like Superman? His power level is inconsistent as fuck
Now that the dust has settled, what was the best element to have?
Sup Forums ambassador here. Is pic related real? I have to know
Show was originally going to be more of an action-adventure with drama elements like the movie was
Alright Sup Forums, no more fucking around
ITT: God-Tier Sup Forums movies
My vision is not designed to meet the validation of an immediate public, but was done to last forever
King of the Hill
Recent Purchases/Shelf Thread
Hair Color Debate: SETTLED
Erased DC characters vol 4
Poison Ivy thread
Say this
Bcb - Bittersweet Candy Bowl
James Stokoe
Could Passion Patties be made today?
Which get it worse: cartoon parodies or video game parodies?
Are the Oscars prejudiced against Japan?
Young Justice in 2018
Isn't it a good time for you to let go of your anger and hatred over Samurai Jack Season 5?
DC Black Heroes
Johns new "OC" (not very original) are the joker's dad and mom
So... any theories on how he is alive
Is Xavier’s school an accredited institution? What is it exactly? A college? A high school? Do the credits transfer...
I predict that pic related will be understood as the popularization of "western Moe"...
Which Smith's are the better ones?
Recently finished Scooby Doo: Mystery Incuckerated, what did Sup Forums think? I wish I had watching it with you guys...
Animation thread
According to fan-votes, pic related are Marvel's Top 10 Best Characters. Thoughts?
Goop Sucks
When will nuppg ever be good?
Is their a point where homage can be considered
Travis Knight's BUMBLEBEE (December 21, 2018)
What the flying fuck does Blood do?
What would you have given your waifu for christmas?
Shen thread
Earth-chan Once More
What's it like being Slade's apprentice?
Why does Steven Universe get away with so many animation errors?
Tell them how you killed our baby, Amanda
Be Joker henchman
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Best cape movie period
Gunnerkrigg Court
Richard Scarry
Tag and Bink Are Canon
Sorry guys, I love Shen now
When will they learn that insulting your core consumers while pandering to outspoken busybodies that hate them is a bad...
Mods are asleep, post obscure waifus
Are femanons as really as common as Sup Forums says?
Is he the only actor who could do Darkseid justice?
She's 30 years old now
Niggas get to make fan fiction that Marvel might actually like? Only a fool would do all that for free though
ITT: Moments that gave you strange boners
"WHY DO ROCKS HAVE EYEBALLS" -professional genius millionaire cartoonist, 2017
How do Anons feel about the current goings ons of the Venom saga? I know there are old schoolers here...
How could Dark Pheonix win Sup Forums over?
What does Sup Forums think of the CN Shared Universe?
Hi. I exist to make sure The Flash comic is ruined for all time and warp what normalfags think of my characters...
Describe your lovelife in a Sup Forums image
RWBY/RT General #1351: Rosewick Edition
Watch old episodes of Simpsons that people meme about
Devil's Candy
TTG gets a movie instead of a fucking lore-heavy steven universe movie
December 28, 2017
Toy story 4 coming out
Serious question
Alright, think of a character/team of characters, Sup Forums
Where is Wander running off to, Sup Forums?
Adventure Time
How would you make a Chad and Virgin cartoon?
Post cute lizard girls
You can only use one shen gong wu, which do you choose and why Sup Forums?
If you were given the opportunity to go an alternate timeline where Mordecai actually hooked up with one of these two...
Thought on this cartoon?
Just spent £250 on this, was it worth it?
Why are Raven and Gwen so popular here?
Sup Forums Redesigns
Watched this
Mortal Kombat should be integrated into the DC Multiverse
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
I heard that Gwenpool is getting "canceled" because its a 25 issue series...
Cheesecake thread
Fake news BTFO
Wolverine is cool and interesting and Cyclops is not, bite me gaywads
I've always had a question
Why do some people actually fall for the meme that older comics are better...
She was pretty stacked for a bird
ITT: minor characters with unusually good designs
Do you think she spied on her crush in the nude before she got her suit?
List of things banned from Marvels new Official Fanfic App
Is Mr Miracle the greatest comic in the world right now? Discuss
Wish for immunity to 'Da Rules'
ITT: Shit you can't believe actually exists
Oda: I keep saying this...
Look Sup Forums, leni is trying to fly
What next for Gaby?
So I found out about gravity falls last year but I haven't watched it cause it seems for kids...
MY NAME'S user!
How come Sup Forums never talks about Jackie Chan Adventures?
Which one are you?
Is there anybody who can defeat jerk level spongebob?
Oh my God what a slut
The 30 best comic book writers in 2017 by SyfyWire
So Sup Forums? Have you gotten those contracts yet?
Since clock man been found what should we try to find now
So how is the Indie Cartoonist/Animator/Writer/Comic Artist life going Sup Forums?
Which one would you bully, Sup Forums?
Post a Sup Forums character along with a Yu-Gi-Oh! card that either they would use or represent them
Admit it, you never realized Batman and Superman’s moms have the same name until I pointed it out
Who was in the wrong here?
”Bruce I know we’re superheroes with amazing powers but do you understand how fundamentally sick it is to tamper...
New Teen Titans Go! to the Movies Plot Details Revealed
ITT: underrated superheroes
Tfw Bendis will never be your dad
Which one is the most powerful?
Would you a Bryce Wayne?
Have you been enjoying the TTG marathon?
Off-model thread
Ms. Marvel
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #26 Storytime
Infinity War
My ISP sent me a message in the mail for torrenting season 3 of family guy, not even in an email...
What's the Sup Forums equivalent of fighting tournament story arcs?
Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarfs
Gentlemen, a powerful weapon is about to be placed within our hands
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Introduced 5 new characters in an attempt to stay fresh
The queen and king of the land of udrogoth
"You may hate my comics but I know you have a crush on me user!"
Cursed images thread part 2
ITT: Humanization
Oh! There's mother now
Aquaman movie
Who is the best comic book writer of all time and why?
Why is it that American comics -- specifically Marvel and DC -- never end, Sup Forums?
Do Gifs in Webcomics Work?
What was it that made Phineas and Ferb Disney Channel's biggest hit?
The last stretch is here!
Draw a quick OC, the poster under you has to make a cartoon/comic idea for him/her
It's a "I sent a friend to the hospital because of poor gun safety" episode
Justice League Blu-Ray
Is Rob Liefeld's reputation deserved?
Would steven universe be better if senator armstrong was the mayor and had an active role in the gems activities?
Voice actors all sound braindead
Just reminder: in Marvel canon...
This 1994 ZERO HOUR Promo Video is a Timewarp to DC Comics History
With a pickle on top
Is Sup Forums finally willing to admit its pretty bad?
ITT: Summarize a cartoon in 5 words or less
ITT-Sup Forums characters that would probably fuck you if you paid them enough
Has 2017 been the worst year for animation?
Since Tony Stark was part of the hellfire club, do you think the x-men nay have been biased towards him?
What am I in for?
"The Supermen Theory"
Happy birthday to /our guy/
Who's the sexiest animated villainess?
Is this show good?
Post a bigger jobber
This is the western animation board?
Ian Flynn Confirms That IDW Sonic Comics Will Not Have Archie Sonic Characters He Created
If Steven was going to go to the Palanquin anyway...
Do you prefer Snyder's Superman or Whedon's Superman?
This is the Star Wars Holiday Special of modern times...
It's a bart will be a hopeless failure and lisa will be a successful genius episode
/SCG/ Snyder Cut General
The Flash #37 Storytime
What hopes do you have for Season 2 of The Punisher on Netflix?
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #35 Storytime
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard
This is how diversity should be handled
Show me your best moments of our pal Black Manta and proof you're not some kind of scallywag...
Quantum and Woody #1
Whats with all of the hate enter gets on /co?
Carol Danvers Thread
X-O Manowar #10 Storytime
Adventure Time Thread
Despicable deadpool 291 storytime
ITT: Cute Boys
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Ladies and gentlemen!
[X] HATE PLAGUE OF GRIPES (but still love him)
BPRD: The Devil You Know
Anyone else that was disappointed by Samurai Jack Season 5?
Captain Marvel
Let's say that you were given a chance to make your own cartoon show with full control, what uh...
Resident Alien Story Time
Tfw you're showing your family your favorite movie and they're looking at their phone
Why did they make Helga stacked in the movie?
Shego, give me a beat
The Great X-Men Debate
Riddle me this Batman, what has a single eye but cannot see? Hint: it's not a needle
How could this show have succeeded and become a popular show instead of only being known nowadays for either memes or...
What cartoon characters would hate being sexualized by us?
Was there anything Futurama did better than the Simpsons when both shows were at their best?
Stan and Kyle are best friends!
Cartoon has anti smoking shit in it
Huh, I didn’t know Shocker was black and I read a shit ton of comics. I always thought it was that Montana guy
Oh fuck yes
What are your hopes/ideas for Pink Diamond and White Diamond's debuts later this season...
I want cheesecake back
What goes through his head when hes taking a dump?
Pitch a story in one sentence
How do you want the Xmen done in the MCU? Team, cast, stories, villains, etc
Captain Marvel #127 Storytime
Was it actually good or just furfag trash?
Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?
Why do wedgies seem to be so prevalent in cartoons and other kids media? Do bullies actually do them in real life?
Would you have liked Regular Show more in its later seasons if CN didn't keep dumbing it down and making the episodes...
So what did she see in him exactly? Was it just because he died?
Does anyone on Sup Forums want this lost leni I found? She's lonely and needs a good home...
ITT we take Marvel characters, be they hero or villain, and create possible DC knockoffs. Sure...
Wanna party Sup Forums?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Cursed images thread
Shadow The Hedgehog
Post a Sup Forums related picture that represents how you feel about posting in this board right now
ITT: Post animated Music Videos
So Etrigan just fucking killed a kid
What is the absolute WORST Calvin and Hobbes strip?
This shit is so bad it's almost self parody
Harvey Beaks
WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN: The Sup Forums Movies of 2017
What do you guys think of Mime and Marionette? Personally I like them
Shipping/sexualizing x fictional character under x context is wrong
Girlfriend went on a 5 day business trip. Recommend me some shows to binge watch during that free time
Oh Snap!!!!
I'm pretty sure that someone at Disney ships Elsanna
Think of a Sup Forums character, what anime/manga would they watch/read?
What if he just thought she was pretty hot?
Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider #12 storytime
What does Sup Forums think of this youtube comic critic?
Scarlett's Strike Force #1
World's smartest man
Who’s your favorite South Park gag character?
Would you a Steven and Mabel fusion?
Is he a bad guy?
God of thunder
Since pol/tards hijacked my other thread
These are all supposed to be three different characters
Tha Cliff
Sup Forums Magical Girls Thread
Transformers General /tfg/ - LL 12 Fall Out Edition
Sportsmaster had a villain family? I know its probably just a throwaway joke, but I do love the idea...
I wish for a Steven Universe remake, with good writing, and voice acting and no hiatuses. AND AND...
Do you recognize this guy?
"Welcome to the Salty Spitoon. How tough are 'ya?"
The same webcomic artist you always made fun of is actually cute when you discovered her real picture
Have you read God Complex yet?
What went wrong?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
B-But it's fanfic
New husbando and waifu from Hiveswap, the prequel of Homestuck
Amazing Spider-Man 793 storytime
Previous Thread:
Jessica Jones #15
Do you guys own any Sup Forums related wearable merchandise that you actually wear?
Is Dr Pepper cola or root beer?
Just think...
Making a MOTU movie without the franchises most popular character
Hawkman Found Storytime
Tim is a better batman than Bruce
Ducktales 2017
I wanna go home to my momma!
The Cartoon survival tournament
So Sup Forums, which beer would you rather try?
RWBY/RT General #1350: Tis the Season Edition
Bcb - Bittersweet Candy Bowl
How is she worthy again?
Shen/Owl Turd Comics
X-Men Blue #18 Storytime
Amazing Spider-Man-Renew Your Vows #14 storytime
Describe this show with a Spongebob quote
So what will Marvel do with him? Or rather what SHOULD Marvel do with him?
Invincible Iron Man #595 storytime
Only post QC strips that made you laugh
”OMG I am like the hugest Spider Man fan!”
Remember, Command D!
Blue Beetle #16
Anyone can be a great artist! You just need to practice doing the same thing over and over for exactly 10000 hours...
ITT: Terrible legacy characters
What do you guys think about matt groening?
Considering how quick she always was to support Goofy over her own husband...
How do you do, fellow kids?: The Show
Batman: Creature of the Night 02 Storytime
Go Go Power Rangers #5 Storytime
Titan AE thread
How did you like his depiction in Deadpool?
Which one?
Batgirl #18 Storytime
ITT: You have 24 seconds to act as TVtropes as possible
Who was in the wrong here?
Nightwing: The New Order #5 Storytime
Spider-Men II #5 storytime
Moon Knight #190 Storytime
Wtf is her problem?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Worth it?
Punisher - The Platoon #4 Storytime
Phoenix Resurrection Storytime
Finally got around to watching this after months of putting it off. Why is the entire supporting cast shit and annoying...
Wonder Woman #37 Storytime
Cap fucked the shit out of her right?
Official Win-O'-Thread
Teen Titans #15 Storytime
Why do hate for Steven Universe is completely unwarranted
Least I Could Do and turning Liberal
Detective Comics #971 Storytime
Why do SJWs and tumblr get so triggered by fictional characters being sexualized? Why are they so prudish...
Action Comics #994 Storytime
Justice League of America #21 Storytime
Legend Quest / Las Leyendas thread
Doomsday Clock #2 Storytime
Sup Forums's thoughts on Steven Universe
God damn this movie sucks so much fucking dick
Gunnerkrigg Court
Making an action figure of the shithuman with weird hair
Thoughts on Red Hood and the Outlaws?
Holy shit it finally clicked
Where else on the internet does Sup Forums go to talk about comics and/or cartoons?
Do you have any Sup Forums-related Funko Pop! figurines? And if so, why?
Is he right? I don't know anymore
One protects you, the rest try to kill you
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
ITT: Non Big 2 comics that you love
Will there ever be a good capeshit film again or is this it?
Batman is shit, remember this
What do you think of this show?
Anyone else wish there was more cartoons and comics with fantasy/mythical themes? Sure there are some...
I am Melvin, that slightly odd Wise Man that shows up every so often to tell you things...
How will they make her Disney appropriate?
If Thundercats debuted on Netflix would it have done better?
How the fuck did we get such a massive gap of quality at Marvel of late...
I've made a chart of seemingly the only things this board unanimously and unironically likes...
"Comic books will never be art" - Chris Evans
Literally tricking people into committing a crime and arresting them for talking to adults
Name ONE show where the quality didn’t drastically decline once the creator left/got fired. Protip: you can’t
Totally Spies
Greg and blue diamond
What is about this scene that makes it so good?
Nick Shorts vs CN Shorts
Goddammit, when are these 3 lovely ladies going to get their proper time to shine in comics/media...
Why doesn't anyone ever talk about pic related?
One small Thing doesn't seem like a lot
Don't worry professor, I was an accident too
Fuck artists who go off model! Why can't we have more artists who stay on-model like Tim Buckley?
Why did they have to make him so pathetic?
Keep telling yourself going off model looks good but it fucking doesnt
Live action movies or books that would worked well animated
This was the only ship that made sense
Reminder: nobody masturbates in the DCU
Please do not bully gwen, she tries her best
How's You're Webcomic? /hyw/ - #438
Can he make cartoons great again?
TJ "Amazing Atheist" vs JF soon
Would you watch a Jonny Quest reboot if they got rid of Hadji?
This is your reminder Sup Forums that skub is for faggots
Why were Tangled and Frozen's titles changed to be gender neutral but not Moana...
How did it feel when it turned out that he was abusive?
So was she a monkey?
How did Eddy's brother get a car into his room?
Who Gars the best Mr. Gar?
I'm looking for some more good comic book artists. Something in the same vein as Dave Mckean, Bill Seinkiewicz, or J. H...
What a waste of time
Best cartoon villains?
Where were you
Is she retarded or just autistic?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Is Yellow Diamond the best designed cartoon villain of all time?
Classic Venom design is best Venom
Would a Bully cartoon work? Or are cartoonists too chicknenshit to touch the subject matter?
What kind of experience was Diana gonna teach her?
Pick a Sup Forums character
Let's do Toy Story again, only that's it shit this time lmao!
Teen Titans
Tails Gets Trolled Storytime cont
Soon every property will have a cartoon
What haven't Marvel/DC ever tried tapping into the fujo market?
Hey handsome, what do you say we head back to your place?
Why do white girls like this horrid trash?
So they Parademons are attracted to fear...
What do you think about this upcoming feature?
It's a Senor Cardgage episode
How come the fans can make better films then the parent company?
Whats his future?
Who was in the wrong here?
What are your hopes?
Let's talk about lesser discussed/lesser used villains. Swarm is one
Superman would had been saved if Feige just gave Bendis a seat on the MCU table
Now that the year is almost over, who should be nominated for Best Animated Feature at this Oscars come February?
With Dreamworks pumping out so many Netflix shows, when will this get a shot? It'd be amazing as a series
Sup Forums reactions
Justify this
Lego Batman Collectale Minifigures series 2
Do you miss it?
Sexiest voice thread
I can safely say Unikitty is the best show currently on CN
Why does everything need a live action reboot? This show isn’t even half way done yet!
ITT: Post stories and characters from comics you made as a kid
The Phoenix is coming, /co. How prepared are/would you be?
What was their problem?
How bad will it be?
I'm considering scanning the 2016 reprint of Super Mario Adventure, since the old scans are 1000px and crummy. However...
Yes please
Leave DC to me
Runaways new episode thread
When is the Question getting rebirthed?
Give me Superman
Who are the best comic artists? Post their works and explain why
Happy Anniversary
New Bravest Warriors
Remember when they were known as the bootleg Dreamworks in the 00s?
It's a hypnosis episode
Sup Forums RPG
Does anyone else have a problem relating to this show...
Run zod run!!!
Liberal or Conservative?
ITT Wasted characters
Nedroid thread
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Gwenpool is among the top 10 most sold books of the book for December!!!!
Yfw Black Cat is still a villain
ComiXology's Best-Selling Comics for the Week Starting December 20, 2017
The Tenkaichi Budokai is finally complete
Now that they are partially back what you guys think will happen? They will become Titans? Young Justice Rebirth...
Here's the Plan
What is better- Bad GirlxGood Guy or Bad GuyxGood Girl?
Sup Forums Christmas Cheer Thread #23
How f*cked is Arendelle after Elsa becomes the queen?
F off Inhumans
Cartoon features jesus
ITT: we post our favourite Sup Forumsmic character and others try to guess your personality
D23 Expo 2018 gonna have huge announcement isn't it?
Holy crap! They actually put Aya in Justice League Action
Frozen and my personal autism
Was this show too reliant on pop culture references?
Why is BMO so sexual?
How come Homer realized he got Grimes in trouble at work, tried to sincerely make it up to him by being his friend...
Child Prostitute
Seriously, DC?
Those devious rascals
Would you?
How was this comic?
What is some cyberpunk Sup Forums material I can read? No Marvel 2099 or Transmetropolitan pls
NINE NINE NINE and a half
Uhm....well that was...watchable. I liked the jokes and the parts with Wonder Woman
Black Panther
What is his mental disorder?
Spiderman 2018
Why is she literally the only good thing about these fucking movies?
I thought French cartoons were supposed to be good
”i wish incest porn had a more mainstream appeal”
What was the point of showing her past?
RWBY/RT General #1349: Mayrry Christmas Edition
So she killed all those people when she smashed her bracelets right?
Transformers General - New Info Edition
Now that the dust has settled, what do you think of Kino Ren now?
Find a flaw
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
ITT: Characters who would want to be your friend
Who was in the wrong here?
Stupid girl
In the spirit of Christmas here's a comic drawn just for you, Sup Forums
Give me some Sup Forums characters the SCP Foundation could never contain
What posesss a man to defend feminist whining and decry all forms of male sexuality and dignity...
Awful Hospital Thread
Wikihow Thread
With the future comes change
After being accused of sexual assault Max Landis will never write for DC again
Can we talk about how lazy this show is? There is a deus ex machina in EVERY EPISODE
Mfw I didn't notice the gold tooth on the guitar until later in the film
Storytime of Pain: U.S. War Machine 2.0
YTP Thread
Girl character has great personality, attractive design, and is really cute
Anyone know what this comic name is
And the moral is
Buys multiple properties to have disney prodcuts for boys
Well Grandpa Sup Forums, there's still time left. All you have to do is sign
2 more episodes left and a Mincraft special no one cares for
Misc. Internet Comics
Both have spiky, blonde hair
Steven and Lapis
Post some "small dude - big lady" fanart
Reading New Super-Man. Why can't Marvel be like this...
Cgi animation that aged like milk
Tails Gets Trolled Storytime
Watched this for the first time. Some parts were excellent but god damn was it overrated...
Is the comic book industry dying?
Spider-man thread
Who was in the wrong here?
Tfw TDI will be associated with Shadman
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Serenity Christmas storytime part 4
I'm worried about star, do you guys really think season 3b will be as much of a disappointment season 3a was?
Hey, hey, you, you....These two were the only good things about this movie
Come up with a plot for Hotel Transylvania 4, more idiotic than the previous three
Glorious Godfrey would have made a better villain than Steppenwolf
ITT: Feats of willpower
Hide all capeshit related threads
I'm interested in Warhammer 40k, but really don't want to get invested in the tabletop side of things...
Was he a hero Sup Forums?
Was this a good Christmas special?
Press F
So Sup Forums, what did santa give you for christmas? Get any Sup Forums related stuff?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...