I've heard people defend this by saying shit like "its a stylistic choice".
Why does Steven Universe get away with so many animation errors?
It doesn't. We noticed.
What is this? It doesn't look like TTG.
People like the show, so they'll defend it even if it has genuine flaws. It's not that complicated, user.
Storyboarding and model sheets are problematic anti-diversity tools of the cis white male patriarchy.
Same reason why faggots defended the Naruto anime. Because they like it and their opinion is more important than yours, even if it's factually shit.
what do you mean with 'get away with'? do you want to fine the authors or something?
when you're more focused on your show's progressive message than your are on anything else
the quality of your art will undoubtedly start to decline.
>implying Naruto is shit
What is this, 2008?
Whoever religiously love this show is downright autistic. The animation errors, writing inconsistencies, and horrid pacing just makes it obvious that Sugar is spineless when it comes to management of her own show and incompetent when it comes to choosing who works on her show.
Then again, these issues were rare in Season 1 and have blown up a few episodes in after Season 2. CN's abuse of the show's airing time may be the other leading factor on why the show isn't as good as it's supposed to be.
You'd better believe it.
You've earned a (You) for the dry chuckle that spoilered text elicited from me, sir.
That's not an animation error. You could call it being off-model. But you can't be off-model when you never had one.
You could put 5kg of Butter in a corner 2 meters below the ceiling and it would still have more artistic value than the changing sizes in Steven Universe.
I'm not really that big into cartoons I guess so the animation doesn't matter as much as the voice acting, dialogue, characters and plot honestly.
>Why does Steven Universe get away with
This is literally the only thing about the show that gets discussed anymore, fuck off already.
I hate Steven Universe as much as the next non-retarded Sup Forumsmmunist, but do we seriously need these threads? The animations sucks, the point has been made.
I'd say if you religiously love ANY show makes you autistic
Naruto, I'm on my way
Naruto, I'll be ok
different episodes, different storyboarding artists. People aren't "defending" height variation, just explaining.
Of course it's shit, but if it seriously bothers you, don't watch the show. That's all I can say.
likewise, people like you constantly harping the same complaints may have some form of autism, don't you think? Move on with your life, please.
There's no excuse for this inconsistency. They may try to play it off as giving the animators creativity but in reality, they're just being lazy.
It's a fist of the north star reference.
Is it just me or are the arms not even the same thickness
The gems are shapechangers and can do whatever they want. This is established in the first episodes.
She doesn't even have the same fucking skin color.
Yet the inconsistent sizes also happen to non-gem characters.
It's also established they can't hold a shape change for long.
>anyone who critiques my favorite show for obvious errors is autistic reeeeeeeeee
You move on with your life. You're so out of excuses for your favorite shitshow that you rely on ad-hominems like a sad baby.
The children that the show was designed for don't care
actually the default shape is set for good at rebirth, as explained in one other episore
As compared to what better shows?
>this shit excuse again
>doesn't effect the story being told in any way shape or form
>only autist seem to notice with case in point being this thread
>w.w.who care? Stop talking like dad OK!?
>changes to another image after he gets btfo.
The entire cast was effected by that design change for the second image you posted. No animation errors there
Gumball, Bojack Horseman, Star Vs., Bunnicula, that dumb horseshoe, Justice League Action, Danger Mouse, Disney's Mickey Mouse, We Bare Bears, and even Rick & Morty are more fun to watch and have a much better consistency than the dumpster fire that current Steven Universe is.
And, if we look at OK KO, it suffers from the exact same fate.
>"waaaaaaahhhh stop criticizing the show"
>ever calling that a "btfo" argument
Having your characters rapidly change in size and lineart quality in literally every scene is NOT a design change. You're seriously autistic if you think there are no animation errors in this show.
Personal Favorite error
>if nobody do their work there's no mistake!
Littererly every other show on tv other than ok ko is more on model.
Steven universe should just switch to fucking flash puppets.
I blame to Korean animators.
Instead of following the actual fucking model sheets, they just go with whatever the story boarders drew.
Or so I heard.
what progressive message?
SJWs....that is the reason!
>head is literally bigger than her fucking torso
How in the world anyone can defend this is beyond me. A cartoon like TTG would have the excuse that they're not meant to be serious like Steven Universe can be.
If I remember the black guy of the su team said that animation consistency was not important to them so yeah there's your answer.
>I blame to Korean animators.
racist is more convenient than accusing the people you follow on twitter after all. Despite them being the source of all shit discussed there.
It's the u.s crew that tells them to follow storyboard over model sheet.
I'm sure the koreans hate that they are forced to produce such a low quality product because the borders are so shit.
That was Ian, the guy who created OK KO. He's just using that as an excuse for his incompetency.
>they just go with whatever the story boarders drew
They don't.
Should steven universe switch to flash puppets?
Should it switch to cgi?
Oh wow they changed an angle slightly to save time.
haha wow some korean drew tiddies??
the absolute madman XD
also fuck you the storyboard picture looks much better
They should switch to ACTUAL puppets.
I'm a sucker for those.
It should switch to people who now how to do their job.
>bosses screaming at you to get the episode done even though everyone knows it isn’t going to air for months
>the studio just holds on to completed episodes anyway
>you have 5 other episodes of different shows to get to
>they’re all pretty consistently storyboarded and you just have the model sheets up for reference
>SU boards sitting on your desk
>the character you’re supposed to be drawing is five heads high but the storyboard has it at three
>whatever, the bosses are still going up and down the aisles reeing about deadlines
>you don’t have time to worry about this weird ass cartoon and the studio seems weirdly accepting of major fuckups on this particular show
>the creator once visited the building on a special trip
>stuttered and rubbed the back of her neck a lot while the translator thanked everyone for their hard work and told them to never lose their individuality with a weird look on his face
>just follow the storyboard. Maybe this character is a shapeshifter. You’ve had to draw that shit before. Whatever.
They're more interested in giving the boarders more freedom than sperging about ultimately unimportant details.
Damn straight.
>being this autistic over a character redesign for a majority of the main cast
You could give OK KO a pass tho because at least they are putting out some really fluid and dynamic animation.
>every other failed show not as popular SU is on model
>Fusion is just putting two puppets together and then having them fall to the floor offstage to be replaced by another puppet
>the big stuff uses oversized multi person puppets.
Pretty much this.
Because some fans are brain-damaged zealots
True. It's not really excusable but they at least have something to make up for it while steven universe is so up its own ass about muh pacifism it has a 10th of the fight scenes it should have.
Look at this shit. They need to get better.
And every other show as popular or more popular.
And probably making more money as well. I doubt people are buying su merch anymore.
A show can have terrible models and still be popular.
Will they ever stop keeping Steven as a stubby midget?
Here's Flapjack's storyboarders by comparison.
Top belong to Sugar, right? This is what cause the ire in my veins.
Sugar can draw and everything and her drawing have dynamic then the final animation yet with her mentality of "creative liberty" for her people working on the show (Koreans including) she simply loses grasps of her vision.
It's alright to have some freedom here and there yet you absolutely need to quit being lenient and lay down the fucking law on how to do your career. You'll have some co-workers hate you, yet it come with the burden and responsibility.
I need more examples. SU must be the worst popular cartoon for this.
>Top belong to Sugar, right?
No, it's Hilary Florido's..
Wasn't Ian who told Sugar it is alright to go off-model sometimes? This guy need to get his shit together too.
It's prolly excuseable for OK KO because it is outlandish and cartoonish moreso then Steven Universe yet even the most outlandish and cartoonish shows like Ren and Stimpy, the Mighty Bee, or even Mucha Lucha can stay on fucking model.
>Ren and Stimpy
No it didn't.
>Mighty Bee
Didn't see it.
>Mucha Lucha
Flash shows can't go off-model.
Really? She's one of the better artists on the show.
>Florido will never have her own animated cartoon based in a high school setting
It's unfair.
I don't get why this has become such a thing for faggots to complain about now.
We've noticed this shit since Season 2. Pic related is one of the older SU pics I have saved.
Still, this shit really doesn't bother me cause I don't think of SU as a cartoon with good animation. It's got some fluidity at times, but it's not meant to be something super structural.
>No it didn't
Don't insult the great John K., like that
>Didn't see it
It's one of the last great cartoons to aired.
How's it an insult? Pretty sure he's against staying on-model.
I saw some of it, but for a wacky cartoon, it felt rather bland.
He's a misunderstood genius alot of "fans" take quotes of his and misattribute them. Pretty sure he do mind on-model.
God, Connie used to look so great. Now she's a bobbleheaded gremlin and I hate it.
That one shot from season 2 doesn't represent her appearance onwards.
When cartoons go off model its usually related to the stuff like Ren and Stimpy where its appropriate since the show's batshit insane or Avatar whenever its trying to make a type of joke. The point is whenever off model stuff is used in these cartoons its intentional, whenever its on Steven Universe, its comes off as oversights or errors and as to why its a problem? Its glaring and ruins the enjoyment of the show, it breaks the immersion of watching it.
but ok ko is unwatchable garbage. It's literally not a finished product.
For you, maybe. Most people don't notice, or if they do, certainly not care enough to throw bitchfits about it like around here.
Weird, I've managed to watch the entire series painlessly. Maybe I just watch the series as it is without nitpicking every single frame.
Or, it's because you find anything acceptable as long as it has a variety of waifus, no matter how terrible its quality has become the longer it stayed.
Or, it's the fact that I don't give a shit about """""""waifus""""""" and just enjoy a show for simply being a show. It's not rocket science that I don't circlejerk like you faggots and say something is bad because X.
They're canonically shapechangers.
That's a throw away exscuse and you as well as everyone that says that knows it.
it's an acceptable explanation that makes little attempt to do away with the art inconsistency.
>In the field of psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental discomfort (psychological stress) experienced by a person who simultaneously holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values. The occurrence of cognitive dissonance is a consequence of a person performing an action that contradicts personal beliefs, ideals, and values; and also occurs when confronted with new information that contradicts said beliefs, ideals, and values.
>In A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance (1957), Leon Festinger proposed that human beings strive for internal psychological consistency in order to mentally function in the real world. A person who experiences internal inconsistency tends to become psychologically uncomfortable and is motivated to reduce the cognitive dissonance. This is done by changing parts of the cognition to justify the stressful behavior, by adding new parts to the cognition that causes the psychological dissonance, or by actively avoiding social situations and contradictory information that are likely to increase the magnitude of the cognitive dissonance.
Connie isn't.