Nathaniel Dusk: Private Investigator

Lovers Dies at Dusk

>Lovers Dies
Great way to start a thread


You story timing this or what hooker?


Of course



mcgregor and colan ain't bad

you saw kings tweet too huh


Actually Dusk had a cameo in the new issue of Doomsday Clock, and it reminded me of the ads I always saw for the series in some 80's DC comics.

Then I looked it up and found out it was Don McGregor and was like well imma read this now






i'm mad i missed a cameo bc i wanna feel smarter than johns












I like when writers put stuff like this













In Doomsday Clock it showed Dusk as being the star of black and white films, which made me expect this comic to be a kind of noir throwback.

But funny enough this is a pretty modernist take on the genre, and despite being set in the 30's and having noir trappings it's definitely beyond anything that would have been in film of that era
















>Mrs. Grant Morrison
Are they referencing Grant or is it just a coincidence

There needs to be more rare storytimes like this.

Unless McGregor was reading random stories from UK B&W comics anthologies, it's gotta be a coincidence.

Their frequency has certainly diminished over the past year or so, unfortunately
























I like this a lot. Feels like a definite precursor to Vertigo, and has a bit of a Sandman Mystery Theatre feel. But this seems more introspective.














