Actually Dusk had a cameo in the new issue of Doomsday Clock, and it reminded me of the ads I always saw for the series in some 80's DC comics.
Then I looked it up and found out it was Don McGregor and was like well imma read this now
Luke Rivera
James Moore
Gabriel Hall
Hunter Torres
Logan Adams
Aaron Martin
i'm mad i missed a cameo bc i wanna feel smarter than johns
Brayden Ward
Caleb Allen
Josiah Sanchez
Benjamin Sanchez
Asher Gonzalez
Kayden Cooper
Luis Butler
Tyler Wright
Carter Jenkins
Carter Phillips
Kevin Price
Eli Collins
I like when writers put stuff like this
Robert Anderson
Aaron Baker
Asher Edwards
Zachary Sullivan
Henry Wilson
Brody Cooper
Liam Stewart
Jeremiah Cooper
William Myers
Benjamin Parker
Noah Fisher
Hunter Carter
Eli King
In Doomsday Clock it showed Dusk as being the star of black and white films, which made me expect this comic to be a kind of noir throwback.
But funny enough this is a pretty modernist take on the genre, and despite being set in the 30's and having noir trappings it's definitely beyond anything that would have been in film of that era
Michael Richardson
Juan Russell
Leo Wilson
Andrew Garcia
Ayden Robinson
Luke Diaz
Aaron Phillips
Bentley Taylor
Jonathan King
Cameron Gonzalez
Robert Russell
Carson Jackson
Jace Ward
Connor Morris
Blake Smith
Aiden Roberts
>Mrs. Grant Morrison Are they referencing Grant or is it just a coincidence
Christian Murphy
There needs to be more rare storytimes like this.
Angel Hughes
Unless McGregor was reading random stories from UK B&W comics anthologies, it's gotta be a coincidence.
Brayden Bennett
Their frequency has certainly diminished over the past year or so, unfortunately
John Reed
Hunter Allen
Liam Anderson
Nathaniel Peterson
Jeremiah Gonzalez
Jonathan Gutierrez
Leo Scott
Ian Cook
Xavier Bennett
Leo Nguyen
Jaxson Ross
Adrian Diaz
Brandon Hernandez
Cameron Barnes
Asher Martin
Isaac Johnson
Nolan Baker
Wyatt Green
Jason Mitchell
Benjamin Russell
Lincoln Wright
Julian Gomez
Ian Thompson
Bentley Lewis
I like this a lot. Feels like a definite precursor to Vertigo, and has a bit of a Sandman Mystery Theatre feel. But this seems more introspective.