The Flash #37 Storytime

A Cold Day in Hell part two!




























fuck yeah

Would you mind doing the previous issue as well?

So their anti-Flash plan was to flee in trucks?
Seems legit.
Of course, they had Darkseid striding away into boom tubes faster than Diana could react, and she fights The Cheetah.

Cold is back to being the Reed Richards of cryogenics again?

Having a speedster on The Rogues seems kind of lame

I have never seen Snart with a goatee before this story. Not sure how I feel about it.

Is Cold gonna prison love Barry's boipussi

When did Cold stop being a hero? I thought he joined the Justice League.

art aside this has stayed relatively interesting. thanks for the story time OP


He kind of just disappeared during Darkseid War, and his scheme to rob Lexcorp went nowhere. Thanks, Johns


Not with this art, he's not