Sup Forums worlds

I hear so many people claim that they would enjoy going to a fictional universe
but theres always one question that lingers with me
would that be ethically right?
to just swoop on in to a Sup Forums world and change the fate of the characters?
that would be kind of like malicious time travel except you are changing the fate of an entire WORLD
not just fixing one wrong thing
you are a guest in there land and yet you feel the need to meddle in there own affairs that you know they can handle themselves

kind of like an asshole version of sora

your not there to clean up a major threat so the world can continue on its natural order

your there to disturb the status quo because you think that it would be fun to mess around

in other words, Donald said it best

>ethically right
How about no

Someone needs to record this in Donald Duck's voice

Ever notice how well-spoken and eloquent Donald is when written in comics, but his animated self is a garbling, short-tempered mess?

I dunno man. Sometimes creators can go crazy and...
Okay you know what?

TL;DR Homestuck.

Also, if the Sup Forums world in question is unfinished than I would consider that the point of free reign (doesnt matter if you interfere anymore)
Did you find the gate to other worlds, to?

KH Donald is to normal Donald as Tails gets Trolled Wiley Coyote is to his normal.

so you think that changing someones entire reality and world is okay?

how would you feel if I went back in time and changed your fate for the worst
then once i was done fucking your life up i came back in time right in front of you and told you right ot your face that your life could have been better if i hadnt fucked it up

youd be pretty pissed wouldnt you?i kind of dont know that range
its best to just let the inhabitants of said world do there own thing
you can look around, sure
just dont fuck with any happening events.

Ethics are for faggots. My Principles >>>>> everyone else’s.

Fictional characters and universes are whatever the creator wants them to be, and as long as the source is official, it's canon and "it happened". Fanfic rarely is, so whatever happens to those characters in any scenario a fan imagines is exclusively their own head-canon. The ethics of that is up to trademarks and IP laws.

I find your ideology novel, good sir, and would like to make a franchise based on you. Should I front you a million or so, or would you prefer to be paid directly in hookers and blow?

>kind of like an asshole version of sora
So basically Xehanort?

Excellent, I can rule the Gem Homeworld with an iron fist after stopping by some other worlds.

How weird would it be to just drop into another body? You retain all of your thoughts and memories, but everyone around you knows you as someone else.

You change the real world in general just by living in it so it's not so different

Is this actual manga dialogue?

You'll be hard-pressed to find a long-running series that doesn't explore exactly that in some way or another.

It depends on the fictional universe and how it would be affected by a random human popping up and trying to fuck with things.

>so you think that changing someones entire reality and world is okay?
Yes. Do you think change is inherently wrong?
>how would you feel if I went back in time and changed your fate for the worst
Donald doesn't talk about time traveling, he talks about world traveling. Your example is retarded, just like your logic. Why do you suppose affecting something is wrong by itself? You're just afraid, secure in your little box. That's okay and everything but don't tell me it's ethically wrong because that's just you protecting your status quo with mental spooks.

Way to jump to conclusions, user. Calm down and have some ether would ya?

No. Just a shitty fan translation.

>implying any of us have the ability and power to shape the destiny of ANY world on any significant level, let alone another's

I need no fucking ether I need you to understand that you're WROOOOOOOOOOONG

You could write a fanfic about some popular property, then maybe some lonely housewife or permavirgin will find it worth a fap or two.

That's one way to make an impact.

You don't seem to understand. Everyone, everywhere, is connected, wheter you like it or not.

Okay, jeez, if you want some I'll be over here.

That other user probably left already btw


Huh, I always assumed in the second panel Mickey had Donald by the lapels.

Don't be a fag Donald

>Proceeds to gather powers from various worlds to do wacky shit

In actuality I always believed that ends can justify the means but you need to be careful or else you could become just as bad as what you fight

Like say I wanted to go to the star vs universe and stop toffee from killing moons mom all good right? Then I decide that hey let's make monster equality happen I try to get mewmans and minsters together eventually a war breaks out and I sooner or later will be so desperate I become just as bad or worse than toffee

Me too. Except it has Donald who was pulling Mickey's shirt or something.
This kind of ruins ir for me.

But are their not times of complete uncertainty? If you change history then now you have no idea what will come next or how it will effect things for that world anymore.

For example, lets say you dropped into the Archie Sonic world and decided that it'd probably be best to just straight up axe murder someone like say, Eggman while he's still a baby in the crib. What happens after that? You don't know and risk the possibility of some greater evil fucking shit up later down the line like Enerjack.

>would that be ethically right?
>to just swoop on in to a Sup Forums world and change the fate of the characters?
Fuck do they care? They're already at the whim of writers orchestrating their lives for the entertainment of a fickle audience.

If anything I'd be their only real friend, everyone and everything else is designed.

user, I just wamt to fly spaceships. I don't need an ethical debate about that.