Would this effect Deadpool?!

I don't even know if this is real or not but, if a dumb bitch actually does get people to sign this. Would Dickey be stupid enough to do it?

We already know there won't be any more R films, but shit like this will make it official.

Other urls found in this thread:


This is before Deadpool even came out. It came out rated R and Wolverine followed. They both made bank, so now R ratings are going to be a staple in comic movies.

They don't give a fuck about petitions. They would only care if it was losing them money.

Well, whatever they do, they can't be stupider than this retarded bait. So there is that.

And his mum does look like a whore.

God, let this be real. Best thing I've read in ages.

Both of you look retarded hoping a 2 year old screenshot comes true after the movie already came out

Disney already bought Fox. Deadpool 2 is gonna be safe, kid-friendly and full of quips regardless.

Absolutely not, you think these petitions ever do anything? You think they're going to release the Snyder cut of JL or remove EVIII from canon? Absolutely no fucking way

Online petitions aren't worth shit. Ben Affleck wasn't fired form being Batman in BvS, Justice League didn't get an additional hour of runtime, and Elsa isn't going to get a girlfriend in Frozen 2.

Dont underestimated the MCU casual fags and pc police.

Deadpool was more successful than most MCU films, do you think they're going to change any of that, the only thing that has any real pull in Hollywood in terms of "getting things done" is if someone says they got touched, and now that Disney have Deadpool that's not happening

She's a fucking retard. The R rating simply means that anyone under 17 has to have an accompanying parent or adult guardian. She could take him in to see it all day long.

She'd be a shittier parent than she already is, but she could have done it.

I'd say a Snyder cut will be released... whenever WB fucks up a movie, expect a regular cut, followed by a director's cut in six months, an ultimate cut in another 6 months, and then they'll drop a Snyder cut 6 months later, and finally a Snyder cut with a score by Junkie XL.

Within 2 years, they'll all be out there. In 2 years and 1 month, you'll be able to find them all in the $5 bin at your local Wal-Mart and Best Buy.

No. Also CEO of Disney has already said that future deadpool movies would still be rated R.


The sky's not falling chicken little.

>We already know there won't be any more R films
No we dont

With those other movies WB already made money and it was just extra money for them, JL isn't going to break even and theyre certainly not going to spend another dozens of millions to finish Snyder's cut when that would probably only break even for them too

b-b-b-but the snyder cut is coming out any day now!!!!!!!

>Deadpool was more successful than most MCU films

And that is the reason they will take him down. He's a threat to the MCU copy paste.

>A threat
>Under the same roof
It's not a threat when you own both

God, I'm not looking forward to Deadpool being everywhere in the MCU.


I wouldn't mind if a home release of a R rated film had a PG-13 version. I think it has been done, guess you'll have to wait for it on FX or some shit.

Honestly, the Snyder cut seems plausible. I mean, fuck, just glancing at how fucking godawful his previous movies tended to be I don't understand the interest, but there IS interest.

And a good chunk of the folks signing the EVIII seem to be up-front in saying that they just want to be as public as possible in expressing hatred for Rian Johnson.

Sometimes even if they're not likely to work for their intended purpose, petitions at least work like a canary in a mineshaft.

>We already know there won't be any more R films

Wait, what?

>With those other movies WB already made money and it was just extra money for them, JL isn't going to break even and theyre certainly not going to spend another dozens of millions to finish Snyder's cut when that would probably only break even for them too

The production costs should be minimal. Supposedly, the Snyder cut was deemed unwatchable by the studio, meaning there was some sort of cut... if it already exists, there's almost no reason for them not to release it - it's not like it could hurt the brand anymore than it has already been hurt. Batman V Superman brought in an extra $73MM from video sales in 2016. WB didn't release MoS, BvS, or SS and their director's cuts/ultimate editions on DVD and Blu-Ray out of the kindness of their hearts, they make money off of that shit. How many different DVD/Blu-Ray editions of Batman v Superman have there been? The Ultimate edition, limited edition, theatrical release, collector's edition with a Superman statue, collector's edition with a Batman statue, not to mention you can buy or rent it digitally... they're doing that because it rakes in extra money. Don't worry... it probably won't be pretty, and the special effects will suck even more, but I promise we'll get a Zack Snyder cut. Hell, they'll probably do a Joss Whedon cut with even more Snyder scenes removed.

Apply this thought to any online petition

Did someone ask for an unnecessary rating change?

Don't listen to him, user. With the money Deadpool and Logan made, as well as their general popularity unwashed, R-rated superhero films will have their place. I doubt we'll get another Logan type film for a while, but I'm confident any stand alone films involving Deadpool & Co will be R-rated.

Rated-R Deadpool made more money than PG-13 Justice League, just barely edging out rated-R Logan. And I'm assuming it cost more than both, possibly combined to make.