How the fuck did we get such a massive gap of quality at Marvel of late...

How the fuck did we get such a massive gap of quality at Marvel of late? Why is it that every really shitty character gets massive appeal yet every legitimately good idea is tossed aside?

Don't be mad cuz your waifu is dead

Because Bendis gotta have his black teenage character to fulfill his teenage black fetish.

cause marvel always tries pandering to popular opinions, and today the popular opinions are tumblrinas, sjws, and extreme politically correct content.

But we already had a marvel comic about saving immigrants and brutally murdering 95 year old Nazis (that recent Silver Sable special).

Or how Ms. Marvel insulted the Avengers that had a black guy, a woman with cancer, a robot because she didn't like the fact that Avengers didn't stick around to clean up the mess after the fight. Nevermind the Avengers are sponsored by the government and had people for that.

Well the last two EiC have been more focused on movies and brows Tumblr, the new one likes comics and probably lurks on Sup Forums

>probably lurks on Sup Forums

Everyone wants to be the next Stan Lee and to create their own OC Donut Steel so they can appear in movies 50 years from now and get residuals for the rest of their lives. No one wants to do the same old characters made by old men in the 1940's

Isnt that basically the opening of Homecoming?

Oh and CA civil war,

There is no question that he lurks on Sup Forums, but he just might lurk Sup Forums as well like Slott and Joey Q do

Will it be weird for miles to have feelings for a female version of peter parker?

Why? So everyone can draw sexual images of your children. Pornography isn't a game Frank Cho!

I really liked this character but she kinda dropped off after she ditched that costume and became Black Widow(?). What ever happened to her? Last thing I recall was Ultimate universe blowing up and she apparently wasn't popular enough to survive it.

she was shown in one panel during Web Warriors' last issue so she survived or something

She should had succeeded Peter and officially became Spider-man. Screw Bendis and his bs. Would had been more interesting than Miles, who is just black Peter.

Wasn't Web Warriors last issue them heading back towards their respectful universe prior to it dying. Ultimate universe is still dead according to Ultimate Reed.

>No one wants to do the same old characters made by old men in the 1940s

Well you fuck off too.

That seems a bit against what she was about, but she could've atleast done more to be her own woman rather than Nick Fury's 2nd to 2nd Last Bottom Bitch and flip flopping on the Miles issue. And worse yet, she was always absent whenever anything she would've had an interesting perspective on happened.

Web Warriors is post Secret Wars

Also, it seems 1610 comes back in tomorrow's Spider-Men II #5

>today the popular opinions are

wouldnt the popular opinions be focusing on the classic characters, because that's who shows up in the movies?

>tfw no Ultimate Spider-Woman movie which might actually be good but also get insane PC points for being about a transperson sort of

Because they care more about money than creating memorable stories and characters

They should try not sucking then.

Last Marvel comic characters who were good and remained memorable have been Venom and Deadpool respectably, made in the 80s....and early 90s.

Most OCs these days are either shitty and not cool at all, or they're literally just race or gender bent versions of pre existing heroes made to pander like Miles, Gwenpool, Laura, etc

Stop using logic user, we are hating sjw!

You just have shit taste is all. You're the only one though